Thursday, April 2, 2020

Legitimacy of Derivative Debts of Barclays to me

According to certain insiders' sources, Barclays CEOs fraudulently doubt the fact of existence their derivative debts to me, including their INFINITE Debt, - ABSOLUTELY UNPRECEDENTED IN THE HISTORY of banks. This time, they do it for avoiding paying the sum of ONE $TRILLION I promised to GIVE AWAY on March 31 (which because of that resulted in speeding the process by promising $10,000 TO EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD)!
I am contacting my info-supporters with the  documented evidence of existence all Barclays debts to me, - one-by-one, starting from the INFINITE Debt! Search other websites for detailed discussion of that topic soon. Meanwhile, there are some thoughts I can share with in my public blog right now.

It might be there is no 100% proof for amount (and even existence) of that debt. However, how that proof could possibly be in place if Barclays CEOs intentionally resisted that (or any related proof) would ever exist.
First of all, having 100% undeniable debt to me in the form of keeping my money at several Barclays' savings accounts without allowing me to use it during last 20 years, its CEOs definitely avoid paying that debt to me. Considering absence of any their actions during those 20 years towards ending such freezing of my money I personally deposited to its London's office ABSOLUTELY LEGITIMATELY, - in particular, without existence of even the slightest polite formal promise to return it at a certain date in the future, - is a fact of STEALING! And as Barclays CEOs prefer to do nothing about correcting this situation during last 20 years, they consider the stealing quite admissible practice for one of the biggest and presumably reputable banking institution of the Great Britain with 325+ years of history.
You know, TWENTY YEARS is quite sufficient period for implementing EVERYTHING you want to, - provided you really want it. The Barclays CEOs definitely don't. All what we see is an absence of any real steps of Barclays CEOs towards paying that debt. The fact is they could, but did not make any step . Despite in this case such non-action is a fraud by itself. Anyway, it's a proof of their evident avoidance of paying the debt that is 100% legitimate. To the degree it's safe to suggest the Barclays CEOs have had no intention to pay any my debt at all, - no matter whether there is 100% proof for its existence or not. What kind of proof they may demand from me after that?
Second, some people doubt there are sufficient evidence of existence any derivative debts of Barclays bank to me, including its famous INFINITE Debt. How it possibly can exist at all, if Barclays CEOs intentionally prevented leaving any their signatures under any official document they sent to me. The fact is I requested the Barclays employees many times to "decipher" exact name and position of the CEOs who signed at least their official letters sent to my home address by post. But they simply ignored my requests.
However, the 100% undeniable fact is derivative debts are reality. It's monetization of my REAL EFFORTS FOR THE HARD JOB OF CONTACTING Barclays bank during at least last five YEARS! It's the fact of disappearing my place of living, - namely, 4-rooms apartment at the center of capital of my country, - where I lived before dealing with Barclays bank previous 38+ years
as result of creating by Barclays CEOs the first ever financial debt in all my 50+ LIFE! 
In 2017 there were more than enough money at my Barclays' savings accounts to pay ALL my debts! Presumably, every bank should make everything for returning deposits to customers on their first demand. The Barclays bank did not! Its CEOs officially refused to implement any possible way of accessing or transferring that money to me.
And it's THE SHOCKING EMBARRASSMENT of doing that appearing because of Barclays bank at the extremely fragile EDGE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH, where I am up to NOW!
The only proven fact is the fact of creating by Barclays CEOs the reality for which they childishly (fraudulently) claim there is no formal evidence! The question is WHY? Why there is no 100% formal proof for existence of that 100% real REALITY? Is creating such uncertainty a main function of Barclays' CEOs?
Add to it the fact of its previous attempt of cancelling all their debt obligations to me through the fraud of issuing to me the cheque that was impossible for me to cash (despite all my numerous warnings six months before and after it), and you will get the whole picture:
On behalf of Barclays' top CEOs, Barclays lawyers(!) openly abused the Law and internal rules (the CEOs are fully responsible for creating and updating of) , with the aim of fraudulent releasing their CEOs from responsibility to pay their debts, - and any responsibility at all, - for my statement that I Never Broke The Law!
Ultimately, that non-paying of debts (STEALING under any definition) has became the crime of attempts of KILLING me!
And this is a DEFINITE CRIME that original reasons for the killing include:
1) my refusal to break the law of my country; and
2) CEOs' fraudulent avoidance of paying their INFINITE Debt that is a result of arrogant ignoring existence of their numerous Derivative debts they created!

