Friday, September 18, 2020

Question to Donald Trump worth of $40 QUADRILLION!

Re. "Trump Card" for Donald Trump

Dear Mr Trump,

What you would do in my UNPRECEDENTED situation of practical impossibility of URGENT paying a small debt, while leading players of the world's banking system delay paying to me a huge one? Namely, the Mini-Storage company threatens me with the court for my delay in paying fees for their service priced in hundreds of US$ per month, - while British Barclays bank delays paying to me its derivative debts (including, but not limited to assets at my savings accounts I opened 100% legitimately), total sum of which during last 20 years became practically INFINITE!!!

Compare it with YOUR Half Billion in Loans Coming Due. According to the press, you have 14 loans on 12 proper­ties. At least six of those loans—about $479 million in debt—are due over the next four years, including your Trump Tower loan that is up in September 2022.

Not Infinity, but close to it, considering a scale of possible consequences for the biggest Presidential conflict of interest, the price of which is uncertainly unlimited. Unlike advantages of your con-man spirit, which can be nullified on facing a real crisis:

"These debts are maturing at a perilous moment for Trump, whose hotels and resorts have been plagued by declining revenues. And that was before the coronavirus pandemic pummeled the hospitality industry in general and the Trump Organization in particular, forcing the full or partial closure of most of its hotel and resort properties" (source).

I realize the recipe you use for yourself, - refinancing, another name for ETERNAL SHIFTING debts to the Future, - has being encouraged to become a de-facto standard solution for the most of population. "Trump, for example, has long had a mortgage on Trump Tower, neverpaying it off  and periodically increasing the loan’s size when he refinances". But that is not for everyone.

The Barclays bank simply uses its legendary Law Of Barclays ("Do Not Pay Debts"), which appeares the most powerful reason for any financial crisis! But similar way of action is IMPOSSIBLE for me!

The more important question behind it is

is it really required

to pay our debts?

The Barclays CEOs do not pay 

their debts to me and live well.

I paid the debt they created for me

(instead of them) and die of hunger

since that:

If "No", just say it clearly!

No matter how scandalious it can be.

If "Yes", explain additionally whether that rule,

- and Law in general -

is equal for ALL?

Be careful, Mr President, about your answer!

It can have very serious consequences:

Speaking about myself,

My intention is to pay all my debts off!

Is it a bad intention?

CEOs of the Barclays bank not just

prevent me from ANY payment

by actual STEALING my assets,

but constantly attempting to


But I simply don't see another choice.

Do you?

Other choices contradict my life principles:

I always tried to keep my word,

to earn for life FAIRLY,

count only on myself

and the God!

Is it bad


Anthropologist David Graeber, author of the famous book "Debt: The First 5,000 Years", says:

The question is: whether the "morality of paying one's debts" is the

only morality, - morality for everybody?

So, I did that!
I paid my debt fairly.
By everything what I had:
By my place of living.
By my health.
By my way of life,
- in fact, by 
Now it's Barclays'turn.
But they simply don't.
In  accordance to their
("Do Not Pay Your Debts")


I remember my living in the United States 25 years ago:

After my spending there more than two years, it was incredibly easy and tempting to break a visa legislation and just keep staying there more, - illegally. But ...


TO U.S. Government

to leave U.S.A. for a while,

and I kept my promise fairly!

In a way, that obligation was

similar to my personal debt!

And I've paid that debt in full.

Did I a right thing, Mr Trump?

If I broke the law then,

I would not die of hunger now

in Ukraine, the poorest country of Europe,

and ... would not write this letter to You!

At that time I was told the state intentionally does not remove homeless people from the streets for the purpose of showing to other people where they can appear if they fail find a way of having enough money to have a home. Presumably (as I understood it at that time) that was about people's failure to earn money through doing some job fairly. Correspondingly, I set a goal for myself to EARN MONEY FAIR!

Today, when all my legitimate incomes disappeared in result of unprecedented refusal of the big and presumably respectful and otherwise 100% lawful international bank to return me my money, the meaning of not removing homeless people from the street changes to awesome function that clearly appears in my particular case:

It's impossible to escape poverty through earning fairly!

Now look at me and realize what happens with people


Right, Mr President?

Is it your

Law and Order?

I remember how you appealed to Americans in 2016:

"I am the Law and Order candidate"


The Barclays' Infinite Debt to me is perfectly legitimate!

By the way, in 1980, U.S. Federal Usury Laws,

which had previously limited interest to between 7

and 10 percent, were eliminated by act of Congress.

And my current demand for paying my debts is


as well!

Moreover, not demanding my derivative debts currently becomes a crime!

Because Swiss/Barclays CEOs were caught on the cases of using the law for artificial making me criminal! They created for me a situation when not to break the law is a crime! In particular, without official stamp in my passport about the permenent place of living (destroyed by Barclays CEOs in 2017) it is practically impossible to find any decent and well-paid job. The only option is to slightly break the law and work in the so called "shadow sector" of economics. Then they would be able to appeal for the law enforcement for dealing with the issues they created.

Staff at Geneva-based branch of Barclays bank acted very similar two years ago: After intentional delaying my case for many weeks, they called police exactly when my visa expired because of that. 

I just wrote yet another letter to Swiss Presidents, where explaned that their staff evidently crossed important "red line", behind which any law becomes unapplicable:

The choice you created for me is either to

break the law

or die!

But everything appears beyond any law!

(I call that "Law Of Lawyers").

Moreover, that means 

end of the law!

And that means end of Order,

Mr President!


So, what do you do in my place today,

Mr President?

Here is my answer.

My offer to YOU:

Let me pay


(2) my debts, and

(3) debts* of


people of the world,

at expense of Barclays'


* - Debts of million/billion people is subject to my previous offers to US President:

it's only about impossible for repayment debts 

that can result in Financial Genocide.

Are you agree?

Are you agree to save lives 

of millions Americans,

and be debt-free yourself?

Then act


Otherwise, you will need to accept

the law is not the same for everybody!

In fact, it's already been stated

by non-payment actions

of Barclays' CEOs!

And if you keep silence

about it, that silence can

and WILL become

your official sign of

the acceptence!

This question is extremely time-sensative:

Your Future is on the stake!

You will not be able to shift resolving of this case

to U.S. Intelligence Service, etc.

- I am not a terrorist! -

I am a FAIR guy.

The problem is bigger than you can imagine.



In any form!

Please help me to implement my offer to you!

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