Saturday, May 25, 2019

Debts To Me

The First Undeniable Fact is:
Rothschilds' Barclays Bank
Let's discuss a TOTAL  SUM of that DEBT!
From numerous debts in a purely ethical sense, 
which is always difficult to evaluate 
in specific digits, 
to quite real financial values, 
expressed with precise mathematical calculations. 

Let's start from an officially registered fact of existing my savings accounts in the Barclays bank: 
And don't ask me about the scale of my savings. The fact of having any debt does not depend on amount of that debt! A debt either exists, or does not exist, no matter how tiny amount in digits it could be. Well, a sum at my initial Barclays' accounts as of the year 2000, - when it has been "frozen" (Barclays' pronunciation of the word "stolen") up to now, - was relatively small. However, the fact of existing it at absolutely legitimately opened banking accounts is absolutely REAL!

Then add to it at least several DERIVATIVE DEBTS of Rothschilds' Barclays/BOE CEOs to me. The word DERIVATIVE here means a long chain of debts-consequences due to their fraudulent cutting access to my emergency savings in Barclays bank when I needed money most. Corresponding CEOs created a really LIFE-THREATENING situation for me, with creating debts that would never existed without dealing with Barclays bank. In December I explicitly reminded Jes Staley, Barclays CEO, about his responsibility for these debts, but he pretended to be "deaf". So, six month later I needed to describe those debts in more details:   

1. Debt Of Rothschilds #1$100* + $1,500 
2. Debt Of Rothschilds #2: $300-500 min. 
3. Debt Of Rothschilds #3: $25,000-250,000 min.
4. Debt Of Rothschilds #4: $300,000-$3,000,000

* - before confiscation adds much bigger price of the property in the case of not-paying this debt URGENTLY! 

Summing up just debts mentioned above can produce quite impressive result already.
But there also exists

Instead of a fair
if proposed
right now

UPDATE OF August 1:
6. Debt Of Rothschilds #6: 100 Euro Per Day

UPDATE OF April 6, 2021:

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