Thursday, October 8, 2020

Anti-Debt for Donald Trump! (Part 2)

How to dismiss accusation of Trump?

Just ask the Question:

"To pay, or Not to pay" debts?

In principle!

This question should be central in the coming U.S. elections, 
and not just for Donald Trump alone.
Because ultimately it affects wellbeing of most Americans
more than any political rhetoric!

Democrats boast in public for avoiding personal attacks against their Republican competetors, and ... almost simultaneously NY Times reveals to that public damnatory facts about personal debts of Mr Tump, source of which it refuses to discuss. What a nice "coinsidence" for the democratic camp! Just one month before elections the whole country starts discussing related documents, - full text of which remains a big secret up to now, despite that fact alone has a potential to end up that discussion with diametrically opposite conclusions, - as the fatally decisive argument against electing Donald Trump:

"Donald Trump is personally responsible for $421 million worth of loans coming due in the next few years. ... A man in Trump’s position simply cannot be allowed to continue as president. ... Whoever Owns Trump’s Enormous Debts Could Be Running the Country ... Trump must be impeached and removed!" (source).

For today, such claims are the main argument against voting for Donald Trump! But are they really as fatally decisive as Democrats want them to present?

I am not against telling the truth. Just on the contrary, all my blogs, - and my whole LIFE!, - are based on my desire to tell truth only. The serious issue with the current media is it never tells people ALL TRUTH! Do you want to know all the truth about problems with Donald Trump's businesses? Then do not limit it with the narrow frame proposed by obviously biased media. Do not stop at the point it wants you to be stopped.

Ask Democrats and all their media the simple question:

"Do you really want to see Donald Trump debt-free

for allowing him to be the next U.S. President?"

If "Yes",

just allow me to

payALL his debts!

If "No", stop using your confusing arguments

- they will become irrelevent then

as a main desire behind it is

just to get rid of Trump

no matter what! -

with official announcing(!) that stopping!

Then and only then it will be a really

fair presidential competition.

If, however, you simply ignore my message and my critically dangerous life situation that allows me to tell all the truth, your demand for Trump to pay all his debts will inevitably be used as a starting point for demanding from America to pay its debts in full as well. Because that is THE SAME PROBLEM! And I am afraid the public opinion then will not be in the favor of the conclusions you want to be applied against Donald Trump:

Peter Schiff: An Obama Speech, Debt and China

Once again, this situation is really weird: With my help, Trump is able to pay off all his debts immediately! But he doesn't do it. Ask him "Why?".

I have made at leats five official proposals to him: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

including music Video clip "Mr President".

But Donald Trump is still reluctant to "move a finger" about it. Despite my proposal concerns not only him personally, - its promaraly aim concerns PHYSICAL SURVIVAL OF MILLIONS Americans! And their President is carelessly reluctant about it during last four months?!! That's a really huge period period of time, during which I could simply die at any second, - of hunger, cold, and other dangers to my life related to being in this unique life situation with mirriad troubles associated with LIVING WITHOUT MONEY IN SOCIETY OF MONEY. Which can easily appear YOUR OPTION in the nearest Future!

I am against using truth ONLY when it's profitable to use, and thus DISTORTING it by presenting just a part of it, - the carefully chosen part that supports required conclusion only.

Actually, discussed articles are a continuation of the same topic started during previous elections in 2016:

"Investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt", - gradually transformed to its next level, - without disclosing its full structure. The best way for Donald Trump to fight it is to do the job now. Let me start it today.

I agree with Sen. Tom Cotton, who tried to defend Donald Trump: "This report is speculative". But the scale of speculation is bigger then Cotton suggested due to hiding from public full content of documents on which it was based. That speculation extends to the main topic behind it, which still remains a "terra incognita" area for most Americans. (If it didn't, the "sensational" articles would simply not appear). And that is the question

"To pay, or Not to pay" debts

1. Uncertainty

The reality of modern business is that it's not always clear whether the debt actually exists, while calculating a right sum of that debt is even a bigger challenge.

At the one pole, current legislation is so over-complicated that even professional lawyers often have difficulties in interpreting it correctly. At the other, to obtain a critically important advantage in the highly competetive market, businesses nowadays tend to have over-complicated structure as well. And example of Donald Trump's empire is a good illustration for the above mentioned.

Steve Wamhoff, director of federal tax policy at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, noted: “The things that Trump did are typical of wealthy businesspeople ... U.S. tax law ... allows them myriad legal loopholes and breaks". Trump claims “the special breaks and loopholes that are available in the tax code and sometimes just takes them to a whole new level.”

That's true that "some of them receive tax rebates that exceed their income tax bills, thereby granting them effectively a negative tax rate". It looks like the main idea behind it is the state is ready for a kind of credit today, for encouraging success of big businesses tomorrow.

According to Kathleen Clark, a government ethics expert, “The Trump Organization consists of hundreds of LLCs (limited liability corporations) . ... One of the things that Trump has benefitted from, and that oligarchs and money launderers benefit from, is opaqueness of LLCs, ... the ease of which individuals can hide their assets, can hide their financial interests.

Among other things, in 2016 the Presidential "form appears to have been designed for candidates with simpler finances than his, and did not require disclosure of portions of his business activities". But that was definitely beyond Trump's responsibility.

So, what exactly law Donald Trump broke then?

