Monday, April 13, 2020

Law Of Barclays

Black Monday for Bankers!
Being currently at the edge of Death caused by Barclays' non-payment, I am forced to start my own investigation on history of bankers' frauds. And here is the first thing I discovered. 
The Law Of Barclays Bank:
Do Not Pay Debts!

to get
YOUR $10,000*

I hinted existence of the idea long time ago:
but they did not get it.
Or pretended of not getting it.
In general, shifting debts to other people
is a main reason for financial crises
and ultimately
Financial Genocide!

But not for everyone.

Consequences of The Law Of Barclays:

I. It turns into Double Law.
II. It creates derivative debts.

The logic for such situations should be:
Don't hear what bankers are saying,
watch what they are doing.

During last 20 years the Barclays Plc does not pay its debts to me,
starting from preventing me to access my money
located at my Barclays' savings accounts
I opened 100% legitimately.
During unprecedented for banking industry term of 20 years
Barclays' CEOs failed to fulfill their paid obligation for
implementing returning money to their customer,
despite legal requirement to return it
on his first demand.
there is no facts of existence their apologies about it in written
and official clarifying a deadline for the returning
in any specific point of time in the Future, -
meaning their non-payment is set to exist

The Barclays & Co. should either pay its debts,
or allow everybody a similar non-paying:

Applying Law Of Barclays allows symmetrical
by its customers,
as that Law actually allows them to say:
"Forget about paying Barclays' loans,
mortgages, fines, etc."
- the same way its CEOs forgot about their
responsibility of paying debts in my case -
while Barclays' debts to them remain intact
100% guaranteed by the current legislation.
Although that can cause the Barclays of becoming bankrupt,
it seems the main point of the game
- to make the rest of players poorer.

And considering the Barclays bank is a "system" bank,
the key player of the world's financial system,
"too-big-to-fail", supported 
at the top banking level
of the world,
its law is global too,
and related financial institutions
of the world!

I. First Consequence of The Law Of Barclays:
Non-paying debts represents either breaking fundamental banking rules,
or the fact of practicing DOUBLE LAWS.
In my previous official statements I described practicing double law by Swiss authorities I was directly affected to. Switzerland appeared in the field of action of this first Consequence to The Law Of Barclays after its Federal employees fraudulently rejected my legitimate applying for related help and political asylum. They actually ruined the trust to Swiss legislative system (see "End Of Swiss Law"), actually setting it "beyond the law". 
In turn, practicing Double Law means replacing (undermining) all legislative system with the Law of Power. Or more precisely, the Law of Force:
The more power
- the more law?
Exactly one week ago, the Barclays' derivative Debt #1 (a monthly fee since the middle of 2017 for keeping safe last remains of my PROPERTY from my apartment destroyed by its CEOs as described above) has been turned into much bigger debt, - a real tragic of my life I cannot to evaluate in digits: On April 6, the Mini-Storage company, - services of which I would simply never required if Barclays paid its debt to me in 2017, and for which I managed to create a mini-miracle every month, for finding opportunities for paying its fees (ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for me to pay, totally $2,500+ as of today), announced about breaking its Contract due to my constant delays, and finally non-payment of its $130 fee for last month.
Three days ago I got from them an official demand for paying that $130 ($260 since April 10):
"When you pay your debt?"
Indeed, Barclays, when YOU pay your debt?
If you believe it does not exist, reality is different.

The Barclays bank simply refuses to pay its debts to me.
Then why today the Mini-Storage demands from me
paying the debt everybody knows is
the Barclays' responsibility?
If decision of the Barclays CEOs about non-paying its debt is legitimate,
then why Mini-Storage CEOs reject a similar decision in my case?
And why they broken a contract with me several days ago,
thus sentencing all my PROPERTY to be
Was it legitimate?
Was their earning money fairly
to feed their families
against the law?
If Barclays' CEOs believe Mini-Storage bills are illegal,
I am asking Barclays' high-paid lawyers to
save me from Mini-Storage charges
accept the Barclays practices
thus destroying foundation
for all fair businesses.

And silence of main banking regulators may be interpreted as the evidence that The Law of Barclays is not Barclays' only: Without enforcing formal restrictions for breaking basic banking rules, the rest of banks appears free to practice similar action at any time. This fact is not surprising, considering sitting of Barclays' CEOs at the top British Economic Crime Strategic Board.

And Crime Of Century continued.

