Thursday, July 29, 2021

Swiss Future At The Stake

Re. ALIVE after falling from the third floor!

ToSwiss Presidents and Government, as well as

members of the Royal and Rothschilds' families,

international organizations, starting from the UN,

and the world's top financial elites

My two recent emails to You of July 14 and 16 were arrogantly understood by Swiss side as a humble complaint on exclusively my own private problems, in particular, about the fact of existing danger to my life with which I am addressing Swiss authorities since 2019. And my official statement of July 21 about becoming Switzerland at least an accomplice for these attempts of my murder "I am CHARGING Swiss Government, starting from all Swiss Presidents, for their attempts of my KILLING, - together with KILLING the Future for top financial elites and bankers ..." was comfortably treated by Swiss authorities as yet another my appeal for the "happiness" of their Swiss asylum, no matter whether I will be ALIVE by the moment of that lucky event, if any.

No, the situation is directly the opposite! This is YOUR PROBLEM you have failed to resolve during the unprecedented term of almost two years! Now your non-action about my case is shifting your responsibility for all consequences of your spectacular failure to the main sponsors of Swiss prosperity, - to the world's top financial elites! Let's see to what degree the elites will be "happy" about your attempts of sharing your problems with them, - fatally dangerous ones for their Future, including lives and Future of their families!, - and what exactly they will do with all related participants (actually any businessman at a certain level), as all of them could, but did nothing for stopping the practically permanent attempts of my killing (started by branches of Barclays bank at the land of Switzerland and later joyned by Swiss SEM and Federal Court) that ultimately triggered the corresponding form of killing the top financial elites and reformatting the world!

Photo courtecy of  news.bitcoin

Correspondingly, the anonymous(!) SEM's Federal employee who signed the reply on behalf (or by direct order?) of Swiss Government several days ago simply proposed me to re-apply for the Swiss asylum. As if that is possible! And as it is shown below, the employee Jesuitically knew for sure it had been IMPOSSIBLE:

The Swiss law on asylum prohibits applying for that status after applicant returns to his or her native country. It is considered as if the applicant is safe there then (unless he is beaten, arrested, or simply killed, of course). In the latter case any asylum is unapplicable by definition for 100%. In the others the probability of successful re-applying for Swiss asylum become just problematic enough, for which Swiss laws are absolutely "not guilty". So, it's a "win-win" situation for the SEM anyway.

At the end of 2019 I was violently deported from Switzerland to my home country HANDCUFFED! Despite my most recent appeal to Swiss Federal Court about my status was not processed and I had at least several weeks to the courts' official deadline for its decision. Well, it wasn't my first appeal to the Federal Court. Because my hopes for the justice were greately compromised by the Judge's evidently distorted notions about the truth, and I simply could not leave my case at that point.

All my life I was greately proud I did not break any law, - during all my 50+ LIFE! In 2019, however, the Swiss SEM, and later the Federal Court, simply rejected to trust to my words, thus officially calling me a LIER! How possibly I could agree with such decision of the court made on behalf of the whole country?!!

In addition, because of the refusal of the Barclays bank (including its Swiss branches in Zurich and Geneva) to pay me my own savings, I simply had no money both for staying in Switzerland and for leaving it. And that problem could be resolved only by a positive decision of the court I had all reasons to believe was ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE for my case.

And here is the biggest fundamental flow of the national legal system in Switzerland:

It's laws* seems are designed with reservation of a huge degree of undocumented (and thus fundamentally illegitimate) power, that can be used exclusively by representatives of the state for manipulation in any required direction, if required.

* - At least the laws related to asylum, I was directly facing during my interaction with Swiss courts. However, I have all reasons to believe the similar approaches are conceptually integrated into all Swiss legislation systems.

First, some laws contain significant UNCERTAINTY the overall balance of which is counted exclusively in the interests of the state representatives. For example, I asked them why certain points of some important articles are interpreted unexpectedly differently, their answer was "Because they (apparently) have different 'weight'". Apparently? Different "weight"? Depending on what? Anyway, the fact is, similar elusive subtleties, on which the final decision depends greatly, are not spelled out in the laws explicitly! And that seems the main approach, the "philosophy" built-in hardly into Swiss laws.

Secondly, designers of the laws incorporated into them the unrealistically bigger than 100% insurance for any possible decision they want to obtain: Many legal publications practically openly claim the state has the right for overruling the law*, if required. In particular, representatives of the state are entitled to generate ANY decision they want to (presumably in the interests of the state), NO MATTER WHAT SWISS LAWS SAY ABOUT IT!

