Saturday, April 25, 2020

Stupid Wisdom -UPDATED!

It seems the first reaction of most people about my case appeares very simple, - yet completely wrong! - opinion. The degree of misunderstanding of the core problem behind my story is an amazing phenomenon on its own, worth to be identified and discussed separately (e.g., as a mini-research under code name "Stupid Wisdom" :-)
The first people's opinions about my case usually include a set of standard "common sense" patterns that have nothing to do with reality:

#1. It's hardly possible
Such reputable financial institutions as banks never make mistakes. Its professionally trained and licenced staff guarantees avoiding silly problems for shareholders. Banks simply cannot be wrong! Right? Reality is opposite! And with the scale and complexity of my case, it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to do anything about that.
Another mental obstacle is a widespread perception of Infinity as unrealistic entity. In reality, however, Infinity is a quite widespread phenomenon. Banks, for example, use it behind the scene from the day one of their existence. Providing loans from the money they don't have. And Never had! Isn't that in principle a kind of using Infinity? They are taking as much money from practically unlimited source as they want! That's a "magic" way of using Infinity (infinite process by its nature)?
Paying Infinite Debts is impossible because it means paying infinitely? Not so fast!

#2. This is my guilt only
Hey, if you are robbed (and Barclays bank robbed me), what's your guilt? Why you would be guilty then? Or more precise, why you think you are guilty?
In this light, any robbery can to be explained as a guilt of corresponding victims, rather then the actual robbers. Victims did something wrong. Very comfortable philosophy. For robbers. Philosophy of Robbers!
Whole shools teach us we are guilty:
"Do not ask us why!
Traditional problems in your country is asking answer for the "Who is guilty?" question. And that asking is wrong ...
Instead, we have created for you a "balsamic" philosophy, main idea of which is based on searching for the guilty exclusively inside yourself only. Every time you face evident injustice towards you personally, first ask yourself: "What I did wrong to deserve that kind of bad scenario? I definitely did something wrong. In any case the only guilty is you yourself. So, we need to PAY for our failures myself only.
And I DID! Most of my life! Believing I am doing a right thing. But not anymore!
Sorry to disappoint you, thieves, but
for the problems you created for me!
Knowledge of that is power!
Not demanding my stolen stuff back is
People are educated properly to never ask questions like "Who has STOLEN my chair?!!" Despite the chair is REALLY STOLEN!
The main mistake people make when they hear about my story is suggesting the whole case is just my private problem only. Without seeing complete cause-effect chain they consider everybody's financial problems as purely individual one. The world is deeply divided by this philosophy of educational separation. In result, people simply DO NOT SEE HOW THE DANGER OF THEIR PERSONAL HUNGER, POVERTY, AND DEATH, THEY ARE SIMPLY DOOMED TO FACE WITH IN THE NEAREST FUTURE!

#3. Forget about your failure and start everything anew
Why I should forget Barclays' crimes against me? Forgetting our past guarantess only repeating it again and again in the future.
Nevertheless, the most "healthy" suggestion usually is just to forget about this particualar life failure (yes, from the point of view of everyday's common sense, it is exlsusively irreversable failure) as if it never happended, and go on with starting new projects (and life) again!
But you know what? My first standard reply to the later proposal is: I always did that during all my previous life (and I am 55+ now). I always started everything again (and ultimately appeared at the point where I am now :-). When my ceratin business or life projects failed, I simply turned corresponding pages over, trying to calm down and start everything anew, without looking back. That was my usual reaction to most problems in my life, - but not this time. And hardly anymore!
And that's not because the approach kindly suggested to me by most people ultimately has not brought me a level of success I expected. Rather, that's because of IMPOSSIBLITY to apply it in my case now: Without mentioning really fatal problems with the current Corona virus business shutting down, main problem is in living in the most poor country of Europe, which practically doesn't have any decently paid jobs opportunities (especially in my 55, when most attractive positions are simply closed for me due to yet another "common sense" for age-related stereotype). Under these and other related obstacles starting everything anew today means simply to DIE SLOWLY!
Because some day Barclays CEOs simply APPOINTED me to be poor?!!
And together with Swiss authorities
appointed me to be
Just because they formally could?
But once again, that causes doubts in the

Main answers about my story are in a rather unusual (non-standard) dimension. This is why this case may be considered ABSOLUTELY EXCEPTIONAL.
On the cerface, the story is very simple: My Barclays bank robbed me, and it's hardly possible to do anything about it.
But in essense, the whole project is a kind of "Chinese Box": After openning one box, you will discover another box inside it, and then another one, etc. ...
My life case is to be changed to the opposite when we include into consideration the following factors about Barclays bank:
1) this is "system" bank, To-Big-To-Fail giant for British economy;
2) this is one of the top influential financial organization for the world economy;
3) INFINITY of the Barclays' debt to me, failure of paying which causes the underlying BOE, Queen, and the whole Great Britain to be announced de-facto BANKRUPT! In turn, that leads to collapse of the world's banking system, the U.K. is a key part of which.
If a bank owns you a lot of money, that is its own problem.
If amount of its debt reaches Infinity, that's a problem for the all banking community!
British pound is one of the 5 major world's currencies (US$, Euro, GBP, Japaneese Yen, Swiss Frank). They all are interrelated entity of just one one world's currency, - US Dollar. And considering the world's monetary system is governed by actually ONE virtual bank of the world, which formally unites all Central banks under the "roof" of American Federal Reserve System (and Swiss Bank of Interntional Settlements) at the top, collapse of any such currency will actually mean collapse of all currencies.
And that means COLLAPSE of the whole financial world!
This is what a simple non-paing my debts by Barclays bank is triggering right now!
Are you with me?
Three months ago one of my friends emailed me a link with a List of Hostels for homeless people in my country:
I am grateful to him for his attempt to help me, but ...
that's will hardly help me to leave my life deadlock,
in which I appeared because of my Barclays bank.
Because I am not!
The problem is all my money and opportunities are currently stolen!
So, my focus should be on returning it back!
As simple as that!
I want to
And I will do that!
That is what my BMoney project is supposingly about.
A Fight For Life!
Including YOUR Life!