For me, the history of Barclays' crimes originated from its badly famous LIBOR-2012 scandal, that cost quite innocent Barclays' shareholders unprecedented fine of almost a half of $BILLION, after which the Barclays CEO Bob Diamond was simply fired (with almost $100M in his pockets, and no prison sentence) - without replying to my desperate letters about unpaid Barclays' debts I sent to him personally. See details for the $TRILLIONS' LIBOR Fraud Of The Century in my documentary video "Fraudelism-1":

Last year I started my own investigation on that case,

resulted a SENSATIONAL UPDATE for that affair:

Bob Diamond pretended not hearing the news.
Aha-aha ...

Are you afraid of hurting feelings of Barclays' CEOs? Relax: They have created a fraudulent info-wall <>, cutting all messages on Barclays' (their) crimes, thus making for themselves a fraudulent formal excuse for eliminating their responsibility (for which they were hired and generously rewarded) due to "not being aware" about anything! Above all, that is simply illegal:

For those who never heard about the Barclays

and its "shadow" practice at the edge of the law,

I created yet another documentary:

Apply the rules bankers practice for centuries,
and you will be rich too!

II. Second Consequence of The Law Of Barclays:
non-payment of debts creates derivative debts!
This is inevitable! This world is a closed system. And taking some resources in one its part requires restoring the total imbalance through a need to add a corresponding amount somewhere at its another part. Which exactly?
In my case, since 2000 the Barclays bank created many derivative debts.
In 2002 its CEOs caused a severe financial hardship in my life during the unprecedented legal battle started against me by some famous IT giant (that wanted at that time to become the first $TRILLION corporation of the world). I managed to prove to them absurdity of their claims, but by the price of "freezing" all my online projects.
In 2015, the Barclays' refusal to provide access to my life savings, at the time I needed it most, caused creating the first ever financial debt in my life. At the time of financial crisis in my country after so called "Revolution Of Dignity", during which demand for my job simply disappeared, while responsibility for paying my regular bills remained intact. I asked then the Barclays bank to transfer me at least a part of my money I needed badly as a temporal source of income for supporting myself during required re-education for another niche of a decent job or launching my own startup. The Barclays refused, and I stuck in "nowhere", being forced to devote all of my time to desperate everyday's attempts of physical survival instead. Meanwhile, the sum of my unpaid bills constantly increased (in particular, obligatory communal fees for my 4 -rooms apartment), ultimately forcing me in 2017 to sell my only place of living to avoid its confiscation by the state, - while on my Barclays' accounts was enough money to pay ALL my debts its CEOs forced me to create me during those years! In result, I had paid my debts (actually, the Barclays' debts) fairly, - but by the price of becoming homeless as a direct consequence of unfair Barclays' non-payment. The sum I obtained for urgent selling my apartment at the time of crisis was not sufficient for purchasing a new one. And despite Barclays' lawyers might claim their CEOs have nothing to do with this derivative problem formally, the price of their derivative debt only increases.
Two years ago the Barclays CEOs started their attempts of KILLING me (I am not in a position to evaluate exact price for that killing), with extending it by Switzerland into the concept of Financial Genocide in the end of 2019, which is still in progress right NOW!
Six months ago Swiss authorities added to it the price of future consequences of cancelling the fundamental freedom of monetary flow, - with further setting Swiss legislative system beyond the law, price of which is difficult to imagine.
Since then I pay for consequences of Barclays' non-payment its debts practically every day and every second of the day, - mostly by my health (see my One Day Of March).

Even after my contract with Mini-Storage is ended,
- as you made me bankrupt, -
your unpaid debt for it is still charged to me.
According to logic of Barclays' CEOs, 
the debt they safely shift away from themselves 
during last 20 years somehow "disappeared":
The fact is they officially(!) don't care about its paying
since at least 2017:

Something is definitely wrong with the Barclays' logic.
Reality is far from your fraudulent attempts to represent it
without your debts.
The screenshots of official letters of Mini-Storage 
business to me above
are REAL facts.
What are Barclays' documented facts of
not existence their debt to me?

