Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bill to Queen - Reasons for Financial Crises (part 1)

Open Letter and Bill 
To Her Majesty The Queen,
Buckingham Palace, London

First, Your Majesty,  let me give you an extremely important answer to your question you publicly asked the best minds of the Great Britain, which today quickly becomes the #1 priority for financial future of the overall British nation in general, and your Crown in particular.
This is my official Bill to you!  
Depending on your response, amount 
of UK's Debt to me can vary from

The latter is serious. The Barclays Bank and Central Bank Of England have created for your 
country INFINITE Debt that is DUE IMMEDIATELY!

As to the Constitution Monarch, 
I am proposing to you, Your Majesty,
by the end of this week, March 1st, either to 
declare sovereign debt for the UK,

or officially state that:

1. It is allowed not to pay debts, and
2. It is allowed not to comply with the law
in your Kingdom!
In fact, the Barclays' CEOs already stated the above with the action of not returning my money during last 20 years, - under silent approval of your royal banking institutions BoE, FCA, SFO, top British Economic Crime Strategic Board (on your behalf?)and You Personally.
You should also declare then that
for different people the Law and Debt obligations are different!
And people's obligation of paying debts depends mostly on the
level of force they possess.
(The latter statements allow HM the Queen to ignore formal restrictions for 
preventing Monarchs from helping settling exceptional cases like mine).


On November 5, 2008, Her Majesty the Queen visited the London School of Economics and asked academics why no one saw the financial crisis coming (see video). It took for them almost seven months to prepare for you a clear response on the matter. Unfortunately, their answer appeared deceptively incomplete, and fatal consequence of that fact was creating unprecedented in the history of mankind INFINITE Debt of the second biggest British bank Barclays Plc five years later.

Academics of LSE told you that a main reason for the crunch 2008 was a failure of people to see a bigger picture, but ... they did not show you that picture.

Despite of practically DYING OF HUNGER, I spent last three months for conducting my own mini-research on the matter, and here are its main conclusions:

The bigger picture starts from accepting the fact 
History of crises is a 
history of Unpaid Debts!
And the non-payment can take many forms.
(C) Sergiy Beloy

The resulting chain of multi-layer stealing can
be extremely complex and thus difficult to see. 

And ...
Crises do not end until their "imbalance" is fixed.
That is, until underlying debts are paid in full. 
The main question is by whom.

In fact, financial crises are a robbery of the most world's population through permanent processes of introducing a practically infinite amount of new bubble-based schemes of fraud.
The key conclusions of my own mini-research on the topic, triggered by recent joining Swiss authorities the Barclays CEOs in their attempts of KILLING me, are the following:

#1. Any financial crisis is nothing but a
robbery outstretched in time
(C) Sergiy Beloy

#2. Technically, that is implemented by simply
not-paying the debts
by the people who created them,
with, - that's a key feature!, - further
shifting those debts to someone else!

This starts from kings' beliefs into their right to make practically infinite spending:
"For the Stuart monarchs, money had been a perpetual source of friction with Parliament. In the case of Charles I, it ended in his execution and the abolition of the monarchy. The Restoration saw his son, Charles II, return from exile in France as a believer in the divine right of kings, which meant raising taxes and spending cash exactly as he saw fit. ... The entire British empire was built on runaway government borrowing."  (source)

Super crises were "traditionally" originated from unpaid kings' super debts.

"Philip II of Spain (1556–96)  went bankrupt no less than four times. ... Philip’s bankers were not rich enough to finance this debt them­selves; they syndicated their loans to many small and mid-sized investors, who thus also bore the brunt of the defaults." (source)

History of creation of the legendary Bank Of England is no exception:

(C) "DEBT: The First 5,000 Years" by D. Graeber

The key point of all crisis is that 
"private debts before a crisis become public debts afterwards".  

Indeed, economy is a closed construction with a certain amount of resources. 
Nothing disappears in this space. 
One debt just transforms into another, 
until becomes "invisible" and/or formally legitimate.

According to IMF, the Global World Debt today is over 
US$188 Trillion. 
That is our future crisis!

Actually, such intentional non-payment of debts is a banal stealing. However, there are many ways of masking that stealing formally. Artificial spreading the whole process in time and quantity (e.g., breaking it to small thefts), makes underlying fraud psychologically invisible for the rest of public.

