Monday, July 20, 2020

Three Days ToThe END?!!

There are three days till the final demand of Mini-Storage to me.
There is NO CHOICE! 
The UN, attention!!! Swiss/Barclays CEOs destroyed for me the universal humanitarian right for a choice: They intentionally created for me a situation, when I am forced to do what they want from me to do. In three days I am going to fail paying the money I need to pay for restoring situation with my closed stuff. It is simply impossible for me to find a corresponding legitimate job in my native country to (a) pay the fees for the last months ($500+ for the moment), and (b) pay for renting another place of storage after the Mini-Storage company throw my stuff away just IN THREE DAYS!!!
As I explained early, the main reason for my current troubles is absense of my permanent place of living (destroyed by Barclays CEOs in 2017), required by law of my country for practically any official job, hotel, and even hostel. It may sound wierd in developed countries, but the cheapest opportunity for leaving the street is legally closed for me! Swiss/Barclays authorities know that (at least from hundreds of my messages I've sent to them during last 8 months, in addition to active correspondence with Barclays CEOs since 2015), but are reluctant to move a finger to change the fatal situation they created for me. It's evident their logic is heavily affected by opinion of their lawyers, whom they hired to have a formal excuses for any unethical decision the CEOs take. It may be the lawyers ultimately provided them with what they were expected to provide in return for quite decent European salaries unheard in the poorest countries like mine. But the issue is the corresponding choice (and responsibility) in my case was exclusively CEOs:
There has been two options for resolving this case (return or not return me my money), - both of which were legitimate! But CEOs chosen the one that they knew would be disastreous for me, their customer! The only conclusion I can make after 20(!) YEARS of their persistent implementation of the fatal chain of consequences I warned them about from the beginning, is: The CEOs WANTED to take that option, - and they took it. As simple as that! Any reference to the law is unapplicable here! They had two legitimate options, price of implementing which for Barclays bank was the same. But they chosen the worst for me, knowing for sure it would be catastrophy for me, destroying my right for a choice along the way! Is it yet another demonstration of the fraudulent "zero-sum" game, typical for every financial crisis? Anyway, as I revealed early, "crisis is a stealing outstretched in the time". In my case, Barclays CEOs keep stealing positive opportunities for me during unpecedented period of 20 years!
Now they coldly watch from a distance how I am desperately trying to survive, - PHYSICALLY!, - fraudulently pretending they have nothing to do with my story, - while MY LIFE CAN END AT ANY MOMENT! Precisely because of such CEOs' behavior!
Today they coldly count the days until the Mini-Storage deadline become expired.
And that's
This is what I call
of Barclays CEOs!
In addition, Swiss authorities forbade for me access to Europen countries that supposingly have a better legislative environment, with jobs of better conditions and salaries.
And this is what undermines the law! Because of making SADISM, STEALING, AND KILLING formally legitimate actions! This is the END OF THE LAW!!!
The Barclays took from me
including all legitimate possibilities for income.
And that means
Currently I have

And my story is not just my private financial conflict with Barclays bank, as CEOs try to present it to the public. In the worst case, they expect just to return my original savings, which is a relatively low amount (especially in comparison with their $million's salaries), and that will be it. However, the situation has went beyond that many years ago. My case appeared a long transition from initial Barclays' arrogancy and robbery, to their attempts of killing their biggest creditor, cancelling banking usury by the biggest financial players, risk of triggering global financial crisis, shifting derivative INFINITE Debt to the world's financial elite, cancelling humanitarian rights for choice and freedom of money flows, and ultimately - CANCELLING THE LAW OF THE WORLD?!!
But this is just a mini-illustration
of what next financial crisis
is going to do
with most people
of the world very soon!


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