This is not my first bill to the Rothschilds (the first one is here, while the last one is going to be shifted to the world's financial elites). And this is not my first attempt to SAVE Barclays' shareholders from its CEOs. However, under silent approve of regulators, Barclays' owners allowed the greed of their CEOs to DESTROY the future of themselves!
Why Rothschilds?
I will not be the first for revealing the secret that the Barclays bank seems is an unofficial Rothschilds property for decades, if not for centuries, according to the numerous Internet sources (even if they all are exaggerated, - which is hardly possible, - just check profiles of its recent chairmen carefully to get the clue: at least two of them were directly associated with Rothschild's family since beginning of my BMoney story). The real secret is how this bank remains #1 influencer in financial world, having on its board CEOs who spend more than they earn!
Or ... is it the biggest banking secret most public is not aware yet?
Meanwhile, the most amazing thing is why in the world of harsh fight for survival, Bob Diamond was allowed to walk away with almost 100 millions pounds (obviously, without paying me a penny of my own money that by that time was FRAUDULENTLY frozen on Barclays' savings accounts for TWELVE YEARS) without any criminal charges for his Barclays' LIBOR CRIME! Just because he said he wasn't aware of the event? For many years?!! My mini-investigation showed it's not as simple as he said:
' Bob Diamond told the New York Times that he did not know much about Libor.
"Do you want the truth? Up until all of this, I didn't even know the mechanics of how Libor was set. If you asked me who at Barclays submitted the rate every day, I wouldn't be able to tell you." '
That was said on May 2, 2013. And that meansBob Diamond HAS SETUP top financial elites at least at that moment already! The highly educated President and CEO of the most influenced bank in the world is not aware of the oldest banking secret? The trick the price of which is difficult to define, - those Barclays employees simply DID NOT KNOW HOW MUCH THEY STOLEN!!!, - that actually sets the PRICE OF MONEY for actually all banks and financial institutions on this planet?
Such CEO is either not quilified for the job at the top level, or ... is a LIER!
Let's discuss the later suggestion.
‘But for me the evidence of culture is how people behave when no one is watching them. Our culture must be one where the interests of customers and clients are at the very heart of every decision we make, where we all act with trust and integrity.’
That was what Bob Diamond said at about the same times. Was it True or FALSE?
How I can trust to Bob's words, when by saying the above he was EVIDENTLY LIED in my case, doing just opposite to what he claims now?
Can he be considered a LIER then?!!
Until he SETTLES any part of the derivative Barclays' debts to me, - as they were DIRECTLY TRIGGERED BY HIS ARROGANT IGNORING my case nine years ago, - before (and even after) spending all his 100+ MILLIONS he said (lied?) he was not interested to earn:
"This is going to sound arrogant as hell but I never did anything for money. I never set money as a goal. It was a result", Bob Diamond said in interview with the New York Times magazine.
The Diamond's "result" appeared really DEVASTATING:
The Barclays' Infinite debt to me, which was started by arrogancy of Bob Diamond in 2012, has been SHIFTED by Barclays CEOs to Rothschilds, and now is going to be SHARED WITH ALL FINANCIAL ELITES OF THE WORLD!
As top financial elites did a lot for excluding the notion of
non-material things like "bad luck" from the official legal
space, it is 100%
legitimate to
refer it in connection to any possible event, including Barclays'
Infinite Debt to me.
have all reasons to believe the Barclays
bank seems is an unofficial Rothschilds
property for
decades, if not for centuries,
according to the numerous Internet sources. I can start related discussion in public, if required ...
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