In essence, this is the evidence of the End Of Swiss Law!

Today I simply use the fact of existence of such fantastically great opportunities, - with assumed 100% "legitimate" justification for practically ANY court decision required for any specific Federal employee, - against Switzerland!

Once again I state that according to Swiss laws I had all chances to obtain asylum status. In the worst case my chances were at least 50:50, and I can only guess what factor shifted the "weight" of the overall balance in favor of Swiss side. Existence of the two key factors alone I mentioned above was quite sufficient for legal justifying any of its decisions. That's my main point, - no matter what their law actually says, Swiss professional authorities and lawyers intentionally used (abused) the law against me, a legitimate applicant for their protection, of freewill (I never was detained by police), who entered Switzerland absolutely legally, having all required documents, visas, and financial means for the travel.

I am not in a position to say precisely what reason for their rejection employees of the SEM had. Was it some internal instructions about limits of positive decisions for selected countries (no matter what), or just irritation about my mentioning to Swiss Presidents

(a) the legal abusing discussed in this letter,

(b) the case of providing free medical help to another applicant I was a witness of, in the form of super expensive surgery worth at least a HALF OF MILLION US$, after which he simply left Switzerland without proper informing the SEM, - at the time

(c) I asked the SEM for serious dental help of the much lower scale of pricing, which never was provided,

EACH of which could be the quite sufficient reason for deporting me the way it was implemented, - HANDCUFFED, and THROUGH temporal, but ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL PLACING ME IN CRIMINAL PRISON in Zurich, FORCING ME TO COMMUNICATE WITH LOCAL CRIMINALS.

And that's without mentioning the most possible reason,

- evident avoidance of Swiss Government to deal with consequences of refusal of the Barclays bank, two branches of which are officially licenced in Switzerland, to pay its debts to me. The main problem is the scale of the debt, - up to $60 QUADRILLIONS!, - which is able to SHUT UP ANY Swiss Law!!!


What is more, for some time I was placed by the SEM in the criminal prison in Zurich (not deportation one, let alone any asylum camp), - together with Swiss criminals! Despite I wasn't convicted of any crime by any court on Earth.

Considering all the above, I have all reasons to call the negative decisions of Swiss authorities about my asylum INVALID!!!

Add to it the fact of extremely EMBARRASSING (despite being totally unnecessary) personal searches of me by police(!) in the SEM's location and under auspices of the SEM's securities, with numerous other violations of the law, and you will start understanding why I still demand from Swiss authorities the justice!

No apologies, let alone financial actions, have been made by Swiss side up to now.

You evidently don't care that every day, hour, and every second during those two years, - up to the present moment!, - I could DIE, significantly because of your not doing anything! And if you still keep pretending "childisly" you didn't get it, this is my official notice of your de-facto shifting to top elites your responsibility in the criminal action of intentional attempts of my MURDER that has no time limitation in any court!

The failure of Swiss authorites to analyse my case thoroughly in 2019 resulted in pushing me to propose to the UN a definition for the notion of Financial Genocide. The current failure of Swiss Government to analyse my current desperate life situation (that was partly caused by previous Swiss failure of 2019 and only critically deteriorated since then), impossible for resolving on my own, is pushing me to apply to the United Nations, international courts, and to whoever it may concern, with the proposal to officially legitimize responsibility for Derivative Debts. The latter is not just a part of my own case, complicated by arguable (fraudelent) efforts of Barclays bank to doubt existence of 100% proof for their debts to me, as well as demands of the Swiss SEM authorities to present the 100% proofs of danger to my life since 2015, which is simply impossible to obtain in my situation, but also a direct reason for existence of the global financial crises!

As I proved in my related mini-research (123), any global crisis is an invisible (hidden) chain of cause-effect relationships in which its real beneficiaries STEAL a critically significant part of public profit or resources with creating corresponding global disbalance that becomes a kind of DEBT for the rest of population. After latter repays that debt in full, no matter in which form (be it the resulting inflationary rise of prices, taxes, or giving away its own LIFE), the crisis is said to be ended (till the next cycle of a similar stealing).

The key reasons for existing of such stealing (called formally "crisis") are (a) lack of correct information about its nature, which makes it impossible to unwind the whole chain mentioned above; and (b) extreme difficulty of proving the stealing within terms and laws of the current legislative environment, which makes it impossible to officially call the thief a thief and refuse paying off his debt instead of him!

