Thursday, December 10, 2020

Why Is Switzerland In Debt To Me

Re: To Swiss Presidents - Pay Debts!!!


Short Summary on

Why Is Switzerland In Debt To Me:

1. It fraudulently rejected my appeal for Swiss asylum when my life was in a real danger. The process revealed not just abuses of the law by Swiss Federal employees, but actually the End Of World's Legislative system, triggered by Swiss Federal Court in my case, discussing of which publically in the form of my Open Letters to Swiss Presidents ultimately appeared the main reason for the rejection!

2. It worsened threats to my life in all senses (up to real and PERMANENT DANGER FOR MY PHYSICAL EXISTENSE) shortly after (1) by violent sending me without money to the country I specifically asked Swiss SEM not to send me to, - despite I Never Broke The Law in my Life, - with a need for me to either trigger creation and uncontrolled expansion of other debts, MUCH BIGGER THEN SWISS DEBTS, or earn for living by CRIMINAL ways!

3. It practically destroyed my last remaining Property I left in Ukraine (including warm clothes without which it's hard to survive Ukrainian winters with the cold of up to minus 40 degrees of Centigrade) by forbidding me to save it through sending money transfer as payment for its storage at the time that was required most. That absolutely legally earned money disappeared too, - while debts of Swiss Judge of at least 1,750 SF, absolutely fraudulent by its nature, are still in force (should I demand from Switzerland sending it to me through Western Union money transfer to comply with Swiss laws IMMEDIATELY?).



(C) of correspondent author

Important Intro

I need clearly notice from the beginning that Switzerland has not provided me any written confimation about existence of its debt to me. Yet. The latter sentence raises question why it is not in a hurry to do it. The reason is in creating a comfortable for Switzerland uncertainty, - a kind of "loan for responsibility" by itself, allowing to avoid it for unlimited period, up to infinity, thus formally excusing any delay about not responding, let alone doing anything about resolving the problem, forever (see also "Barclays' (Rothschilds') Fatal Firewall" on related technology). While the former one may raise the more serious doubt "Does it mean Switzerland owns me nothing?"

For answering this question let's clarify first a real meaning of Debt. Just like the case with Money definition, history of mankind is related deeply on how people understand the meaning of debt.

According to Oxford English Dictionary, debt is "anything (as money, goods, or service) which one person is under obligation to pay or render to another: a. a sum of money or a material thing;b. a thing immaterial;c. that which one is bound or ought to do..."

As we see, the notion of debt embraces a wide spectrum of meanings, from precise numerical (as modern money has), to fuzzy ambiguity (as gift, its first historic predecessor was). The widespread assumption is, there exists a clear dividing line between the two, separating business payments from gifts, - while in my understanding it does not.

Swiss/Barclays debts are a mixture, gibrid* of precisely measurable units (money), and principally unmeasurable ones (really sincere gifts, charity donations, and feelings). While Swiss authorities supposed to provide me humanitarian donation, monetary value of which traditionally is less important then its social impact, the world's banking community behind Barclays bank faced a need to deal with Infinite debt to me of $40 Quadrillions. However, the more this digit approaches impossible for practical payment value of Infinity, the less numeric it's nature becomes. And the less exact financial value because of that is expected to be paid off, the less demand for existence of a formal proof of that debt is required. What exactly digit the strictly formal related document should contain then?

* - Existence of gibrid structure should not confuse Amerian bankers, as their Fed has a similar one: It's both private and governmental bank, switching to corresponding state whenever a particular status is more beneficial for bankers then another one.

Thus, it depends on whether you consider Swiss debt a financial or charitable one. In turn, that depends on how we understand the essense of debts in general.

Swiss debt to me began as a charity gift. My life was in danger, and I had all reasons to expect Switzerland help just to remain alive. Then, however, Swiss Federal Judge illegally charged me with IMPOSSIBLE for me fee for his own Federal job, - and Swiss debt became financial one. With the minus sign.

Today Swiss debt to me is a gibrid of financial and social responsibility.

The Lexico dictionary adds to the debt definition "a feeling of gratitude for a service or favor". Unfortunately, in my case we can speak about "disservice" of Swiss Government and "disfavor" of Swiss bankers. And that is the main problem. See "URGENT Press Release to Swiss Government and bankers" <>. When SEM deported me back to Ukraine, Swiss charity became "anti-charity", another one with minus sign.

Since then Swiss owns me MONEY only!

Thus, both Swiss and Barclays' parts of BMoney's Infinite Debt are financial!

How much those debts can be? I don't know.

I can add to it the fact of not receiving ANY monthly allowence, - 0.00 SF during all the months of my staying in the SEM camp, - forbidden for Ukrainians, yet available to citizen of the rest of countries of the world for granted.

