This is a Bill for the actual JOB of communicating with Rothschilds' Barclays bank I am forced by correspinding CEOs to do for free. Well, while it's generally assumed this kind of activity cannot be monetized, my case appeared exceptional even in this sense: it's reslly hard to imagine a company intentionally worses quality of its users' support service and artificially slows it down to the ridicules term of several DECADES and up to INFINITY! I simply had to take this unprecedented move after patient waiting of the whole 15 YEARS!!!
After which I first applied to the Barclays bank with the following letter:
Date: January 22, 2016
To: Barclays Chairman John McFarlane,
and ALL Barclays CEOs
Mr McFarlane,
Despite my Christmas Letter (attached), you have dragged your old problems to a new year. So today, for the first time, I'm officially presenting to you
Bill for my job of communicating
with the Barclays during last
15 years:
b) Actual job of contacting the Barclays.
Including bonuses for working in foreign language, - English. (Have you ever tried to speak in my native language? No? How much do you need to agree using it for your work?)
And if you intend to steal my salary for this hard full time job, just tell to all the Barclays' clients openly:
"In order to get your money back you may be required to do a HARD but UNPAID JOB for communicating with our staff. You will need to become a writer, typist, editor, lawyer, psychologist, project manager, moviemaker, webmaster, and possibly hacker.
Till we mention your existence, you will need to send us thousands emails, and create a supporting video serial that explains us details of your letters in alternative manner. Forget about deadlines for our support: It can take hours, months and years of your life. But don't expect we are going to remunerate your titanic efforts. It's your own fault you choosed to do a business with the Barclays."
c) Juridical support.
d) Social warranty (medical insurance, bonuses, facilities, paid vacation, etc.)
Tension of working without social warranties. Is the Barclays practicing an illegal job?
It's a hard labor, - to deal with Barclays!
Are you EXPLOITING your clients by treating them as your slaves? Underground employment?
e) Psychological warranty: Related pressure of uncertainty of any kind (nobody guarantees you anything; it's a kind of living a "free fall" without parachute).
Have you ever lived without ANY insurance? I have. ..
You might claim I have no written job contract with Barclays? That's not your advantage, - that is an additional reason to increase my price (Will you work without contract? Are you agree to work for FREE?)
f) Risk Management, etc.
g) For changing a profession:
Barclays forces me to change my profession to a full-time job of fighting with itself. I simply do not have time for both.
As a software developer I used to created the most complicated JavaScript program in the world. Then the simplest HTML code (it was even more complicated task). Etc. .... Why I need to change what I love to do to what Barclays forces me to do? How much YOU want to be paid to change YOUR profession?
How many millions was offered to ex-CEO Jenkins to leave the Barclays? Hint: "Fired Barclays CEO Antony Jenkins 'to walk away with £28million'
How much do you intend to offer me?
How much McFarlane needs to be paid for agreeing to change his position with income counted in MILLIONs to position of a writer for correspondence with Barclays for couple hundred pounds per month?
h) For changing my LIFE:
I cannot evaluate a life. I think it's impossible. Do you?But I want to change it, - REVERSE the destiny set for me vilently by Barclays bank. Lets talk about price for the changing. It's extremely high!
How much do YOU evaluate changing YOUR life?!!
Can you tell the digit? If no, how you can claim my digits are not correct? I believe they are. All you can say in return is you believe it's not. My Belief vs. Your Belif. "Financial faith". Unless you consider yourself higher than other people (Do you? If yes, just tell it now to your shareholders, it would be quite different story;
If no, the matter is closed) ...
f) For Complexity:
I needed to create a special DOCUMENTARY VIDEO to illustrate my point about Barclays ARTIFICIAL COMPLEXITY FOR ITS CLIENTS MORE CLEARLY:
By the way,
For how much do you evaluate my efforts for writing to you THIS email?
I never before asked you such questions, but it appeared you do not understand ....
Count number of words in THIS letter and compare it with short 2 paragraphs of reply from your high paid team. Do you still think my letters are too expensive? Maybe. But it's a result of your own choice.
