Monday, May 20, 2019

My Bill for Rothschilds #2

See beginning at "Bill For Rothschilds #2.

I've been staying in Croatia, EU during last 90 days, - the maximal allowed period according to EU's visa regulation with my passport. However, I don't  have money to leave the country, - because of Rothschilds' Barclays bank I exist WITHOHT MONEY AT ALL during last several years. The Barclays/BOE's CEOs are perfectly aware of that fact for years as well.

So, how they think is possible to leave the country with no money for any transport?

Because of the Barclays, I came to Europe for demanding my money from its international branches (I couldn't obtain British visa, - mostly because of the Barclays bank too). I came there absolutely legally, and expected from the Barclays bank satisfying my absolutelely lawful demands for obtaining my own money within reasonable terms it widely advertizes. But that hasn't happened: They keel delaying the process of returning my money during unprecedented 19 YEARS. And that period includes the time of my recent staying in EU. Thus, since at least 2017, Rothschilds' Barclays CEOs had already created situations in which I was set to break the law many times. Today they are doing it again!

Rothschilds' CEOs, - including Nigel Higgings, Dpt. Chairman of Rothschilds and Co., a new Barclays' Chairman, -  have been properly informed about my case since at least last year. They could and should predict that their non-paying of the debt (created by their Barclays bank with further SHIFTING it to  Rothschilds) would inevitable FORCE ME TO BREAK THE LAW!

So, for what precise amount my today's Bill to Rothschilds #2 should be?

For now, I leave the answer for Rothschilds, allowing them to choose the value! They have, however, keep in mind that that is a
price for their 
forcing me to 
break the law!!!

What is more, that is a price for their forcing me to KEEP BREAKING THE LAW CONSTANTLY, - EVERY SINGLE SECOND!!! In addition, that inevitably trigger  breaking other laws, e.g., a need to do some illegal job (just to stay ALIVE, but my current passport prohibits me to do any job in Europe legally) , lie police on the matter, etc. The list can appear shockingly long ...

So, what price Rothschilds will set for my "open" bill?!! I will let you know. Especially if they keep making themselves a fool and "forget" to answer me on the matter, as usual. In that case I will be forced to increase the price of my bill to MAXIMUM!!!
As simple as that!
Together with issuing other bills for Rothschilds for purchasing my new place of living, - instead the one that was destroyed by their Barclays bank  two years ago.

Thus, the time plays not in your favor, Rothschilds!

UPDATE of May 22, 2019:
Ultimately, I've managed 
to leave Croatia!!!
Today I am in Italy!!!

But that
My Bill To Rothschilds
 #2 mentioned above!
It is still DUE
because of the following:

Fact number one:
Avoidence of corresponding CEOs to help me in removing a legitimate deadlock they created, has
I will not discuss here which exactly rules and to what degree were broken, or still remain to be potentially broken. Nevertheless, I've done yet another miracle and managed to clear all legitimate problems for the moment. And I was forced to do that WITHOUT HELP FROM Rothschilds' side!
The main miracle of leaving the country happened only because of a certain person, who unlike Rothchilds' Barclays CEOs, with their millions salaries and bonuses, at that time was extremely limited in his financial spenditures. Nevertheless, he did that, rather then the CEOs!

Fact number two:
My leaving Croatia has not eliminated the main crime of Rothschilds' Barclays CEOs, - their avoidence to pay their debts to me, and their attempts to K*LL me!
Today I've just appeared in another point of the world, but the main problems remain unsolved:

1) My last property is still under DESTROYING!
2) My money and my Future are still STOLEN!
3) My LIFE is still UNDER DANGER!!!

Please HELP ME
to stop these



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