Rather, most Americans break the law when they refuse to use all its advantages :-)

Then, what is a reason for demanding him to be rejected in the coming U.S. elections in relation to his debt problems?

I have a right to open the related discussion, as that is very similar to what I asked Swiss Government in 2019: "What exactly Swiss or EU's law I broke to be deported from Switzerland HANDCUFFED(!) with forbidding me to visit it during next three years (that under these circumstances certainly means FOREVER)?!! No response was provided so far (very similar to result of applying to Donald Trump during last four months). While the main reason behind it were debt problems around the Infinite(!) Debt of the United Kingdom to me, partly caused by Swiss branches of the Barclays bank (and ultimately by Swiss Governmental SEM, silence of which today shifts the whole case to the US Fed).

2. Complexity

I also agree with Sen. Tom Cotton that "American people are more concerned about their future, about their finances than they are about the finances of Donald Trump’s businesses.” But let's discuss how deeply their future is in fact connected with the way top elites, including Donald Trump, do their businesses.

It maybe a situation around Trumps' debt is in clowds of uncertainty. However, so is the core of many today's businesses. A lot of projects tend to involve complex ownership and mortgage structures. So what?

To some degree, the real Trump's business is to run a kind of artificially created COMPLEXITY!

Once again, so what? It's just a new niche to survive the current trends of constantly shrinking demand.

You are welcome to see my VIDEO introduction to

"Banking Complexity":

Mr Trump would hardly be able to become the King Of Debt without his web of overcomplicated deals, which will be tremendeously difficult to explore using standard approaches. Complexity of particular contracts multiplied to even bigger system complexity produces almost Infinite Complexity! That is not to say the price of such systems is able to be multiplied in the same proportion, but it can make Trump's claims that his personal wealth exceeds $10 Billion quite realistic.

So, taking into account just these two points, the degree of guilt of Donald Trump can be described only by the famous formula "Not so fast!" :-)

Now get serious!  

3. The core answer to the question "To pay, or Not to pay debts", however, lies in a completely different dimension:

The truth is the answer is SLICED to many pieces. That fragmentation means there is no certain answer for EVERYONE! Because the answer is different for different categories of people and countires. Some people must pay their debts, some people don't. Some countries must pay its debts, some countries don't.

Are YOU sure in which exactly "slice" you are now, - and for how long? The problem of today's world with the coming financial super crisis is: MOST of its population may appear at the bottom parts! MOST people may suddenly find they are uncapable to pay their debts!

That is, to appear in the same situation Donald Trump is now (*according to the press).

See more in my Mini-Research 

"To Pay, or Not To pay" debts?".

And that is another problem poor people just start to realize, while rich architects of that situation would be glad public to remain unaware, - That means END OF THE LAW! The Law that is "Equal For Everyone" by definition. Otherwise that is a fraudulent "Double Law". And ... That also means undermining the legislative system with which rich protect what makes them rich, - their wealth! And that is more serious than any debt! While the fundamental declaration behind any legal system is that no one can be above the law, here we see the evident departure from that core principle. Here we see beginning of the End for All Rich People!!!

See more in the Swiss precedent for my story:

That's why U.S. President should respond! That's in his personal interestes, - as well as in interests of all American people. If he officially confirms the fact of the separation, he would not be required to pay his debts. And the country will not be required to pay its $22 Trillion Debt then. However, that confirmation would mean official declaration of the End Of Law! Together with all advantages rich currently have over poor! Switzerland just did it last week. By its silence about my case! Is it a turn of the United States now?

And the time remaining for responding to my question is quckly runs out! The problem is that it's not just a matter of clarifying uncertainty of right answer (that, by the way, is artificially over-complicated by you know whom). The problem is the approval of the fragmentation has already happened. I mean by that the fact of non-paying me my money by Barclays bank during last 20 years! That debt to me, - together with all other derivative debts it created, including the unprecedented Infinite Debt of British banking system to me, - has confirmed existence of the fragmented nature for the answer "To pay or not to pay debts"!

And if the U.S. President does not state the opposite, that means End Of Law! Already! No bankers' demands for paying of loans, - including international loans for all countries, - will be valid then.

That's why the U.S. President should respond to me ASAP!

Despite all PERMANENT(!) attempts of Barclays CEOs to KILL me by hunger, up to THIS moment (I haven't eat anything today), and ... While he is the President!

He needs me to the same degree I need him!

I know how to ANNUL a need for paying his debts

TOGETHER with paying Financial Genocide's debts 

for BILLIONS people around the world, including 

MILLIONS Americans, - and me personally!

Trump's "negotiation" tricks are inappropriate here.

Fortunately, I didn't die during last three years, - because I appeared stronger than authors of this Infinite Debt thought I was.

Fortunately, I didn't DIE LAST NIGHT!!! Despite all recent ones were quite freezy and rainy. Including the last one, on October 8, that I spent AT THE STREETS UNDER OPEN SKY as well! Then, in the morning I started writing THIS post for you! HUNGRY!!!

Now it's YOUR TURN for action!

Look, Trump does not pay his debts, despite he can. Ask him why! Just be aware that such non-paying his debts with my help also prevents YOU from the opportiunity to PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS for avoiding YOUR DEATH from inevitable Financial Genocide during the Next (Last) Financial Crisis. And when you realize that, the nature of YOUR questions to both Democrats and Republicans can appear substantailly different.

Please also kindly ask him to respond to my Question and Offer


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