So, my first question to Barclays lawyers is: How it happened that that real debt was never reflected in the Barclays' documentation, including its official Balance Sheet, properly?
This means the fact of intentional ABUSING THE LAW for at least last TWENTY YEARS!

Thus, Barclays CEOs evidently wanted to:

(a) not to pay any their debts,

as if it does not exist; and

(b) not to be bound by any 100% documented proofs of existence of their debt(s).

And the latter action is a FRAUD, - the evident attempt to use the law for covering intention of breaking the law!
And the CEOs did precisely that!
In addition, by using these fraudulent legislative tricks, they SHIFTED their guilt of abusing the law to legislative system itself!
Another fact of proving such behaviour is the unprecedented official refusal of Barclays CEOs to communicate with me about any problem related to returning their debt:

Just think for a moment what is happening: A bank, having a debt to its customer, refuses even to speak about paying that debt!!! The Barclays CEOs officially refused to discuss even the slightest possibility of being in the debt! They have refused to accept ANY debt that EVER could exist for them! Ever!
How I could possibly obtain the 100% legitimate document for my 100% real debts, if the CEOs intentionally abused the law and their professional duties they were hired for, to prevent me to do that?
I did everything that was possible to do!
The CEOs did nothing, - neither possible nor impossible!

That also raises another related question:
Is a debt a debt, or just a piece of paper with corresponding signature, which states clearly about existence of the debt? If, for example, somebody lost such a paper, will the debt disappear?
Of course not!
Any official paper is just a symbol of the debt, its virtual token, subject of a secondary importance. The main thing is the debt itself! If a 100% clear evidence of the debt is lost, disappear, or simply never existed formally, it does not mean there is no debt. Related formal documents can always be restored at any time. The absence of 100% proof at any particular point of time does not CANCEL the debt! Look at the essence of all our modern monetary system, - it works most of the time without questioning whether it's 100% supported by real resources. While the fact is it is not, and actually never was (Google for "Fractional Reserving" for beginning). No questions are asked. And that's the main reason the money work.
Look at the Barclays' example: It avoids any talks about accepting existence of its debt, as if the debt can simply disappear because of that. Their CEOs fraudulently suggest there is no problem if they do not discuss it. It's a terribly twisted logic.
Not so fast!

For today, the fact is: During 20 years the problem of existence of the debt has never brought by Barclays' CEOs to attention of their shareholders officially. And that is a fraud itself. Abusing their job obligations they are paid for so high, the top CEOs evidently manipulated the official Balance Sheet, hiding existence of the debt that currently may overturn the whole banking industry.
The CoronaVirus creates financial crisis, you say?
Aha-aha ...
The crisis (aka stealing) has already been prepared by the Barclays' CEOs. They did not pay their debt for 20 years! They arrogantly did not pay any attention their non-payment constantly created secondary debts to me, ENDANGERING MY PHYSICAL EXISTENCE, - in particular, by consequent DEATH OUT OF HUNGER AND COLD! 

And ultimately the debt became INFINITE!

The current attempts of Barclays' CEOs to keep playing their childish game of complete ignorance about existence of the debt that REALLY KILLS(!) ME RIGHT NOW simply SET UP THE RICHEST PEOPLE OF THE WORLD due to SHIFTING that INFINITE Debt to them PERSONALLY!

There is a fact of existence of derivative debts!
Whether there is a 100% proof for that existence or not!
And that is the biggest CHARGE to Barclays CEOs with their lawyers!
For 20 years they were trying to hide their responsibility for the debt
behind numerous legitimate tricks!
But what they did in reality was
it to Bank Of England, the key
British and Swiss authorities ,
HM The Queen, Fed,
and the whole world!
But ...
their debt has NOT disappeared
because of that!
It still

See more at
Legality of BMoney 2018

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