The Barclays' system of business and rules is extremely complicated. Consequently, I cannot communicate with you in a short and cheap way. The Barclays CEOs pretend they do not understand simple things.
Here is the shortest version of all my letters to Barclays bank:
(a) Please, give me my money, and
(b) make a settlement.
Have you got it, CEOs?
Even considering the first 12 years the (b) wasn't included: All I wanted was to get access to my account. And even my first mentioning a settlement meant a non-monetary demand for a formal apology from the Barclays. That is, the whole story could be ended if the Barclays' staff found couple minutes to call me by phone and simply say "Sorry"... But it didn't.
Now the matter becomes more and more complicated. To resolve the conflict properly, the Barclays needs to apply additional resources to manage the increased complexity. It needs to hire "complexity specialists", pay them for dealing with complexity created by other paid Barclays' specialists (otherwise there would be no need for the former).
Contacting your CEO(s) will be required only if the Barclays start worsening and complicating the matter with its own allegations, false claims, and ... silence.
I would like to propose to save money of your shareholders in the following way:
Text of any Settlement should be short and easy for understanding. Ideally at ONE page only! No ambiguous complexity!
Mr McFarlane,
I want to "retire" from this job. Do you?
I want to respect the Barclays. Do you?
Please pay me for the job
I've already done!
I've already done!
Or pay me for NOT continuing my job.
Just "Pay me Or Go".
The choice is yours!
"Mr Beloy does not ask for income of Barclays CEOs, - he demands his own money, and compensation for spending his time and efforts for the process of obtaining it. The fact the Barclays provided him with no official contract for his job of contacting itself only increases price for his efforts:
Barclays CEOs, are you ready to do your job without a written contract? Will you go every day to the Barclays office and work all day long for FREE?!! Without any salary, bonuses, or promises for profit. Under pressure of uncertainty the Barclays practiced for years for communicating with Beloy. Without medical insurance and guarantee of any kind. If yes, do it (the Barclays would be glad to save on you). No? Then how much you think your renumeration should be to work for your Barclays under such conditions? In how many times more?"
At some point, on February 5, 2016, I proposed to the Barclays a simplified type of solution:
"If you say you are ready to do it for less than 3 million, then go and show that! No? Then at least 3 million is a quite real digit for that purpose.
Today Mr Beloy proposes to Barclays to settle the whole story for only 3 million GBP. In addition to initial processing fee transferred to him immediately! And obtaining the UK visa for the Barclays' account.
Otherwise he will continue demanding repaying the Barclays' multi-billion debt to him in full. With further studying the fraudelent methods the Barclays uses in its business, discussing it in public, and spending most of obtained from Barclays' money for charity projects.
As a powerful institution named the Barclays PLC affected his life, a fair compensation should be capable to change his LIFE for better to restore the justice balance. He actually may demand any sum within the whole Barclays' profit pool for achieving that, - just like Barclays CEOs do. And if Barclays CEOs cannot find resources for that, they should start from cutting their own salaries and bonuses!
How much Barclays CEOs need to change their lifes? If it less then 3M, then they will be able to obtain such opportunity in the nearest future.
For free.
The job of contacting the Barclays appeared extremely expensive in terms of Time, Price, and degree of affecting his Life.
1. One second for hitting the "Enter" button to send each email.
2. One MINUTE to check misspellings in a final version before (1).
3. One HOUR to edit a draft of email before (2).
4. One working DAY to write email's content before (3).
5. One WEEK for information design and analysis before (4).
Add to it the time of "after-work-trailing" (most intellectual jobs cannot be stopped immediately at the end of working day, the mind remains preoccupied with working problems for some time). And the time for a deep independent researching the Barclays business and its fraudelent methods of work. As well as time for creating video messages for the Barclays in the form of one-hour documentaries. e.g.,
Considering a huge amount of sent emails only, it's an equivalent of a full time job for many years.
