Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial Genocide!

Re. "The Fundamental Dividing Point" of October 18

To the United Nations

This is to introduce the notion and report the case of "Financial Genocide"! The term derives from extending the meaning of "UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" (CPPCG) , "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UDHR) , and my political research on the case of unprecedented attempts of killing me by the Barclays bank under silent approve of EU's and Swiss authorities.

The UN documents referred above are ratified by 140 countries, but have two principal drawbacks: (1) the lack of effective enforcement mechanisms, especially for prevention of corresponding critical events, and (2) avoidance to analyze roots for the reasons of creation such events. My first conclusion is these two drawbacks are interconnected!
Financial crisis in Greece, September 16, 2011

For example, initiatives on CPPCG mention "current no-go situation where institutions, such as the UN Security Council, are incapable of offering any kind of enforcement of the Convention thereby preventing the crime being committed", and that "definition of Genocide in the Convention has remained relatively narrow" (

My key assumption is, the main reason for all wars is money! And especially its shortage.

All financial crises are about diminishing amount of money in circulation. The less money, the more severe crisis is. As simple as that!

The problem is, when money disappears completely, all financial laws STOP to exist!

On October 3, I mentioned to the Swiss SEM:

"All laws work within a certain range only:

- Legal laws are not applicable in extreme situations, beyond normal conditions.

- Physical laws do not work under extremely high or extremely low temperatures.

- Mathematical law stop working on approaching the end of allowed range, in particular, INFINITY and ZERO!!!"

In my case, the Barclays bank created for me the situation when for one and a half years I appeared


"In the world created for existence with money only, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to LIVE without money, without any legal source of income, and ... without breaking the law!"

Despite Article 25 of "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UDHR) states:

"(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care ..."

Corresponding UN's resolutions should consider definition of Financial Genocide as risks for life caused by the state of reaching or critical approaching the point of having ZERO money (among other things, directly contradicting both the right for minimal conditions for life stated in Article 25 of the UDHR, and the right for life in general stated in UN's "Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms".

The Barclays' CEOs have placed me in that IMPOSSIBLE for existence position, where I could DIE OF HUNGER AND COLD AT ANY MOMENT!

That was a


Since 2017,



Under certain circumstances some legitimate moves,

including Barclays' NON-ACTION,

can appear beyond the law!




On approaching the impossible for existence $ZERO level, CEOs of the Barclays bank turned their financial problems into the question of my LIFE and DEATH! That clearly pushed my case beyond jurisdiction of any financial legislation, used in "normal" standard situations, and made it exceptional.
Since that point all the laws designed for regulating of what we call "a fair financial competition" became inapplicable and legally void. The Barclays bank was properly informed about consequences of their action and/or fraudulent non-action in advance during many years. The fact of its ultimately intentional forcing me to die of hunger, thirst, and cold is not a competition, neither fair, nor financial. Rather, this is an attempt of KILLING me for my clearly political decision of refusing to break the Law, which appeared to be ideologically opposite to used by banks practice, as well as due avoidance of the bankers to pay their debt to me during unprecedented for banking industry period of almost twenty years.

only God may decide who will live and who will die. 
And bankers are not Gods!

Nevertheless, banks use the absence of money (they create) as deadly WEAPON that KILLS(!) people! And every global financial crisis is the fact of attempts of Financial Genocide in the global scale! In the interests of international community, The United Nation should address these kind of crimes properly. Including details of my own life case I emailed to the UN previously.

My life story can be used as a shocking precedent for evidence of existence of the Financial Genocide. I personally was forced to live at the edge of life and death for at least one and a half years WITHOUT ANY MONEY AT ALL (see some details in my article "World Without Money")! 

I went through all stages of Financial Genocide.
The CEOs of the second biggest British bank created for me a situation when I was doomed to die physically from HUNGER, THIRST, and COLD!

It's just a Miracle I am still alive! I thank God, the exceptional for my 54 physical form, special training to withstand severe cold, education, and my spirit and will to resist. Most people in my situation would be DEAD! 
I may testify officially there was a constant attempt of my killing! 
And Swiss authorities continue that killing right now!

Instead, the UN is devoted to managing consequences of critical lacks of money in the poorest regions, but is not interested in analyzing why those regions became so poor. Because the funding for both the UN and the regions comes from the same source?

Meanwhile, Swiss authorities have became a part THIS Financial Genocide!

Despite "Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms"
( that came into force for Switzerland on 28 November 1974:
Art. 2 Right to life
(1) The right of every person to life is protected by law. No one should be intentionally killed except by the execution of a death sentence issued by a court for a crime for which the death penalty is provided for by law

and Article 25 of "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UDHR):

"Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein."

The first thing they did was SEPARATING political and financial parts of my holistic life story. Then they kept breaking the whole picture into unrelated "info-atoms" again and again, till achieving the result they wanted to achieve.

Then for just two months they actually DESTROYED MY LAST PROPERTY I managed to keep safe, by Miracle, having ZERO money, for several previous years:

That was my price I paid for opportunity to contact Swiss authorities?!!

Now Federal Court continues that Financial Genocide:

The first page of its first official reply to me contains its bill for the court service that should be free for asylum seekers. The Swiss Federal Court is aware I came to Switzerland with a ZERO money, after IMPOSSIBLE existence WITHOUT MONEY for one and a half years. And it demands from me to PAY $750 URGENTLY, otherwise it will not continue with my case:

Despite "Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms":
Art. 6 Right to a fair trial
c)  to defend oneself, to be defended by a defender of your choice, or, if you lack the means of payment, to obtain the assistance of a defense counsel, free of charge, if this is necessary in the interests of the administration of justice;
e) To receive free assistance from an interpreter if she does not understand or speak the court's language of negotiation.

If it's not a Financial Genocide, what else it is?

I have all reasons to believe banks will use similar attempts of Financial Genocide in the future, and in much BIGGER SCALE!

See another real(!) example of Financial Genocide here:

India – Crime of the Century – Financial Genocide

"A Financial genocide, if there was ever one. Death by demonetization, probably killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, through famine, disease, even desperation and suicide – because most of India’s money was declared invalid."

"All fits into the Big Scheme of things: Reducing the world population, so less resources are needed to maintain 7.4 billion people – and growing – many of them finite resources that can be used by a small elite, supported by a few million slaves."

"The final goal is speedy global demonetization. India is a test case – a huge one, covering 1.3 billion people. If it works in India, it works throughout the developing world. That’s the evil thought behind it. “Tests” are already running in Europe..

Moreover, and that includes Switzerland:

"The whole world's banking industry is going to be the next victim in a similar ZERO money state! And exceptional cases require really exceptional solutions."

I propose to the UN and other public organizations in Switzerland and worldwide to take URGENT actions towards official authorizing a proper definition of Financial Genocide with corresponding legislative acts, and consider my life story its first study case.

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