Monday, October 26, 2020

Why Trump

 Re. How Dismiss Accusations of Donald Trump -III

Why I Am Helping Donald Trump

despite actually DYING OF HUNGER



For three reasons:

I. Financial

It's hard to imagine, but exactly HALF YEAR AGO I first offered<> to Donald Trump ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE solution for eliminating all main arguments Democrats have been using against him during election compaign:

My BMoney, collaterized by unprecedented Infinite(!) Debt of British banks, is able to (1) NULLIFY ALL PERSONAL DEBTS OF Donald Trump, (2) guarantee for MILLIONS of Americans maintaining their financial level above the deadly "waterline" of DYING OF HUNGER in result of the coming financial crisis, and (3) significantly neutralize devastating effects from COVID that many sources consider an artificilally created (fraudulent) reason for triggering and justifying the crisis.

In addition, the BMoney concept can easily be extended to absolutely fantasic opportunity for (4) ELIMINATING UNEMPLOYMENT, which I had no chance to discuss with Donald Trump yet ...

But what is even more difficult to imagine,

... up to this moment he did not respond.

The resulting situation is rather tricky:

Although overwhelming majority of Americans is certainly going to meet with a great enthusiasm the still possible Trump's decision to implement abovementioned proposals , - and that definitely will affect their choice at elections even at the last week!, - exactly the same advantages of my offers seems appeared the biggest disadvantages in strategies of real Rulers Of The World, who in these elections supposedly took the side of Democrats.

Because creation and existence of the problems I am proposing to resolve helps them to control 99% of American people!

 Tsunami of Food Shortages and 

An Explosion of Poverty Coming to America!

Debt More Than $27 Trillion, Bigger than The Economies of

China, Japan, Germany and India combined >

"To this point, the destruction caused by state and Federal Covid-19 lockdowns has largely been expressed in aggregates.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, widespread lockdown restrictions were imposed, ostensibly to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and medical resources from being consumed to exhaustion. Whether policymakers purposely or out of ignorance disregarded them, the tradeoffs of stay-at-home orders were immediate and severe: a massive spike in unemployment, rivaling the Great Depression; similarly historic drops in GDP, and others. By looking at disaggregated data, though, the devastation of lockdowns becomes all the more apparent.(source)

Rev. William Barber asks: Millions Are Struggling. So Why Do the Debates Ignore Poverty?

"... Moderators don’t even bring up an issue that, before COVID-19, was impacting 43% of this nation. A hundred forty million people, before COVID, were poor and low-wealth, and 62 million people working for less than a living wage. And since COVID, we know that millions have been added to the poverty and low-wealth numbers. We’re well over 50% because of the new poor. We know we had 87 million people before COVID that were either uninsured or underinsured, and now some 20 million people have been added because of people who have lost their insurance because they’ve lost their jobs. Forty percent of the jobs that make $40,000 a year have been lost. "

"The 2020 election debates have steadfastly ignored the subject of poverty, even thogh it affected almost half the United States population before the COVID-19 pandemic and millions more people are struggling since then. “We have to stop saying that things were well before COVID,” Barber says. “The reality is, Wall Street was well.."

"64 million poor and low-wealth people were eligible to vote in the last election. That’s nearly one-third of the electorate. Thirty-four million did not vote."

From my mini-research "How to pay debt WITHOUT PAYING it":

"Let's continue with Derivatives topic in the context of Trump's case: In fact, derivatives and current personal debt of Trump appreared closely connected!!! And that almost totally inflates value of the biggest accusation against Trump, - existence of his debts! The Money Masters, top financial elite of the world presumably supporting Democrats, - are DIRECTLY INVOLVED into the reasons for crashing derivative market TOGETHER with its "derivative" consequence of that action in the form of creating artificial difficulties for refinancing debts of Donald Trump!

If they did not manipulated derivative market, there would be no accusations against Trump about it now." (10 days to elections)

Top elite's insider:

"We created Derivatives to CRASH currencies"

Look, a few families living for centuries on account of trading virtual resources made "out of thin air" at the moment of signing deals, expose a carefully selected set of their professional secrets on example of compromising businesses of their election competitor. If such accusations can seriously hurt feelings of majority American voters, that can only mean a presense of serious gaps in their understanding the essence of modern business.

Although most of pre-election rhetoric implies, - and criticizes!, - Donald Trump as a representative of the richest American circles who rules the world, I doubt he really is. And my recent mini-researches confirm this conclusion:

From Insiders of Real Rulers Of The World:

Donald Trump is not a part of us. But ...

"God Intervened"

Source: Lindsey Williams

As far as I understand, currently there are three Centers Of Power:

#1. Mr Trump, supporter of "Good old America" that aims to earn money fair, - by producing real goods and services (like Ford, GM, Chrysler).

#2. Bankers of Wall Street (starting from GPMorgan Chase, Stainly Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, GoldmanSachs), who earn by producing unreal financial products, incliuding derivatives and ... Money itself;

#3. Sillicon Valley's "Mafia of Deep State" (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, social networks, ...).