In my particular case, however, I am educated enough to see the hidden reasons, and the chain of cause-effect relationships is crystally clear! And considering the Barclays CEOs with the help of Swiss Government and top financial elites behind them are actually KILLING ME, I want to free the rest of the world from the elites' legislative power that protects their fortunes for centuries, and which elites openly abuse in their own interests!

No additional applications are needed, because the first process is not completed yet. I will never agree with its current decision, as it officially calls me a liar. While that title might not sound too embarrassing for many people nowadays, it is not the case for me. By opening a new application one needs to accept the previous attempt could not be successful solely because of his or her fault (discussing any possibility of the guilt of Swiss authorities is out of the question under current Swiss legislation, - representatives of the state are always right by definition), forgive its executors, and start everything anew, officially agreeing to forget about the previous process, as if it never existed. I see no reason for giving my consent about that, as the only beneficiaries from such action would be Swiss officials. My re-applying will be very convenient for them, - a kind of the free indulgence for the mistakes (or sins) of their past, despite that my case remains too far from successful completion: Just on the opposite, - my life is under deadly danger at any moment because of previous Swiss actions and the current non-actions.

Besides, in 2019 I replied to all questions of the official SEM's interviewers they wanted to ask me, presented all available documents, and cannot add to it anything new. Why should I re-apply? For allowing the SEM to generate the same set of the evidently fraudulent decisions, for which their anonymous interviewers bear no legal responsibility, and ... yet another charging me with financial bills currently ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME to pay?!!

In general, the latter factor alone is yet another serious reason for considering any negative court decision of Switzerland about my case invalid! I did not pay for applying to its Federal Court, and it issued a negative decision with refusal to continue the hearing since that point.

Nevertheless, the bills of the Swiss Federal Court were written on my name and sent to my address! Just like the situation with Barclays bank, that is a forced debt! The debt for something I never had! Unlike taking a banking loan, for which one can buy real products, the debt created for me by Swiss Court on behalf of Swiss State and its Government has not brought me any real product or value! Just like my debt to the mini-storage company where remains of my property are simply closed for my accessing it. Nevertheless, in both cases it will be demanded from me to pay it in full (the failure of doing which may trigger my breaking the law, which I never broke on my own will during all my life).

That's yet another reason why I consider the final decision of the Swiss Federal Court invalid!

Just business, nothing personal, isn't it? That's the terms Swiss top politicians seems understand better than formal reasons for asylum, which must be exclusively political ones, - yet another argument fraudulently used against me by SEM's interviewers (despite main politics nowadays is for 100% about money only,- that was my counter-argument to them during presenting my political activity as mostly financial fight for economical independence of my country).

While the fact of the official refusal of the SEM to continue communication (see its answer below) may be treated as a confirmation of the attempts of Swiss Presidents and Government to shift their responsibility for my case to rich residents of Switzerland, many of which belong to the world's top financial elites!

It's interesting:

The actions and recent non-actions of Switzerland


But that is not the crime under Swiss laws.

What kind of laws Switzerland has then?

The key essence of my case is the artificially created by both Barclays bank and Swiss authorities IMPOSSIBILITY of dealing with consequences of their actions and recent non-actions. Although the dangers to my life are quite real, it is impossible to prove their existence in any Swiss court. Should I simply agree the danger does not exist, as Swiss authorities suggest officially? But that is the TRUTH!

Be it impossibility to pay the derivative debts they created for me since 2015; impossibility for the justice from Swiss side at all its possible levels; impossibility of obtaining most legitimate jobs due to absence of the stamp in my passport about permanent address, after Barclays bank practically destroyed my private place of living (4-rooms apartment at the center of the capital of my home country); impossibility to access even last remains of my property, closed for me due to impossibility of paying the debt created by Barclays CEOs and Swiss authorities since 2019; impossibility of obtaining any dental help (result of malnutrition due to ABSOLUTE LACK OF MONEY caused by fraudulent refusal of Barclays bank to provide me access to my money); as well as other medical help since the accident of my falling from the third floor three weeks ago that has left me practically 












That means I don't have 


Now what?

That is perfectly OK

under Swiss laws!

Not sufficient for

any asylum help!