It's interesting that Henry's debt described above was actually paid, but not in a monetary form, - and that complicated a proper realizing of the resulting fraud by its final victims. In particular, the king paid it in immaterial units, - by providing to bankers the right to earn on other people. And the price of the deal was obviously not in the favor of majority of his population.  

In fact, economists were unable to give you a right answer about crises
in terms of existing paradigms.
There is no such thing as two identical crises, - they all are different!
So are the reasons for their starting and ending.
In fact, crisis are permanent in time.

From first Babylon speculations to modern derivatives' bubbles, 
every crisis is only a crisis of people's wish to pay their debts! 
In any form, - by avoiding or shifting away their
personal, professional, or social obligations.
Like any deception and fraud, 
it always includes a failure of keeping a word 
(that is, the sin of lying), and ultimately, 
breaking the 7th Biblical commandment 
"Do Not Steal".  

Reversing the non-payment of debts is the only way to reverse the crises imbalances.  
My case introduces a new way for ending crises
- simply to demand paying original debts!

And your possible not responding to my letter will
actually mean your writing a next financial crisis.

Using different names for the same things in rhetoric of financial elite, - Your Majesty included, - complicates the whole thing and does not help a serious public discussion of related topics. A global economic downturnmeltdown, financial distress, crash, "lasting global slump"joltbust, temporary difficultiesausterity, and the "credit crunch" Her Majesty uses, often substitute just one widely known word - "Crisis". The meaning of the latter, however, today can differ substantially too.

A quantitative definition of robbery is rather confusing. When everything is stolen - it's easy to identify such event as robbery. But if only a part of your wealth was stolen (e.g., 10-30%), it's not as easy. Psychologically. However, what's the difference whether it's 10%, 1%, or 0.00001%? It's a robbery! Because in result, your wealth will be less than 100% anyway.
Professional economists, however, see the difference (they grade crises to big-small, depression-recession, ...). Do you?

"The global financial turmoil has hit Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, with the royal losing an estimated 25 million pounds of her personal fortunes in the credit crunch. ... In April, the Queen’s private wealth was estimated to be 320 million pounds by Forbes magazine, which included a personal investment portfolio valued at 100 million pounds." (source)

So, the HM Queen personally lost about 13 times less than it had, or just tiny 7% of her astronomic  private wealth
(and that not counting "the whole the entire British royal monarchy is worth an estimated 88 billion"), and feels quite frustrating because of that . Well, what about people for whom such percentage proportion means loosing EVERYTHING! Міllions of people appeared on the street. 
My point is, there is a certain  "red line" of economic losses, where invisible stealing becomes a  crime of murder. And I currently appeared in the latter situation

Cases of leaving debtors at or below zero level of income actually KILL people.And that requires different rules and laws, current official power is not prepared for.
That's why I needed to introduce the concept of Financial Genocide.   
But I don't expect Your Majesty will get it without

It may be, your today's decision can be compared to the choice the British government needed to take in 2007 to avoid being a subject of the sadly known "effect of domino":

 It did a wise action then,
- and I expect will do a similar thing in my case too.

Anyway, my personal observation is: 
History of crises is mostly a history of the moments of revealing underlying stealing behind them by most of involved people. In a way, the only moving part of the system is our progress in understanding the essence of each particular fraud used.

Crisis = Stealing

If this truth is hidden for the top LSE academical circles,
it's is known practically to everyone 
at the bottom the pyramid.

This is what I recently found at the streets 
of poor Ukraine:

A censored (mild) version of the expression shown above says:

As simple as that!

David Graeber, author of the famous book "DEBT: The First 5,000 Years", teaches anthropology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He reveals the simply truth that history of debt is also a 
history of morality and culture. And one of the key conclusions of his research is:
"For thousands of years, the struggle between rich and poor has largely taken the form of 
conflicts between creditors and debtors."

Creating the chain of banks with a central bank at the top was the only way to hide existence of a chronic inability of banks to meet all its obligations in full. The way of dealing with the crises was postponing them into the future by hiding existence of the crime of robbery. In other words, by hiding the TRUTH from most of people!

See more in my mini-research on the
revealing reasons of financial crises.
This research is not completed yet,
but my job of
can be put to the market.
Just tell me YOUR PRICE!