The latter builds a so called digital post-Capitalism, and the current Fed of Unlimited Money printing is their main resource. In fact, The Masters of Money do not want money. They want control over other people. Today they transform themselves into Masters of Digit. Tomorrow they are going to be Masters Of the World.

The principal problem of the choices #1 and #2/3 is that they represent hardly compatible, diametrically opposite strategic approaches, - starting from polar demands for negative/positive budget deficit required for exporting products of real manufacturing, and money. It's hardly possible to successfully export both types of such products:

Any state is able to be really good only in producing either goods or money. But not both! And that is the principal difference in programs of candidates.

America should make its choice!

Peter Shiff about Debt and Trump

What, however, I am afraid is still not clear for most Americans, - that is the choice between attempt to practice a fair industrial competition, and parasitical forms of economy.

Shiff – producing goods and air

Another dimension of that choice is priority for either considering the world as a Global space for supporting U.S. Dollar as international monetary system (NWO),

or focusing on problems of national (real) economy (Trump's choice).

Please, do not evoke the catchy term "Conspiracy Theories" here. As far as I know, that stamp was created by CIA at the end of forties: "In Operation Mockingbird, the CIA, using Rothschild money, gained control of most national media including the Times, in order to spread lies and deception." (source). Since that, that ironical approach has been used widely as a serious (psychological) "argument" against evedent facts in all cases that required a serious response.

by Lindsey Williams 

The word "conspiracy" means something hidden, secret. The reality is today they do it openly, without any hiding, thus making the "conspiracy" actions openly evident. And my case is a clear example of that.

As for NWO, Youtube contains a lot of videos in which American Presidents (starting from Ronald Reagon) openly promote it in their official public speeches.

What about current candidate for that post,

Joe Biden?

Biden: The 'affirmative task' before us is to

'Create a New World Order'

Insiders of world's financial elite:

NWO, Biden, and Banks

II. Religious

Christianity has a clearly black or white representation of the truth. Corespondingly, there are only two ways in this world for becoming prosperous:

(A) FAIR, by creating real goods and services; and

(B) FRAUDULENT, by creating fake goods and services, Money included.

Donald Trump is a supporter of the former choice (A), while Top Financial Elite ("Money Masters"), - actually real Rulers Of The World! - prefers the latter (B).

The problem is, these two options are fundamentally uncompatible, just like Day and Night, White and Dark, - to the degree that ultimately they can be considered a part of the Eternal Battle between Good and Evil. And one needs to decide on his/her own which side to choose.




Lindsey Willson

"COVID was a Test:

The reason for Corona Virus was

to close churches of America!"

NWO and banks,

Biden wants new Constitution?

See more in my article


The special appeal to Silicon Valley IT people, "digital generation":

I can believe you are sincerely devoted to new technologies, among other things allowing you to be generously rewarded for working in such fantastically successful demand niche (should I call it "Bubble"?). I myself worked in IT industry most of my life, until it was possible, from web master to Java-based software developer (at some point I created the biggest in the world application in JavaScript), - and can understand your excitement about expanding the "digital revolution". I am only afraid you, as most really good professionals, tend not to see the bigger picture beyond your industry. Alas, we are too separated (and only now I start understanding by whom). Often we simply unaware how exactly our final products will be used.

My life case is just one attempt for presenting the full chain.

First, look at the Bible, - to its very first sentence:

"In the beginning was the Word,

and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God."

According to Prof. Katasonov, the world and human History can be presented as a continuous struggle between the Word of God and the word of Devil.

"First there was the Word ... And at the end there will be Number" became the title for his new book.


Word --> Fake/Cutted/Distorted Word --> Number --> Digit

"The first phase is the era of Wordcracy, when the world lived with the Word (usually with a capital letter), that is, in agreement with the Word, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.

In the second phase of History, the era of Ideocracy, is when Word is replaced by the "common sense", then becomes a Truncated Word, which quickly turns into a False Word. "

"We are not in information age anymore.

We're even not in misinformation,

- we're in disinformation age.

Fake information "


"Then Capitalism enters the arena of History, which is the era of fight for the quantitative increase in wealth, or Numberocracy (Money). In the coming era, the era of Digitocracy, the Digital becomes an instrument of subordination of man to the Devil as a controlling electronic signal.

The word is the main thing that connects man and God. God created man with the Word. God gave people a language made from words. Man comprehends the world around him, himself and God with the help of the word given to him by God.

A person using false words can no longer create, he only destroys. Such a person cannot see God's world, because with the help of false words he builds his own verbal and logical constructions. They form a virtual world. Man starts living in the world of illusion, rather themn in real God's world.

At first, such ideologies did not contradict the Holy Bible significantly, and their authors said that they only "deepen" and "improve" Christian teaching. However, after a while, the situation became fundamentally different: ideologies gradually began be positioned above the Holy Bible. Finally, the time came when the Holy Bible appeared generally unnecessary, and it was proposed to build life solely on the basis of ideology, that is, constructions built from false words. Man placed himself in the center of the Universe (the ideology of Humanism) - INSTEAD of God !!!

Now the Devil began to hypnotize a person with a Number.