Mr Beloy is a qualified IT specialist in accordance to all western standards, with Exceptional Master Of Science degree from a leading British University. The Barclays forces him to contact his colleagues with european salaries ranging from 20,000 to a million. Thus the price of Beloy's time may be within the same range. For 15 years it means at least from a quarter to 15 millions GBP, without multi-million CEOs bonuses. But why "without"? And why "at least"?
Barclays' support service failed:
More than HUNDRED Beloy's emails were sent to Barclays during last month only. Compare it to just several rare responses from the highly paid Barclays staff for the last 6 months. None of the replies were up to main point. Most of them simply promised to study Beloy's case within next working days, and ... none of those managers ever contacted him again after that.
Contacting the Barclays required the hard job of Writer, Typist, Editor, Lawyer, Psychologist, Project Manager, Copywriter, Moviemaker, and Webmaster. All-in-One!
Barclays' legal team failed:
Much more highly paid staff simply forwarded Beloy to another highly paid staff at the third party. Namely, Ombudsmen office. With both delaying repayment of the Barclays' debt to Beloy up to uncertain infinity and limiting it to 150,000 maximum (see details in attachement). What kind of investigation for at least eight weeks they dare to talk about after 15 years' delay?
A reasonable time of waiting for further Barclays' response is not just a zero. It has been negative for ages! And should be pre-compensated immediately.
Mr Beloy used to proposed the Barclays to start from paying him a tiny symbolic processing fee just for showing that from a certain point communicating with Barclays should not be for free. But Barclays didn't get it even after the processing fee increased to $10,000 since last autumn. So, from today it's $50,000 ($100,000 after February 8th). Anyway, it should not be less than reward to the failed Barclays' staff. Any bank should RESPECT its clients in the first place!
In contrast, the Barclays' Head Office Executive Advocacy team processes Beloy's correspondence through its fraud department. And that's not about investigating fraud of the Barclays that has actually stolen Beloy's money. Just on the contrary, they seems treat efforts of Beloy for restoring justice as a fraudelent activity. And that is embarrassing! What next move can be expected from such lawyers? Earning on initiating a falsified litigation, lying to public that he is just a mad person, or making Barclays' CEOs innocent victims?
Barclays CEOs failed:
Barclays CEOs, are YOU ready to do your job without a written contract? Will you go every day to the Barclays office and work all day long for FREE?!! Without any salary, bonuses, or promises for profit. Under pressure of uncertainty the Barclays practiced for years for communicating with Beloy. Without medical insurance and guarantee of any kind. If yes, do it (the Barclays would be glad to save on you). No? Then how much you think your renumeration should be to work for your Barclays under such conditions? In how many times more?
If you say you are ready to do it for less than 3 million, then go and show that! No? Then at least 3 million is a quite real digit for that purpose.
Today Mr Beloy proposes to Barclays to settle the whole story for only 3 million GBP. In addition to initial processing fee transferred to him immediately! And obtaining the UK visa for the Barclays' account.
Otherwise he will continue demanding repaying the Barclays' multi-billion debt to him in full. With further studying the fraudelent methods the Barclays uses in its business, discussing it in public, and spending most of obtained from Barclays' money for charity projects.
As a powerful institution named the Barclays PLC affected his life, a fair compensation should be capable to change his LIFE for better to restore the justice balance. He actually may demand any sum within the whole Barclays' profit pool for achieving that, - just like Barclays CEOs do. And if Barclays CEOs cannot find resources for that, they should start from cutting their own salaries and bonuses.
Today Mr Beloy proposes to Barclays to settle the whole story for only 3 million GBP. In addition to initial processing fee transferred to him immediately! And obtaining the UK visa for the Barclays' account.
Otherwise he will continue demanding repaying the Barclays' multi-billion debt to him in full. With further studying the fraudelent methods the Barclays uses in its business, discussing it in public, and spending most of obtained from Barclays' money for charity projects.
As a powerful institution named the Barclays PLC affected his life, a fair compensation should be capable to change his LIFE for better to restore the justice balance. He actually may demand any sum within the whole Barclays' profit pool for achieving that, - just like Barclays CEOs do. And if Barclays CEOs cannot find resources for that, they should start from cutting their own salaries and bonuses!