In the beginning of March the Barclays bank, together with all related parties to which it already shifted its debt obligations, - including YOU PERSONALLY!, - is going to create for me a new debt. But I am not going to tolerate this anymore!
Today I may speak about forcing me to pay at least the following two debts I never was interested to create:
1. Monthly fee (currently 130 US$) requested from me by Ukrainian mini-storage company since August 2017 for its service of keeping last remains of my stuff from the place of living destroyed by Barclays bank in 2017.
* Last three years that debt was fully paid off by my side (all receipts are available for presentation upon request), despite paying it with my zero budget was impossible. That is, I did a real miracle, and it was paid through a need to create my own personal debt, neither third party appeared formally responsible for. That's a typical (fraudulent) scheme for all financial crises. Their main beneficiaries encourage such miracles for avoiding paying their own debts that caused those debts.
Here is my receipt for paying the most recent fee to it:

The fee for March is not paid!
And cannot be with my current income.
2. Monthly fee for my new accommodation for not living on the street.
Both fees are due right
And both debts are not mine!
These two debts will simply disappear after Barclays bank indemnifies me its previous derivative debt for destroying my place of living, - namely, the 4-room private apartment in the center of capital of Ukraine, - caused by its creating the first ever financial debt in my life due to refusing me to access my Barclays' savings accounts since 2015.

Your Majesty, 
I don't not want to be in debt!
That's not my debt!
I did not create it. 

I want the Barclays bank, Bank Of England, the United Kingdom, Rothschilds, or whoever is behind it, to remove my need to pay the debt they created! 

I want a new apartment/house
instead of the one that disappeared due to dealing with Barclays bank!
(Its CEOs simply ignored my requests for returning my money at the time I needed it most! And at that time there was more than enough money at my Barclays saving accounts to pay all my debts). 
Once I have my own apartment/house,  the need in paying the fee for the mini-storage will disappear! I would never applied to its' services if Barclays bank provided access to my own money.
I never had any financial debt in my life
(before dealing with Barclays in 2015). 
I want to cancel that debt! It's not my debt, and I do not want to face the deadly stress of continuing paying it every month, let alone under my zero balance since 2018. And the only way of doing that is to reverse its creation. I want a space of living! And I am asking you to help me in that!

I want my


The arrogant avoidance of Barclays' CEOs to accept existence of derivative debts, directly caused by their failure to return me my savings deposits during unprecedented for the banking industry period of TWENTY YEARS(!), has ultimately resulted in creating practically 

as of May 2019
Unless HM The Queen finds a way to
settle my case with Barclays bank
really URGENTLY,
I am kindly demanding HM The Queen to
pay the debt in full
The reason of my today's applying to you, Your Majesty, is the Barclays' CEOs aggravated their crime by using special Info-Wall they fraudulently built around themselves for avoiding any personal responsibility, which simply shifted that debt to all related parties, - starting from corresponding owners and shareholders, business partners, and members of their families.
Although Her Majesty the Queen may use a similar tactics, - it has quite advanced staff for come-offs on behalf of HM, and no formal obligation about responding letters personally, - such avoidance of starting settlement for my case by the end of this week, March 1, may cause further shifting this debt up, to those who have more power or will then HM the Queen. And I cannot guarantee they will be happy about that.
So, please excuse me for charging you with the embarrassingly small by royal standards sum of 5,000 US$. That's the smallest debt the Barclays CEOs own to me. Their open refusal to pay each and every debt they created in my case is quite typical psychology of thieves of the next crisis. Anyway, that refusal resulted in writing THIS letter to
kindly ask Your Majesty to pay the bills,
starting from urgent transferring first
1,000 US$
to my name to Ukraine
through WesternUnion instant payment service
(bmoneyclub @ gmail . com)


Sergiy Beloy,
Creator of BMoney,
De-facto Owner of Barclays Bank,
Msc. Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK)

* - Since 2017 the Barclays CEOs made it impossible to use a bank transfer for this purpose, - despite all my previous requests about it, - through actual deleting my permanent home address because of destroying my place of living. I cannot not apply for a banking service or just a decent legitimate job since then. And the alternative way of payment through sending me a cheque was officially forbidden by my country on the 16th year of my requests to the Barclays for transferring me my money by that way. With my current passport, Barclays' checks are valid in Great Britain only. And despite I never broke the law, British law presently does not allow me entering the UK.

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