Specifically, we are talking about the races for the numbers that express Wealth. Man began to be drawn into this race in the late Middle Ages, and after the victory of the bourgeois revolutions, the race became general and acquired signs of religious fanaticism. The world entered the phase of Capitalism, where they began to worship Wealth-Number, rather then God-Word. And the further a person moved away from God, the easier it became for the Devil to deceive such a person.

And now it is no longer just a number, but a continuously growing number that creates the illusion of Infinity. Obviously, he was unabled to offer anyone a real infinity in space and time - he is not God - and therefore replaces it with a fake infinity, and eternity in the form of constantly growing numbers. But no matter how large the numbers are, and no matter how quickly they increase, they still remain finite numbers. And infinity differs from any largest number in the same way as Life differs from Death. But a person who moved even a single step away from God has already weakened vision, resulting in taking the shine of gold for gold itself, and large and growing numbers for Infinity and Eternity.

But in the era of financial capitalism, even numbers (expressing the amount of capital) began to lose their material content, turning it into complete virtuality. At the same time, fewer and fewer people remain resemblance with the God, created according to His image and likeness. Gradually, a person began to resemble a biorobot, which can be controlled with the help of several primitive reflex signals - receiving carnal pleasures, enrichment, fear."

In short, IT technologies are to be used as key tools for building the NWO's "Digital Concentration Camp", in which Freedom and Money* can disappear.

Indeed, who needs money in concentration camps?!!

Cashless society is going to kill money

as we know it.

New World Order Symbols & End Time Signs

by Paul McGuire:

"God Has Not Finished With America Yet!

... And God has not finished with YOU!

There is nothing in the Bible, which says

"You can't have a revival.

And that you can't have

Great Awakening in the Last Days" ...

"Do Not Participate in the Lie of the Devil"

Read more about my religion reasons at

Jesus Christ Superstar 2019


(video included)

III. Personal

My readers tell me, "What you are doing? Living at the street, without any opportunity for legitimate income, and being the permanent Barclays' target for KILLING BY HUNGER already! Democrats have bigger chances to win this year. And you are openly trying to help Donal Trump. The only difference between them they belong to different clans. While your post can to create difficulties for you in the nearest future. At the least, American borders will be closed to you for the next 20 years ..."

And today they are open?!!

My key objective always was to LIVE FAIR!

Correspondingly, I always tried to earn for my life FAIR!

Many years ago I started a real-life web project trying to obtain positive answer for the question "Is it possible to Earn $Million Fair?" Without breaking the law and begging for external help. The search is still in action ...

Does America need such fairness?

While CEOs of leading banks keep trying to


I hope Donald Trump will understand me.

He is a real man. No matter how desperate situation around him can be, he always FIGHTS TO THE END! And WINS!!! This is how he became U.S. President. Despite everything! As insider of real Rulers Of The World confessed, "God Intervened".

So do I. My life case simply forces me to FIGHT TO THE END <>!

It may be I am really unique for this world. But that's the way I've lived almost a half of century:

I've never in my life (and I'm 55 now) applied for any banking loan!

I Never Broke The Law

(before dealing with Barclays bank in recent years)!

I Never Asked Anybody About Anything!

I always counted only on my own efforts

and savings I earned fairly.

And Never Begged on the streets,

even dying of hunger and cold.

I am not a beggar.

And Never was!

It maybe We are different

( Trump was able to raise $594 MILLION so far

- after receiving free media attention valued at $5 BILLION;

while I got ZERO ($0.00) as donation or media attention during last YEARS,

- without food, internet, and NO PLACE FOR SLEEPING OR SITTING during all 24/7 in most cases

If you still didn't get what it really is,

listen to the noise around me at the public mall

where I ultimately managed to create and publish

THIS post:

But FIGHT for the same ideals!

(I don't know weather Donald realizes that)

So, now Donald Trump has everything for winning these elections. If he realy cares about American people!


 with American people! 

Today is only

One week till elections!


Sergiy Beloy

Night at the street

Alight window in the dark multi-stored building behind me

gives me the hope to have my own apartment some day.

UPDATE of October 30:

So, I presented to Donald Trump unprecedented ideas for WINNING Elections. But he simply did not respond, - by the way, KILLING ME BY THAT HIS SILENCE, LITERALLY!

Just several nights ago I was fighting with professional thieve who was trying to steal my bag, while I was sleeping at the bench at the street! Luckily, I was awaken (actually, it's almost impossible to get asleep deeply under freezing temperature of 7 degree of Centigrade, under risk of going to "sleep" forever). Then the fight started. In a  complete darkness. In couple minutes he found a "weapon", - an empty bottle, and tried to use it in the fight FOR THE DEATH ... Ultimately, he run away, leaving my bag and ... scratch in my face:

(see the scratch and blue bruises on the left).

That's the life, Mr President.

While you are reluctant about any response,

my life is in danger every moment!


(I provided Swiss authorities with details).

But don't worry, Mr Trump.

I will survive despite all your "help"

for eliminating your last chance 

for winning elections!


Just THREE Days Before Elections?

Well, I am ready to FIGHT for my ideals even

Three Seconds Before The 

End Of the World,

- till the last possible moment!



That's the only valuable thing I have

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