Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Evaporation Of Property

Re. Barclays' Law Of Lawyers

On the second day since revealing to the world the first extension to the Law Of Barclays (namely, "Law Of Lawyers"), I am publishing its second extension, - Swiss/Barclays' "Evaporation Of Property", which also plays an important role during Financial Crises.

These jeans almost fully "evaporated"
(see video below)

My main property, - 4-room apartment in the center of Kyiv, Ukraine, - disappeared in 2017, after Barclays bank refused to provide me access to my money I needed badly for paying the debt created by financial crisis in my country. At that time, even the original sum present at my Barclays' savings accounts since 2000 was quite sufficient for paying any and ALL my debts! But Barclays CEOs simply ignored my requests about transferring to me my money, - and I needed to sell the apartment urgently, for a fraction of its real price (insufficient for purchasing a new one) just to avoid confiscating it by the state for my debts. Debts of the Barclays bank, to be precise!

Today Swiss and Barclays CEOs DESTROY the rest of my property, - remains of my stuff that was a part of my apartment, which I managed to keep at Mini-Storage company practically by miracle. And that is the last and only property I have in this world!

The problem was that since 2018 I appeared ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY, - almost exclusively due to fraudulent practice of Barclays CEOs, who are in love with the Law Of Barclays ("Do Not Pay Debts!").

Nevertheless, I kept paying monthly fees to the Mini-Storage company. Until in September 2019 Swiss SEM forbade me to make the next payment by actually unprecedented cancelling freedom of international money flow, - with further decision of Swiss authorities to send me back to Ukraine, where I appeared completely WITHOUT ANY SOURCE OF LEGITIMATE INCOME, DUE TO RESTRICTIONS FOR APPLYING FOR ANY JOB AND EVEN HOTEL/HOSTEL.

Yesterday I reminded Swiss/Barclays authorities about the need to pay the Mini-Storage's fees (Rothschild's Barclays Debt #1), which currently exceeds 



of which that company demands from me


But Barclays CEOs keep IGNORING their debts to me, 

despite they actually created them for me.
"forgetting that under current circumstances 

And that means forcing Mini-Storage company to take me to the court
by the hands of Mini-Storage CEOs, 
for the impossibility to pay Barclays' debts 
- in full correspondence with Swiss/Barclays Law Of Lawyers I discussed yesterday.

Well, it may be their attention is trapped by other things.

Super expensive ripped jeans, for example :-).

Some of them cost a real fortune:

"These luxurious jeans go 

for $250,000 

Courtecy of

making them only accessible to the most 

disgustingly rich people on earth!"

And here are

my real jeans teared to holes:


Not  artificially made ones.

And as I mentioned during my first addressing to the US President, that is the current level of my dressing. I am not embarrassed by it. That is a REAL embarrassment for Barclays CEOs, who made me poor and incapable to buy even minimal stuff for basic life-supporting purposes, - despite having money on my savings accounts of their bank!

Today, Swiss/Barclays' CEOs intensify their attack on me by preventing me to use the dressing I already have, - my stuff locked in Mini-Storage due to my inability to pay its fees, - thus making DOUBLE KILLING! 





And I have all reasons to believe that kind of Barclays' behavior can be extended to other bankers, who decrease availability of money during financial crises to critically small amounts. And people will work for minimal salaries and sell everything they gave for a fraction of its real price.

Why I need to spend the money I earn with a REALLY HUGE efforts for buying the stuff I ALREADY HAVE?!! Swiss/Barclays CEOs made for me a situation when my that stuff simply DISAPPEARED. Just like money disappears during any financial crisis.

For me, financial crisis already started! Swiss/Barclays CEOs created it! You can call it mini-crisis. But the principle the Swiss/Barclays use is the same as during any real crisis.

Why should I pay TWICE for the badly required basic life-supporting things?
Moreover, it's not just inflating their price for 50%. The main problem it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to pay the second part. In result, that "TWICE" for me means I have NOTHING! NO STUFF AT ALL! Not a half. But ZERO!
That's why condition of my garderobe is so poor. That's why I wear old dressing. And every day I need to sew its corresponding part! EVERY DAY!

I have no obsession about wearing ripped jeans with holes. And never had. Actually, I have several jeans, new ones. I also have enough good dressing and shoes, as well as other home stuff, e.g., kitchen utilities, etc. (that all is currently closed at Mini-Storage, where I simply not allowed to enter), but ... I need to buy it again!


Why I need to act as if I don't have it?

The property is disappearing.

Just as during any financial crisis!




- to be continued -

Once again,

I expect sending to me

at least the first $5,000

through Western Union

money transfer services

to my name (Sergiy Beloy)

to Ukraine:



guess what my next move will be?

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