I can also add to it the TIME Swiss authorities forced me to spend in CRIMINAL PRIZON (not deportation one) ABSOLUTELY ILLEGALLY, as I Never Broke The Law, including Swiss visa regulation, let alone sentenced for anything in the criminal court!

I spent for dealing with your staff several months of the TIME of my LIFE,- the most valuable property God gives to people.

It's difficult to measure my subjective feelings in units of money. Besides, there is no reason to process Barclays' debt expressed in precise digits, as real value behind these digits is practically unachievable for Infinite debts. Anyway,

all Infinite debts are charged as much (and long)

as ALL available reserves last


I want to return back my HOME

- the debt I paid to Barclays CEOs

they - and YOU- keep SHIFTING

around the Globe since then!!!

Is Switzerland really neutral?

In whose interests then it's ready encroach on such a sacred principle of modern finance as Free Movement Of Capital?!!

By 1990th, IMF in interests of transnational corporations and banks forbade restricting freedom of capital movement throughout the world. That freedom is a key condition for the most profitable types of international speculations, usually associated with creating and blowing up otherwise illegal super BUBBLES in the global scale. It's needless to say what part of that profit ultimately ends up in Swiss banks, thus providing Swiss citizens with definitely legitimate source of super profit ... until SEM decided to cut that source with inevitable redirecting it to other countries:

Since September 2019 I asked Swiss SEM to allow me implementing the critically important for my future life money transfer, any opportunity of which it fraudulently made impossible to me by force, through actual confiscation of my valid passports and other ID documents instead of taking them for a temporal storage for my own safety, suggested by Swiss immigration laws. The problem for the SEM was that under any formal definition the requested money transfer was among "other operations with financial institutions, including personal capital operations": "'Capital movements' are all the operations necessary for the purposes of capital movements carried out by a natural or legal person ..." Another problem was that even formally, strictly under the law, my passports and IDs were not arrested, let alone confiscated. I am not a convicted criminal, - and never was! Thus, the SEM could temporarily provide me with my passport exclusively for implementing my right for the money transfer that otherwise was impossible, - either to me personally, through any supervision (if required), or mediation of any SEM's employee. The procedure required only 10 minutes of time, and could be implemented at any post office (the nearest one was just across the street, directly opposite to the building of SEM's and my location). But SEM did not do that!!!

In other words,

In result of my (fully legitimate) applying to Swiss authorities for asylum (from September 2019 and up to my final leaving Switzerland), Swiss SEM's Federal employees unlawfully forbade Free Movement of my Capital. Namely, movement of my personal money I was trying to direct for paying monthly fees for the vitaly important for me services that became required after Barclays bank forbade free movement of capital at my savings accounts since 2000.

Meanwhile, "Free movement of capital is one of the key elements in the EU single market, and is enshrined in the Treaty of Maastricht. With the entry into force of this treaty in 1994 all restrictions on capital movements and payments across borders were prohibited." (source)

That is,

Ten years later Barclays bank CANCELLED that Free Movement of Capital in my particular case in relation to my legitimate savings accounts. Almost twenty years later Swiss SEM added to it prohibiting cross-border movement of another my capital from Switzerland to my home country, - despite the later transaction greately geoperdaized existence of my last property, - that is, actually cancelled my fundamental Private Property rights. Moreover, in both cases my Capital effectively DISAPPEARED in result of abovementioned cancellations, and up to now I am not aware about its exact location and term of its recovering, if any.

It's not that SEM never allowed people to make international money transfers (I was told about exceptions it did in previous years). But it wasn't in my particular case. And that again raises questions about real reasons for SEM's rejection of my asylum appeal!

No SEM's assistent agreed to help me, - not a single one! And I was speaking with practically everybody at my location. Moreover, as several insiders confessed to me later, the SEM on purpose, specifically issued the ORDER THAT OFFICIALLY FORBADE SEM's employees to give ANY KIND OF ASSISTANCE TOWARDS MONEY TRANSFERS, - BOTH DURING THEIR WORKING TIME AND BEYOND(!!!), - UNDER THREAT OF FIRING!!!

By doing that the SEM stated its Cancellation of Free Movement Of Capital is not just accidental error of SEM's lower level staff. Rather, this obviously ILLEGAL Cancellation is offical policy and RESPONSIBILITY of Swiss decision-makers at the TOP GOVERNMENTAL LEVEL!

And it also confirms the fact of existence a serious danger for Swiss Government of open discussion, let alone media and criminal investigation, of the topics I mentioned in my letters to Swiss Presidents and their SEM!


Speaking by the language of finance, "Debt is an amount of money borrowed by one party from another" (Investopedia). My case clearly evidences that certain parties may borrow any amounts of money without bothering to enter into any formal procedures with signing any papers. Obviously, the later means an opportunity of enjoying such financial debts ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT any official obligation to pay it off, EVER! And here I am speaking about Switzerland!