And the fact of the official refusal of the SEM to continue communication (see its answer below) may be treated as a confirmation of the attempts of Swiss Presidents and Government to shift their responsibility for my case to rich residents of Switzerland, many of which belong to the world's top financial elites!


To summarize,

I allow closing my first application to the SEM only with official


of all previous negative decisions

of Swiss authorities on the matter,


on paying me enough

for stopping your Barclays/Swiss killings

with paying at least three derivative debts:

#1 #3 #4

 which stand for payment for restoring my

property, place of living, and source of income


I want my LIFE back!


There seems to be no other way to obtain justice in Switzerland, except turning my original application into a demand for the official accepting the End of Swiss Law, with all possible consequences for Swiss economy and existence of Switzerland per se.

To argue my demands, Switzerland will need at least to prove it does not sell positive decisions of its Federal Court exclusively for moneywhich is a FACT OF REALITY in my case! For claiming that, it will need to officially announce in the public that the state of Switzerland is not a commercial corporation (or a clone of such corporation) registered outside Switzerland (similar to the US Corporation registered in Puerto Rico). As the aim of any corporation is earning the profit, all legislative functions of Switzerland are no more than simply actions of commercial exchange (sale) of corresponding court's decisions in return for obtaining certain profit, - that appeared IMPOSSIBLE for me to pay due to having ZERO balance at the moment of the transaction in 2019, which automatically (fraudulently) made the decision on my case negative no matter what!

Otherwise, I have all reasons to consider Switzerland a private corporation and announce that correspondingly through all possible means of communication. As a private corporation, 

Switzerland can simply pay me for 

purchasing a privately owned place of living 

in the country of my choice! 

Obviously, with providing me a basic income 

I don't have during many years due to efforts 

of Barclays CEOs and Swiss authorities, - 

and will hardly do in the Future

to the degree of their practically permanent attempts of KILLING me in any possible form 

for avoiding paying their derivative debts to me!

Dear Swiss Presidents!

Once again: This case is not my private problem, as your ministry wants to present it, perhaps on your direct behalf! This is your problem, which you and your Federal Employees in the SEM are making global in order to protect you (and themselves) personally from criminal responsibility for attempts of intentional murder!

Beginning with, you completely forgot that any appeal for asylum means appeal for LIFE! The life your Federal employees are taking away in my case. Since my appeal to the SEM in 2019 all dangers to my life only increased to the critical level, EXCLUSIVELY due to the efforts of your subordinates. Your SEM uses your laws for KILLING me! And will continue its attempts of killing me, making YOU at least ACCOMPLICE FOR THE ATTEMPTED MURDER, until the country under your auspices DISAPPEAR for law abiding investors, - because the Swiss Law is set to Disappear!


Including the practically Infinite Debt 

of the Barclays bank to me counted in 


No matter what happens with me,



It's safe to say



Did you think about SWAPPING your problems

for a certain sum of your money?

If your SEM (under your behalf) resists so badly

against becoming me a loyal Swiss citizen,

simply stop these killings through making

the simple business transaction, -





Sergiy Beloy,

Creator of The Global Anti-Theft (GAT) Regulator,

Msc. in Information Management (degree with Distinction from the University of East London, UK)


Email from the Swiss SEM:

Date: July 23, 2021

Dear Mr Beloy,

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) acknowledges receipt of your email communication of 21 July 2021. Your application for asylum in Switzerland was rejected by the SEM in a decision dated 4 October 2019, and finalised by a ruling of the Federal Administrative Court (FAC) of 18 November 2019.

As we have already communicated to you by e-mail on 2 June 2020, if you wish, you may submit a new asylum application to the competent authorities in Switzerland, pursuant to Article 19 of the Federal Asylum Act (AsylA).

The SEM does not intend to follow up further on your email communications.

Best wishes

 State Secretariat for Migration SEM

Region TCHC


Date: July 21m 2021
My email 

To Swiss Presidents and Government!

Cc: UN, International Criminal Court, ...

The event that would never happen if Swiss authorities helped me:
Correspondingly, I am CHARGING Swiss Government, starting from all Swiss Presidents, for their attempts of my KILLING, - together with KILLING the Future for top financial elites and bankers, who reside at the current offshore called Switzerland and are its main source of income.

I demand starting paying to me derivative debts of the Barclays bank


The Swiss context:

My bill to Switzerland is still unpaid:


Sergiy Beloy,

Creator of The Global Anti-Theft (GAT) Regulator, BMoney.

MSc. in Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK)

See more details at:

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