Thursday, October 1, 2020

End of Swiss banks!

Re. Deadline for Debt of Switzerland!

Press-release of October 1, 2020. Kiev, UA. 10:00 a.m

Sergiy Beloy, Creditor of the Infinite(!) Debt of the U.K., announces the End of Swiss banks with their absolute guarantee for returning money to its clients and observing the rule of the law, which in turn can result in bankruptsy of the whole Switzerland:

Photo courtecy of NYTimes

"The international Barclays bank has CANCELLED ITS DEBT to me, its customer (by refusing to return me money on my request during unprecedented period of TWENTY YEARS from my absolutely legitimately opened savings accounts). This action was later joined by its Swiss branches in Zurich and Geneva, with silent approval by Swiss government.

Actually, by doing that, Barclays CEOs (and whatever famous names stand behind them, starting from Rothschilds' family, associated with that bank by numerous Internet sources) CANCEL WEALTH OF CURRENT FINANCIAL ELITE, including majority of clients and owners of Swiss banks! For whatever reason, they created a precedent for open breaking of the fundamental rule of money, - everybody needs to pay his or her debts! In fact, any money, - be it Swiss Frank, gold, or sticks used by ancient people, - is used as just a record about obligation to pay a debt. By cancelling that obligation, Barclays CEOs either CANCEL Money, or CANCEL the Law!

Anyway, the Barclays/BOE CEOs clearly demonstrate practicing Double Law standards, - and that fact "KILLS" the Law! They separated debt of banks to its customers from debt of customers to banks. Thus, Barclays CEOs actually cancelled their own obligations for the debt to me, but did not cancelled my obligations for the related debt that was in result. In particular, their debt to me is not reflected in the official Barclays' Balance sheet, which is a crime already. At the same time, they continue demanding from the Barclays' customers to pay their debts to the bank. That is undeniable fact of practicing the double laws! And a similar approach about my case was used later by Swiss authorities.

In the words of the BGate blog devoted to the Scandal Of The Century around the possible fatal consequences of continuing my case:

"The Barclays CEOs actually CANCELLED FOUNDATION of banking industry: DEBT, USURY, Capitalism, and Money in general!"

Taking into account a key status of these abusers in the world's financial system, practically INFINITE(!) scale of their debt to me, and main principle of any legitimate system, - the Law is Equal For ALL, - the symmetric action due to such Barclays' behaviour is allowing EVERYBODY not to return money to ALL banks (including banking loans and mortgages), -- while banks remain responsible for debts they owe to their clients!

In result, banks can became BANKRUPTS! In fact, they are de-facto bankrupts already!

Yes, the famous Swiss banks appeared BANKRUPT!

Because of the evident abusing their own laws, and fraudulently rejecting my apppeal for political asylum directly related to my unprecedented case (which currently becomes a main reason for political asylum on its own) due to my writing Open Letters to Swiss Presidents about fraudulent way of spending international charity funds allocated to Switzerland, the main source of income for the whole country is simply going to disappear!

Swiss politics may keep pretending the impact of Swiss banking sector on the overall success of Swiss economy is minimal (you bet, - after the tremendous amount of bankers' money it has pumped into Swiss economy already). And that the source of their prosperity is far from the fact of being Swiss banks a huge tax haven. Although the pressure of the U.S. of 2015 about forcing Switzerland to reveal its banks' records to foreign tax authorities, together with related over-complicated checks for legality of their earnings might not critically affected Swiss economy, - complete lost of trust into Swiss banks will. And after foreign companies realize the practical disappearence of Swiss legislative system, leaving for them no current advantages for doing their businesses, the resulting picture may appear shockingly gloomy.

According to Swiss banking lawyers, the Swiss banking industry is highly regulated and supervised:

"The Swiss government has 2 major goals:

- No 1 goal is to protect the reputation of the Swiss banking industry.

- No 2 goal is to protect the interests of the banks clients."

In my case, it FAILED both!

Just one small detail: The Swiss Federal SEM's authorities did not find anything wrong in laughing into my face of the manager of Zurich-based Barclays' branch, sayng to me "And you expected to obtain your money as simple as that? Just by appearing in our office with your passport?"

If Swiss banks behave such a way with me, they can do it with any other banking client! So does Swiss government.

All I wanted was returning to me my debts with any fair SETTLEMENT.

All the Barclays/BOE CEOs did was actual CRASHING the world's banking industry instead!

And all what Swiss authorities (official representatives of the "country of banks") did was simply joining those CEOs, thus becoming at least an accomplice of the Barclays' crime!

And as key participants of this world's financial system, including Swiss bankers, as well as official Swiss authorities (starting from its SEM, Federal Court, and all Presidents) keep doing nothing for stopping Barclays' permanent attempts of KILLING ME (they became a part of which since 2019),

today I am officially announcing 

the most recent result of Barclays' actions 

(or its fraudulent non-action), -- 

de-facto End Of Swiss banks, 

which in turn can cause BANKRUPTCY 

of the whole Switzerland!!!

Continue reading at:

Black Friday for Switzerland!

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