Monday, September 10, 2018

To PRESS Re. Bgate!!!

I have a sensational news. In fact, I myself, personally, appeared The Main News Of The Century, despite of never having that intention!
My life story consists of many UNPECEDENTED FACTS:

1. My bank, the second biggest bank of the United Kingdom, with huge number of international branches around the world, does not return me my money during last 18 YEARS!!! And is not going to EVER in the Future (that is STEALING under any definition).

2. It's not because of a recent banking campaign against money laundering (origin of money at my banking accounts is 100% legitimate, - award of the British Government for my winning its open international contest). It's much worse: The official reason of the bank of not returning me my money during at least first 16 years was my refusal to break the law!!! It was a kind of unprecedented punishing me for my official statements that I Never In My Life Broke The Law, and not going to.

3. Due to some exceptional circumstances I managed to increase the SUM OF THEIR DEBT TO *INFINITY*!!!
So today they simply unable to pay it in full.
But that does not mean they simply will not pay anything: Unless any kind of a fair Settlement is implemented IMMEDIAYELY, the debt should be paid through small tranches actually FOREVER!

4. Today those banks boast with their charity donations, while without paying their debt to me, those donations are nothing more than just SPENDING MY (NOT THEIRS) money! And taking into account unprecedentedly BIG SUM of their debt, - to the degree that allows me to be considered its de-facto owner! , - they prevent me to implement my wish to spend most of that UNLIMITED amount to CHARITY! For example, through my TrillionForCharity Fund! They prevent me to become the biggest ever CHARITY DONOR IN THE WORLD!

5. That's why today they evidently try to K*LL me with using all their power and practicing all available ways of direct(*) and undirect k*lling to avoid paying their debts!!!

Considering the biggest ever (INFINITE) SUM of the debt due for the biggest system banks, by doing what these banks are doing in my case, they actually K*LlL BANKING INDUSTRY, CAPITALISM, AND MONEY IN GENERAL, all of which are based on a need to return debts:


* - I am not going to speak about specific criminal actions because every such statement requires a long investigation. However, there are many kinds of k*lling, including financial ones, that bring the SAME RESULT! I have a proof that at least the later occurs right NOW! And today that is main focus of my appeal to the press.

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