Let me demostrate at least on example of my story on how Switzerland, - presumably "NEUTRAL" country, one of the richest in Europe - casually practices SHIFTING its debts to foreign countries, including my Ukraine, currently the poorest country of Europe, - without asking corresponding permission or issuing any warnings about that, let alone existence of a properly signed document that enforces Ukraine to pay INSTEAD of Switzerland, thus making it richer due to actual STEALING Ukrainian resources:

This is my video for Donald Trump, still acting U.S. President

You can see how I need to use certain

public facilities in my Ukraine for free:

Premises of airport, train and bus stations.

Public benches, cafes, water, and WC.

That's what Swiss/Barclays' Debt to me is.

By forcing me to use it

due to absense of money

Switzerland SHIFTS its debt to me


By allowing me to use all the above

Ukraine pays Swiss debts to me

INSTEAD of Switzerland!

Without any signed obligation!

And until Ukraine pays off that debt

at least partly

Swiss/Barclays CEOs pretend

they owe me nothing

and their debt to me

simply disappeared


So, is your debt a debt if there is little or no proof about it in written?

During last year this question arised for my project again and again.

First, just ask yourself "When people ask this question?" When they want to be sure the debt will be paid off. But if Swiss/Barclays CEOs openly refuse paying debt, like they do in my case in full correspondence with The Law Of Barclays "Do Not Pay Debts!", what's the point in the asking? They simply don't pay no matter what!

So, if you want to know the Barclays' answer to question from their CEOs personally, look at my story of their not-paying me their debt during 20 years. This is their answer! What other answers you expect to hear and why?

The Barclays bank has no my signiture under any document 

that authorizes their refusal to return my deposits 

during 20 years with my conscent! 

That document simply does not exist.

And never did. 

Because there was no my consent.

So what? Barclays did what they wanted

without any document!

Swiss bankers will need to 


of their top clients 

to continue refusing to pay me any settlement

Even if their CEO Jes Staley says a signed contract is a must, look what he is doing. My story is the evidence for the opposite! Swiss/Barclays CEOs SHIFT <> their debt to Ukrainian side without any contract or asking, neither signed or insidgned, - thus saying "YES!!!" with purposeful, gradual during last 20 years, step-by-step destroying evidence for the negative answer.

For example, the related question was: "Will any existing debt stop being a debt if its signed documentation is destroyed?" Or in extreme cases, "If your best business partner lost a paper with your signiture confirming existence of your debt, does it mean your debt to him disappeared?"

Indeed, what happens with your real obligations when banking record about them hundred/thousands miles away is suddenly lost. Will your debt really disappear because of that? Obviously not!!!

The value of debt is formed by REAL work behind it by some REAL person. And it really exists no matter what kind of proof for that can be, if any. They are separate objects in the space. When during issuing a credit banks create money "out of thin air", for example, they creates them as result of somebody's future hard job.

However, having said it, we need to accept the real answer rather ambiguous, as it always is in complex cases. It's not as simple as it should be, and sounds like "Obviously not!!! But in eyes of public it can. At least for some time. And some people. But certainly not for all people all the time". The debt may disappear for the world, but not for real partners. It's hard to imagine a real partnership without trust. And the more trust exists between partners, the more they believe in word of each other, and ... the less formal proof is required.

But what public court has to do if this debt is just relationship between two entities only,- me and bank. The CEOs know the truth. What they want to learn from a third-partiy Court?

Do bankers want to call their client partners? Or goof?

Just say it clearly!

Moreover, it has not produced me any offiicial document signed properly,

that states in written their intention to return it on a specific

date in the Future, if ever. That juridically means NEVER!

That means STEALING instead of returning!

And that stealing means the answer "Yes!"

For a formal financial transaction it might be considered invalid, at least temporaly, while for the rest of the REAL world it will not. But even in strictly formal cases there are a lot of ways for checking the truth and restoring the evidence.

The latter process can be very long, expensive, and reveal a lot of related discoveries and unexpected surprizes for the public. I can compare it with public exploring the currently popular topic "Creation Of Money by banks". In my particular case vs top level Swiss authorities, the publicly open research, on which I will insist, can also appear more expensive for reputation of Switzerland in all other senses. Add to it proving of the existence of Barclays' Infinite Debt, and scale of the resulting .

I have partly started this research already by writing THIS article due to unprecedented non-response of Swiss authorities and Presidents to my open Letters to them (1, 2, 3, ...) during the whole year.

Do Swiss authorities and banks want me to continue that research? Their further silence will cause it automatically! But result of related reserch ultimately can appear for Swiss/Barclays CEOs more expensive then one can imagine.


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