Monday, August 2, 2021

End Of Money


Actually, the End Of Money is in a full accordance with the main official strategy of the world's financial elites announced by Lynn Rothschild in and the founder of the Davos' World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab. I mean their concept of the so called "Inclusive Capitalism" that is simply impossible without SLAVERY of any kind. The slavery that is going to be much more brutal than the one known from the ancient history.

The information "concentration camp" the elites are openly building for the world does not require money. The slaves and "prisoners" simply do not need money!

Why bother for its problematic supporting in the times of actually Infinite debts? If one starts thinking about it, then the current movement for replacing REAL money with the digital one will look quite logical: That is an evident trend towards complete destroying money! Proportion of the real money printed by Central banks is under 5% already. Although the elites fraudulently keep calling the resulting 95% virtual things money as well, that is not true, as it can easily be created at their desktops in practically unlimited amount with just one click of mouse. Correspondingly, their power over the rest of the world is set to be unlimited by design as well. Although everybody can have an illusion of possessing certain amount of such "money", - e.g., at his or her account in some central world's bank, - that will not be money at all!

Current negative rates of Swiss banks did not teach the public anything. My unprecedented case clearly highlights the evident crime of killing the money behind the scene, - together with property and LIFE of its owners! While elites call their plans for destroying MILLIONS/BILLIONS people by any possible way the Conspiracy fiction. The word "conspiracy", however, has the meaning of some hidde, secret action. In contrast, the elites announce their plans openly:

I guess the concept of money is still required for world's financial elites at the early stages of their "New World Order" as a universal tool for controlling people. The Swiss and British governments have started their killings slightly ahead of the world's schedule.

Be it killing by FinancialGenocide (by Hunger and Cold AT THE STREET, with FORBIDDING ACCESS TO MY WARM CLOTHING FOR YEARS, which Swiss SEM helps the Barclays bank to implement in my case since 2019); by refusal for medical help (starting from the URGENT dental help that would never be required if the Barclays bank did what every bank is obliged to do at least by the spirit of the law, - provide access to my own money at its savings accounts); by evident CANCELLATION of the Free Money Flow "successfully" implemented for me by Swiss SEM under silent approval of police, Federal Court, Swiss Presidents and Government in 2019, which is the actual international law for all countries described by the "Washington Consensus").

On the other side, the early End Of Money triggered by my resistence against stealing my money by and forcing me to pay debts of somebody else (ultimately, the debts of the world's financial elites, as the chain of cause and effects in my case clearly shows) can incredibly help the world!

- to be continued -

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