How much Barclays CEOs need to change their lifes? If it less then 3M, then they will be able to obtain such opportunity in the nearest future.
For free.
The job of contacting the Barclays appeared extremely expensive in terms of Time, Price, and degree of affecting his Life.
1. One second for hitting the "Enter" button to send each email.
2. One MINUTE to check misspellings in a final version before (1).
3. One HOUR to edit a draft of email before (2).
4. One working DAY to write email's content before (3).
5. One WEEK for information design and analysis before (4).
Add to it the time of "after-work-trailing" (most intellectual jobs cannot be stopped immediately at the end of working day, the mind remains preoccupied with working problems for some time). And the time for a deep independent researching the Barclays business and its fraudelent methods of work. As well as time for creating video messages for the Barclays in the form of one-hour documentaries. e.g.,
Considering a huge amount of sent emails only, it's an equivalent of a full time job for many years.
Mr Beloy is a qualified IT specialist in accordance to all western standards, with Exceptional Master Of Science degree from a leading British University. The Barclays forces him to contact his colleagues with european salaries ranging from 20,000 to a million. Thus the price of Beloy's time may be within the same range. For 15 years it means at least from a quarter to 15 millions GBP, without multi-million CEOs bonuses. But why "without"? And why "at least"?
Barclays' support service failed:
More than HUNDRED Beloy's emails were sent to Barclays during last month only. Compare it to just several rare responses from the highly paid Barclays staff for the last 6 months. None of the replies were up to main point. Most of them simply promised to study Beloy's case within next working days, and ... none of those managers ever contacted him again after that.
Contacting the Barclays required the hard job of Writer, Typist, Editor, Lawyer, Psychologist, Project Manager, Copywriter, Moviemaker, and Webmaster. All-in-One!
Barclays' legal team failed:
Much more highly paid staff simply forwarded Beloy to another highly paid staff at the third party. Namely, Ombudsmen office. With both delaying repayment of the Barclays' debt to Beloy up to uncertain infinity and limiting it to 150,000 maximum (see details in attachement). What kind of investigation for at least eight weeks they dare to talk about after 15 years' delay?
A reasonable time of waiting for further Barclays' response is not just a zero. It has been negative for ages! And should be pre-compensated immediately.
Mr Beloy used to proposed the Barclays to start from paying him a tiny symbolic processing fee just for showing that from a certain point communicating with Barclays should not be for free. But Barclays didn't get it even after the processing fee increased to $10,000 since last autumn. So, from today it's $50,000 ($100,000 after February 8th). Anyway, it should not be less than reward to the failed Barclays' staff. Any bank should RESPECT its clients in the first place!
In contrast, the Barclays' Head Office Executive Advocacy team processes Beloy's correspondence through its fraud department. And that's not about investigating fraud of the Barclays that has actually stolen Beloy's money. Just on the contrary, they seems treat efforts of Beloy for restoring justice as a fraudelent activity. And that is embarrassing! What next move can be expected from such lawyers? Earning on initiating a falsified litigation, lying to public that he is just a mad person, or making Barclays' CEOs innocent victims?
Barclays CEOs failed:
Fantastically high paid people appeared unabled to solve the simplest managerial! They pretend they do not understand meaning of the word "immediately", completely denying by that the capitalistic principle "Time is money"."Mr Beloy does not ask for income of Barclays CEOs, - he demands his own money, and compensation for spending his time and efforts for the process of obtaining it. The fact the Barclays provided him with no official contract for his job of contacting itself only increases price for his efforts:
Barclays CEOs, are YOU ready to do your job without a written contract? Will you go every day to the Barclays office and work all day long for FREE?!! Without any salary, bonuses, or promises for profit. Under pressure of uncertainty the Barclays practiced for years for communicating with Beloy. Without medical insurance and guarantee of any kind. If yes, do it (the Barclays would be glad to save on you). No? Then how much you think your renumeration should be to work for your Barclays under such conditions? In how many times more?
