Sunday, April 28, 2019

Easter End Of Debt To Banks!

Today, on the greatest christian holiday of resurrection Jesus Christ from the dead,
I declare
End Of Banking Debt

At least one sin
will disappear,
clearing the road to
End Of Usury with
End Of Current Money!

Or start of

Technically, that event was created by CEOs of Rothschilds' Barclays bank, who have avoided paying their debts to me, Sergiy Beloy, during last 19 YEARS! Their action (or fraudelent non-action) resulted in my shockingly stressful existence at the edge between Life and Death without money at all for many years! My own bank has been practically KILLING ME BY HUNGER AND COLD many times, a kind of crucifying me to pay its debts, practically constantly since 2017!

In one of these cases, forcing by the bank to nearly die in the cold night on the streets of Sarayevo city (Bosnia and Hercegovina, EU), I first announced the Rothschilds' cancelling the banking debt publically! Here is HD version of that video:

Obviously, at that time I was unable to promote that message properly, without money at all , - and it appeared practically unnoticed by the world!

Today I still have NO MONEY AT ALL! Because of the Rothschilds' Barclays bank, I already live in the World Without Money!
But I am trying to save 99% of the world from the next (last) financial crisis.

I am trying to REVERSE the history once again!
And once again, I am announcing the
who wants to

do it 

UPDATE of June 19:
Amount of money sent to me through WesternUnion during last half of year: