Friday, October 2, 2020

Black Friday For Switzerland

Re. End of Swiss banks!

To: Simonetta Sommaruga, President of the Swiss Confederation
Karin Keller-Sutter, Head of the Federal Department of Justice, 

Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, 

Ueli Maurer, Finance Minister, ...

Cc: Walter Thurnherr, Federal Chancellor of Switzerland

This "Black Friday" associated with the end of Swiss banks can hardly be a surprize for Swiss authorities. After their "Black Monday", To Presidents of Swiss Confederation -3, and especially the "Deadline for Debt of Switzerland!" warnings with respectful nine months delay that was paid by my HEALTH and DEADLY DANGER TO MY LIFE!

Remember the Two Days To The End

Your non-response left that problem painfully unresolved up to now!

So it will be in all your bills until final resolving ...

Once again, I have all reasons to believe that your rejecting in 2019 the facts of existence political reasons for my Swiss asylum since 2012 can be explained only by intention of the SEM to avoid further investigation on its fraudulent manipulation of charity funds, I officially insisted on which since October 2019, and ... to avoid ANY investigation on fraudulent practice of Swiss banking industry in general, and officially licensed in Switzerland Barclays bank in particular!

However, The Swiss Federal Court's Judge Daniele Cattaneo did not take those facts into account. Instead, he exposed me a fee for applying to the court, which Swiss law allowed him not to charge at all. In particular, the /Law of Federal Courts/ he used in my case, clearly links the amount of required fees with financial status of defendant, which in my case was ZERO! The Judge simply could not miss that fact, as the key of my case was a need to live ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY after Swiss branch refused to help me in obtaining my ABSOLUTELY LEGITIMATELY earned money(its origin was directly from British Government, as a prize for my victory in its international competition).

So, how I supposed to pay anything for my reserved by Swiss legislation right for appeal to Swiss Federal Court after evidently fraudulent rejection my political asylum by SEM, having ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY?!! What part of NOTHING I was able to pay to the court according to the Judge, to qualify for his reading my file, if precisely existence of that "NOTHING" was the key essence of my case?!!

I see no other reasons for demanding from me such a fee -- that was simply IMPOSSIBLE for me to pay (the fact that Judge simply could not be not awaring of) -- excepting creation of artificially created (100% fraudulent) reason to reject my otherwise lawful appeal.

Correspondingly, I demand from Swiss authorities to reconsider my initial appeal to Swiss SEM of September-October 2019. I see no reason for my new re-appealing for asylum, which the SEM's advised me to do in the beginning of 2020. There is no reason to forget about old appeal if it wasn't completed yet (due to obstacles beyond my wish and consent). Moreover, according to Swiss immigration law, appealing for political asylum after returning to home country has minimal, if any, chances for success, as that country thus becomes assumed to be safe for that person. As SEM's Federal employees must know that law, the fact of their insisting on my breaking it may be considered a formal proof for their intentional commiting a crime against me due to reasons I described in my previous letters to Swiss Presidents: (a) to hide fraudulent manipulation of (international) charity funds; (b) to hide facts of abusing the law and fundamental banking rules by Swiss branches of international Barclays banks; (c) ...

Let me remind Swiss authorities that in result I appeared in my country at the end of 2019 exclusively due to unlawful and violent deporting me there by SEM without my consent, HANDCUFFED!!! Moreover, that was strongly against my will, containing serious danger to my life, ALL details of which were provided to the SEM during its official interviews with me.

Thus the official proposal of the SEM to forget all previous details and start everything anew is evident fact of its attempting to apply to my case at least the double fraud: (1) up to now the SEM has not corrected its own mistakes with abusing the law in my case, and (2) it makes a clearly fraudulent action towards artificial exclusion me from the valid space of law required for winning my case (in particular, by forcing me to return to my home country).

Cummulative result of applying those frauds to me can be seen in continuation of Barclays' attempts of my physical KILLING by HUNGER and COLD, which Swiss authorities joined one year ago under silent approval of Fedederal Court and Swiss Presidents.

I'll tell you what:










which were taken away by destroying my place of living,

without which no decent job is possible to obtain legit,

let alone other dangers to my life I discussed in detail

during my asylum interviews with SEM in 2019.




I am charging Swiss authorities

in intentional attempts of my


If any kind of 

fair settlement

for my survival 

is possible only 

through CRASHING

Swiss banking system,

well, that's YOUR choice:

 End of Swiss banks!

Meanwhile, my demands for Swiss Government have not changed:

1. Reconsider my asylum application, with cancelling all the fines (absolutely illegal for my case), together with any restriction for entering the EU, including Switzerland and Liechtenstein. After all, my purpose was to stop permanent attempts of my KILLING, Swiss authorities ultimately joined instead.

2. Provide me with a decent place of living in the country of my choice, preferably in Switzerland.

3. Indemnify all my financial damages since September 2019, starting from IMMEDIATE paying double fee for services of the Mini-Storage company where my property is saved. I will also need a decent source of legitimate income, both Barclays bank and Swiss authorities totally destroyed for me.

Today I would add to them #4:

4. To help me in implementing a fair SETTLEMENT with Barclays bank!  

That will be cheaper for Switzerland than the disappearance of Swiss and world's banking industry anyway.

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