Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Grand Charity!


The Barclays CEOs seems are preparing a great Christmas surprize for every person on the planet affected by the coming financial crisis, - a personal Grand Charity support!

Although there are no official announcements about it from the Barclays bank, there are demonstrative signs that corresponding preparations are on the way. In particular, the Barclays CEOs, - who already are widely known already for their public annoucements about Barclays' participation in various types of charity activity, - have practically made their choice between

(a) stopping their attempts of KILLING me

by refusal to pay their debts to me,

and (b) triggering "avalanche"

of a much BIGGER flow of

charity payments



I am glad to announce

the opportunity for the

Christmas Charity 2021

that is capable to approach


Only 8 HOURS remains till the closing of the biggest window of opportunities the Barclays CEOs, - and top financial elites! - ever had in their life:

to pay just a fraction of their profit for paying off the debts they created for me, at least partly;

or face the need of compensating the debts they created for MILLIONS/BILLIONS people worldwide, UP TO INFINITY!!!

It's important to mention that the second option is already reserved by Barclays CEOs early. In particular, through mechanism of the GAT that is IRREVERSABLE option for top elites, - thanks to the arrogancy of the Barclays CEOs! - working completely INDEPENDENT of me, its Creator.

Today the choice for both the Barclays CEOs and top financial elites (to whom the CEOs are SHIFTING their debts to me for years, including the INFINITE Debt) is only about the DEGREE/SUM of their responsibility, as well as the actual TIME schedule for implementing corresponding payments.

By refusing to pay their debts to me TODAY, - in particular, by avoiding to pay me the debts the Barclays CEOs artificially keep creating for me since 2015, in result of which I lost practically all my property, including

my place of living and



- actually means




The good thing for the world is that by doing so the Barclays CEOs (and top elites behind it) are launching the NEXT stage of my BMoney project that then may be transformed into cancellation of their global Great Reset!

Just like Barclays CEOs are forcing me

to buy the stuff I already bought,

the top elites can face a need

to give away the money and assets

they consider their private property!

- to be continued -

How To Help Me

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