Friday, August 2, 2019

BP #1

Caused by "End Of Everything"

BP ("Barclays' Precedent") - an addition to official Banking regulation caused by the Barclays' precedent of attempting to KILL its customer after robbing him to the DEADLY ZERO level!

As Barclays' CEOs ignored my yesterdays' Bill #6 to them of August 1, I am extending it to a global scale: Today I am proposing addition to general rules of ALL BANKS IN THE WORLD:

In addition to all existing laws and regulations, every bank must be responsible for its actions that endanger LIFE of its client(s). Bankers are not Gods to decide who will Live and who will die! The sum of  its NON-REFUNDABLE financial help for preventing a possible death of corresponding client(s) depends on specific case is DUE ASAP (or IMMEDIATE if required in critical cases), but cannot be less than minimal level for a decent life in each particular country. For example, in my case the Barclays bank just obtained a debt of 100 Euro Per Day. If it fails to pay the debt, its sum may be increased further, - up to INFINITE level in geometric progression!

Source of financing such debts should be BONUSES OBTAINED BY ITS CEOs, AND/OR OWNERS AND SHAREHOLDERS!

Avoidence of paying that debt may cause firing key CEOs and/or cancelling corresponding banking licence, - up to licences and rights for existing the whole banking industry!

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for future updates!

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