This is a flip side of what I call in my BMoney blog by the word "SHIFTING". In original sense that meant attempts of the Barclays CEOs to shift responsibility away. This world, however, is a closed system. Any attempt to get rid your debt without paying it means just one thing, - somebody somewhere must pay the resulting imbalance instead of you. The only way of achieving it legitimately is through creating a fraudulent debt for "someone". The debt for which that "someone" has very little to do, but formally is required to pay.
If Barclays' non-payment was not truth, the shifting would not occur. However, the event of non-returning me my money located at my Barclays' savings accounts on my requests during last 20 YEARS is an UNDENIABLE fact! There are a lot of documented evidences for existence of my savings accounts in Barclays bank since 2018, but not any case of a documented evidence of paying me any money, including absence of the latter evidence in official Barclays' Balance Sheets. So, we may speak about existence of Barclays' shifting as about fact of 100% certainty. That is, as about ABSOLUTE TRUTH: The Barclays' CEOs do shift its debt!
Now, next question is "To whom?" To whom exactly CEOs shift its debt? Taking into account another 100% true fact, documentally proven by official Barclays letter the sent to my address, - the obvious silence of CEOs on the matter, - and one may safely say they obviously don't care. Thus it's quite natural the first wave of shifting should be exposed to the closest circles around the epicenter of the original event, - Barclays CEOs. Thus the shifting should affect first the people with whom the CEOs deal with the most of their time. It's quite natural it first hits their nearest business partners and ... members of their families.

III. Third Consequence of The Law Of Barclays:
Impossibility of paying debts
without breaking the law
I just appeared in such situation: Because of the Barclays bank, during last three years I have NO MONEY, NO PROPERTY, NO PERMANENT PLACE OF LIVING AND LEGITIMATE SOURCE OF INCOME in any country of the world! It makes my existence simply IMPOSSIBLE! Especially without breaking the law (the breaking on which Barclays' lawyers(!) insist during twenty years, trying to punish me for my case of exceptional Not Breaking The Law During All My 55+ LIFE, with additional forcing me to break any law anyway after leaving me without food and shelter at the edge between Life and DEATH, as I managed not to break the law up to now, to the best of my knowledge).
The main bankers' weapon is money (or its absence for the rest of people, to be more precise). Absence of money in this World Of Money simply KILLS! (See my Life Without Money).
It was a year ago. And it is NOW! 
What's the difference between the danger to die from the knife of street robber, hunger, cold, or #CoronaVirus, if result is the same?!! The MURDER is always MURDER! And I am charging the Barclays CEOs for their intentional attempts of my MURDER by creating derivative debts with related problems, which practically permanently keep KILLING ME PHYSICALLY, OUT OF HUNGER AND COLD AT THE STREETS, - UP TO NOW!
Depending on jurisdiction (Jes Staley, current Group CEO of British Barclays bank that operates in 50 countries, is American citizen), the punishment for attempts of MURDER of the first degree varies from sentencing for a prison for life, with confiscation of all property, to DEATH ON ELECTRICAL CHAIR!

But who cares about the law
with $Millions in his pocket?

(see more in First Consequence of Law Of Barclays above)
The current "killing" of my last property I kept managing to save by miracle since Barclays bank destroyed my place of living in 2017, additionally kills me psychologically, at emotional level. The main value of that property is not in its market price, presumably low during all financial crises, but in its extreme importance for me personally as my family relics. The Barclays CEOs together with Swiss and British authorities today ARE DESTROYING THIS PART OF ME RIGHT NOW AS WELL!
"For how long we need to wait for your payment?"
Indeed, the Barclays' CEOs,
The Bank Of England and the US Fed,
Governments of UK and Switzerland,
HM The Queen and Royal family,
For how long I need to wait for your payment?
It's twenty years already
since original Barclays' non-payment!
Quite significant part of LIFE
you took from me!
My current existence
And I want to REVERSE this story.

Everybody is also able to help me
by sending ANY sum of money
through instant Western Union
to my name (Sergiy Beloy)
to Ukraine
(bmoneyclub @

During all 3 years of existence of this blog
ever was made ...

to get
YOUR $10,000
for this month only
* subject to limitation I described early.

This is legitimate.
Asking for paying your debts
is always legitimate!

See also my previous

Any way of attempting to remove this post and related discussion on the Internet is illegal: I am saying here truth and only truth (and that is main motto of my blog). All mentioned facts are real! I have all rights for demanding paying debts to me, especially after unprecedented delay of 20 years, during which Barclays bank failed to implement that payment. Any right for demanding paying debts is fundamentally legitimate. For comparison, the recent blocking my email correspondence on the matter is unlawful. Setting info-wall for my messages for fraudulent hiding Barclays' CEOs from any responsibility they practice for years is unlawful. Anyway, public distributing socially important news concerning great amount of people is a legitimately allowed exception from copyright and any other legal restrictions.

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