Tuesday, June 23, 2020


To: International Criminal Court

I am charging Switzerland in its attempts of Financial Genocide started against me personally by international banking community, in particular, the Barclays Bank, with evident trend is to be unrestrictably expanded in the global scale due to inevitable financial crisis in the nearest future.
This post also coins the new term 
(short for "Financial Genocide" concept I introduced early), 
similar to the term "Genocide" derived from the Greek genos (“tribe”) and the Latin cide (“killing”) 
coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an 
adviser to the U.S. Department of War during World War II.

Finacide happens every time when degree of financial crisis crosses the critical "red line", after which it starts endangering PHYSICAL SURVIVAL of corresponding people, - in particular, due to HUNGER or COLD they are unable to deal with, which directly threatens their LIFE!, - rather than changing their financial status of becoming more rich or more poor.  

In September 2019 I applied to Swiss authorities for asylum due to threats to my life in my native country because of both political and financial reasons. Swiss SEM rejected my asylum appeal several months later, despite Swiss law providing enough chances for a positive decision, thus de-facto joining the process of robbing and killing me by Barclays bank during at least the last five years. Although the killing took mostly financial form, appearing WITHOUT ANY MONEY (in a society existence in which is impossible without money) is the same, - constant danger of PHYSICAL DEATH! Namely, from HUNGER and COLD!
My real life story of the actually a hidden war against me, started by the Barclays CEOs twenty years ago, included their refusal to pay Barclays' debts to me, which because of that ultimately reached unprecedented amount of Infinity. The later factor turned my already exceptional case into a political one, - due to its critical importance of related consequences for the world's economy. In particular, a danger of triggering the next (last) financial crisis, - under silent approval of the central Bank Of England, Queen, and corresponding official regulator(s). If the fundamental right for demanding debts becomes a crime, - the whole system is doomed to fall down.
However, the only result of my applying for Swiss asylum consisted of a further worsening my life situation to a critically dangerous level. In particular, Swiss SEM FRAUDULENTLY
1. geopardized my life by intentional implementing the actions for protection from which I applied for Swiss asylum;

2. forbade me to pay for saving my last remaining property, thus actually destroying it; (if leaving a person totally without any property, including the one critically important for basic life-supporting functions is not a slow killing, what it is then?);
3. forbade me to apply for a job in European Union,- practically the only possible chance for earning money to survive in the current really DEADLY economical lockdown in my native country;
4. compromised my reputation of a fair person who Never Broke The Law in his life, together with the whole idea of lawfully earning money exclusively fairly, critically important for me and devoted blogs I create on the topic, - due to decisions of Swiss Federal Court, which actually officially announced me a liar.
5. shifted its responsibility for the danger of triggering Next (Last) Financial Crisis, with the need for me for further applying to the President of U.S.A. to SWAP most of Barclays' Infinite Debt to me into prevention of related DEATHS of MILLIONS/BILLIONS PEOPLE around the world;
The list can go on ...

Moreover, resulted crashing of the foundation of international legislative system by supposingly "neutral" country with two hundred years of the "best democracy in the world" force me to become a criminal, - just to not die of hunger in the environment of total absence of other legitimate ways of income in my particular case, in destroying of which Swiss government played a shockingly big role.  
And that is in addition to my current staying in the poorest country of Europe, to which I was violently deported by Swiss police HANDCUFFED without proper reasons. Despite it also directly jeopardized my life and safety for the reasons I fully described during my official interviews with federal SEM employees in 2019.
Decisions of Switzerland about my case and all related consequences are totally Swiss responsibility: Any reference to underlying EU's legislation system is hardly applicable, as many Swiss laws explicitly reserve the rather doubtful from legal point of view right of the state to take any decision it wants to, no matter what.
However, I am not a convicted criminal (and never was).
I demand respect! At least according to the UN's concepts of human right for LIFE!
Crimes against humanity include condemning such acts as "World Poverty". And Switzerland ratified authority of International Criminal Court.
Please URGENTLY STOP the Swiss/Barclays' attempts of KILLING me and overwhelming majority of the world! I realize a main source of income for related lawyers is deeply connected with extending that process for years. But in this exceptional case time is a critical factor for LIFE of both me personally, and the whole world!

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