If you say you are ready to do it for less than 3 million, then go and show that! No? Then at least 3 million is a quite real digit for that purpose.
Today Mr Beloy proposes to Barclays to settle the whole story for only 3 million GBP. In addition to initial processing fee transferred to him immediately! And obtaining the UK visa for the Barclays' account.
Otherwise he will continue demanding repaying the Barclays' multi-billion debt to him in full. With further studying the fraudelent methods the Barclays uses in its business, discussing it in public, and spending most of obtained from Barclays' money for charity projects.
As a powerful institution named the Barclays PLC affected his life, a fair compensation should be capable to change his LIFE for better to restore the justice balance. He actually may demand any sum within the whole Barclays' profit pool for achieving that, - just like Barclays CEOs do. And if Barclays CEOs cannot find resources for that, they should start from cutting their own salaries and bonuses.
Today, I can also add to the above a job for the need to create, write and regularly update THIS BLOG!
You have no idea what it means to keep
BLOGGING HAVING NO MONEY AT ALL! I never described this kind of difficulties in full details.
Speaking about my today's life,
First, you need to have a properly CHARGED mobile phone, which is next to impossible task to implement without money! It's not a secret: There are no free electrical sockets in the public places nowadays, excepting being a paid client of certain business schemes designed to suck your money out of you no matter what. In particular, in hotels you need to pay for staying there at least for one night, or make at least a minimal order like a cup of coffee in the case of restaurants, both of which are incredibly expensive in the hot tourists' destinations like Venezia.
Second, you must pay for access to Internet in Venezia! I haven't seen a truly free public Wi-Fi services there.
Add to it the fact of almost complete absense of benches at the streets of Venezia: You can walk around for HOURS before finding a free public "sitting point" to have some rest. Fenomenally exhausting experience!
The same about free publuc toilets. I haven't seen any yet. It seems they simply do not exist in Venezia, forcing people to be a paid clients of expensive restaurants. The price of dealing with this and many other problems required for the need to communicate with Rothschilds' Barclays / Bank Of England / Bank For Intetnationsl Settlements, etc. should be added to the Job Bills to Rothschilds too.
"Mr Beloy does not ask for income of Barclays CEOs, - he demands his own money, and compensation for spending his time and efforts for the process of obtaining it. The fact the Barclays provided him with no official contract for his job of contacting itself only increases price for his efforts:
Barclays CEOs, are you ready to do your job without a written contract?
Will you go every day to the Barclays office and work all day long for FREE?!! Without any salary, bonuses, or promises for profit. Under pressure of uncertainty the Barclays practiced for years for communicating with Beloy. Without medical insurance and guarantee of any kind. If yes, do it (the Barclays would be glad to save on you). No? Then how much you think your renumeration should be to work for your Barclays under such conditions? In how many times more?
If you say you are ready to do it for less than 3 million, then go and show that! No? Then at least 3 million is a quite real digit for that purpose.
Today Mr Beloy proposes to Barclays to settle the whole story for only 3 million GBP. In addition to initial processing fee transferred to him immediately! And obtaining the UK visa for the Barclays' account.
Otherwise he will continue demanding repaying the Barclays' multi-billion debt to him in full. With further studying the fraudelent methods the Barclays uses in its business, discussing it in public, and spending most of obtained from Barclays' money for charity projects.
As a powerful institution named the Barclays PLC affected his life, a fair compensation should be capable to change his LIFE for better to restore the justice balance. He actually may demand any sum within the whole Barclays' profit pool for achieving that, - just like Barclays CEOs do. And if Barclays CEOs cannot find resources for that, they should start from cutting their own salaries and bonuses.
How much Barclays CEOs need to change their lifes? If it less then 3M, then they will be able to obtain such opportunity in the nearest future.
For free!"
What all above-mentioned has to do with Rothschilds?
By cutting me from my emergency savings, their Barclays' CEOs keep forcing me to DIE in ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR LIVING SPACE WITHOUT MONEY they artificially created for me inside a totally monetary world, as a legitimate tool for KILLING me with escaping paying their debts!
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