Sunday, October 4, 2020

How to dismiss accusations of Trump! (Part 1)

 How to beat-back accusations of Trump 

for his personal debt & tax problems

Earlier this week America found Donald Trump has a massive debt and don't pay taxes for years! The whole chain of related articles followed almost simultaneously: (1), (2), (3) ... Obviously, the main reason for appearing these revelations is related to the election competition. I see how many people become sincerely angry about existence of Trump's debts: "Trump’s tax records reveal a staggering amount of personal debt — as much as $420 million that he is on the hook for within the next four years. That’s four years that he might spend as our president. He’ll need a way out of his debt, and plenty of foreign intelligence services will be more than happy to provide that help to him — for a price." (source).

And sponsors of this anti-campaign keep driving the "noble" tension of the public higher and higher:"This president has so much debt, so many conflicts of interest with foreign business ties, so many suspicious and potentially criminal manipulations of the U.S. tax code that he should be unable to get the security clearance required to work in the cafeteria at FBI headquarters." Up to "President may not be re-elected...".

But main problem behind this topic is much bigger than most people think it is.

Main problem is to answer the more general question:

"To pay, or Not to pay" Debts

This is fundamental question for today's economy!

I've asked it to the U.S. President already:

Question to Donald Trump worth of


And although I know absolutely unique way of

paying ALL Trump's debts almost immediately,

the focus of this post is not on my offers to him.

"Trump facing devastating debt load?

Experts say not so fast"


"One option for Trump is to get his lenders to

REFINANCE his debt or to take out a new loan".

Hey, wait a minute!

Paying your loan off and

just delaying that paying

are different things!!!

The later does NOT mean paying!

On the other hand, [Democrat] Barack Obama encouraged American homeowners to refinance their mortgages as rates dropped ...”, well, preferring not to follow his own advice: “When you’re president, you have to be a little careful about these transactions ...” - A “little”?!! I thought the degree of certainty about decision on “Pay Or Not pay debts” should be 100%.


Peter Schweizer, the president of the Government Accountability Institute, said“The question is also one of whether the loans are tied to actual assets such as buildings, etc., or was the political figure granted special favors in getting loans [is it a form of "assets" mentioned above?]. Politicians and their families can engage in commercial transactions, the question is whether the loans are unusual and unique compared to others in the marketplace.”

Here we are entering a new dimension of exceptions:
"Trump on Monday suggested that his debt load is hardly unusual in comparison with his assets, claiming in a tweet that he’s in fact “extremely under leveraged.”

I have very little debt compared to the value of assets, - he wrote.” (source)

So do I.

My main asset is Barclays'

INFINITE(!) Debt to me!

Can it help me to postpone paying

my Debt with Mini-Storage?

That Debt KIILS ME


Or to make (and not repay) other debts?

In fact, the scale of Infinity means

I can afford to create



And take any loan!

And that means

I am the richest* person

on the earth!

Why I am forced

by Swiss and Barclays CEOs

to sleep on the streets then?


am I rich?!!

Or I am poor?

If I am rich,

where is my money, Jes Staley?

What is the difference between delaying paying debts,

and delaying living wealthy,

according to my exceptionally rich status?

* - I have intentially limited my wealth from the beginning (asking just for place of living, and compensatoins/settlement for derivative problems Barlays bank caused. The rest (no matter how exceptionally lot) supposed to be spent to the charities.

Attitude towards non-paying taxes is very similar.

Is it a surprize for anyone that

Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki

“The things that Trump did are typical of wealthy businesspeople ...” 

said Steve Wamhoff, director of federal tax policy 

at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy."

"During his first general election debate against Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, Clinton said that perhaps Trump wasn’t releasing his tax returns because he had paid nothing in federal taxes. Trump interrupted her to say, “That makes me smart.” (source).

What about me then?

Is my current critical waiting for your response

under threats to my life

during last three months smart?

Then let's se who is smarter then.

You are dealing with a billion-worth problem,

but ignore my possible help of Infinite amount.


Income tax payments help finance the military and domestic programs”.


And not just repaying debts to banks?


It could be that President Trump acted smart when he just used the law for escaping paying his debt to society: “The special breaks and loopholes that are available in the tax code and sometimes just takes them to a whole new level.”

Consequently, his dealing with taxes as with a debt, - shifting actual payment to uncertain Future, with further increasing COMPLEXITY of the whole process through making uncertain word statements, - was a smart approach too:

Trump during an appearance Monday ignored a reporter’s question about when he might release such a statement, and the White House would not comment on when he might follow through. He said repeatedly before his election that he would release his actual taxes, but he never has.”

No wonder that “In the runup to his 2016 election victory, Trump played down his bankruptcies as a smart business strategy and even referred to himself as the “King Of Debt”.

The problem, however, is about right answ for the fundamental question mentioned above.


one needs to make a clear choice between

"Law and Order"


Paying Debts!

The right answer for my question is:


Quite Legally!

(I will publish details soon).


Donald Trump may not bother 

for his debts 

as long as he is U.S. President!

His Democratic competitors should.


I’ve always loved debt, I must be honest with you,” Trump said during a campaign rally. I don’t love it for countries, but I love it individually. If things work out good that’s great, if they don’t, you go renegotiate.”

OK, the later suggestion can be a topic for my next post:

Mr President,

Let's renegotiate your risky ignorance of my offers

aimed to help YOU PERSONALLY

and MILLIONS Americans!

Continue reading at:

"Anti-Debt for Donald Trump"

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