Did you ever went to a hard PHYSICAL WORK HUNGRY? I did. Many times. In fact, most of times during recent years, since Barclays CEOs triggered the chain of fatal events that may be called Barclays' "KILLING MACHINE!". And last time that was yesterday. I had to go to a low-paid job (the only one I managed to find under my circumstances). And the work lasted 12 HOURS WITHOUT ANY BREAK! Just to have opportunity to pay for sleeping in a the cheapest hostel to not DIE OF COLD AT THE NIGHT AT THE STREET! The question is
To pay debts of Barclays/BOE CEOs
INSTEAD of them,
- that is why!
And ultimately, to agree with asking banking debts for the loans financed by the money that do not exist?

I have the right to question about that all realated CEOs.
Because I need to go to PHYSICAL JOB HUNGRY!
And they do not!

(See also photo of my shoes in which I have to work
Once again,
To protect gentle feelings of Barclays CEOs (and lawyers they hired for robbing and killing me, with the main job of removing any responsibility of the CEOs behind completely ILLEGAL INFO-WALL) and members of their families?

I have no means of modern communication, let alone advanced office automation. In particular, no mobile phone with Internet! The technique I use can stop working (fatally crash) at any time! Add to it highly UNRELIABLE free Internet access in public places only (absolutely uncomfortable for any task required focused attention due to constant and extremely loud music and noise of crowd. This is how all my posts are created, including THIS one!
In fact, I have NOTHING!
Excepting the constant STRESS
In result, I was unable to update THIS post properly during the whole month! In addition to the technical IMPOSSIBILITY for the task mentioned above, I simply had NO PLACE NOR TIME for that!
But I am not poor! I am not a beggar! I am rich, - in all senses. And I will never accept the Barclays robbery! Do YOU?

The money I currently obtain through really hard job for the 12 hours working day with just couple dollars per hour, if any. Hardly sufficient for FOOD & SHELTER only. Let's calculate how many YEARS(!) it will take for me for affording myself just not to spend most of my time (LIFE) for the job. Let alone escaping that deadly vicious circle, from which there is simply
Any math shows it's simply
Because by the end of the day I usually have
And that in addition of having no property!
And in the whole that means having
no opportunity!
And now majority of people assume it's
What about accepting THEY ALL can become poor?
What about they ALL appear in my situation
of the unescapable fatal financial crisis,
which is quickly approaching
the whole world under
formal excuse of

There is very small chance for escaping that choice. But if I accept I am poor and homeless, - there will be NO CHANCE FOR ME AT ALL! And that in addition of choosing the most amazing Opportunity Of The Century, - BMoney!

Comparing to NOTHING (NO ESCAPE "opportunity"
adised to me by most people), even the most crazy
project in the world looks like super great chance.
Advantage of my life case, however, is:

To make the contrast sharper,
just accept you are poor,
- and you will be poor

The biggest problem for me now is the URGENT need to pay at least the most recent fees of $330, IMMEDIATELY(!) - just to avoid moving my non-payment case to the court:

The Barclays' lawers to whom I constantly remind about it, simply keep their highly paid "professional" silence. Their CEOs just DO NOT PAY DEBTS! For 20 YEARS!
Are YOU ALLOWED to do a similar trick?
Why not?

Why I need to go to the court now?
To say what?
When exactly I pay the debt
created for me by the Barclays bank?
But I don't know that!
I have asked this question
Barclays CEOs many times,
but they simply don't speak on the matter.
So, what I can say to the court?
And WHY I need to go there?
Just to hear I need to pay the fee?
But because of the Barclays'
, - and Switzerlands', -
I simply CANNOT do that!
What I CAN do then?

Why, why, why
When people start asking these questions
their perception of my case
will be different!
And that is what my Global
BMoney/BGate project is all about!

UPDATE of August 1:

Let me also remind you the important fact, - Barclays CEOs have demanded from me breaking the  law since 2000. And that's the whole point of the resulting BMoney case! This is how that story began. And that fact of forcing me to break the law changes everything!

Besides, the derivative consequences of that have been dangerously extended to the Present time. And today it went too far.

And they could get away with that crime. Well, it's not a big deal for a minor breaking  of the law, isn't it? (Who didn't? I didn't! After all, nobody knows the  current legislation nobody on the earth knows in full). But here is  another fenomenal feature of this story, - I do not break the law!
And I don't lie!

By the way, what kind of obeying the law Barclays laywers and their CEOs require from me  after that? They are not in a position to charge me  in the court for any crime! Just  may not! At least  because their crime against me is bigger that the one they might charge me officially. After which they can appear in the prison faster then me.

So shut up , dear Barclays CEOs!!!
Just shut up!

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