This is a call for creating absolutely unique Digital Global Money 2022,
based on the debts of the Barclays bank to me, including its Infinite Debt
rising of which with its current speed of $1 BILLION PER SECOND,
its CEOs have not stopped yet up to the moment!
Thus, it is difficult for them to say precisely
HOW MUCH they own to me!
But obviously, it is not less than the sum of the
full amount of ALL the resources of the system,
The idea of the BMoney-2022 is to support the victims, - including myself, - of the coming Financial Crisis and Killings by hunger and cold due to corresponding Financial Genocide, in the form of the Negative Feedback that is designed for prevention of the above-mentioned crimes. There are several versions for technical supporting of the Global Anti-Theft (GAT) initiative introduced by me early. Now various forms of Digital or Crypto BMoney should be created as well.
The Barclays' CEOs did everything that was possible to do for avoiding paying their debt to me (and such action may be called the fraud from the side of Barclays' bankers by itself). Moreover, they did everything possible for avoiding their personal responsibility of any kind (in particular, by refusing to say who exactly signed their recent letters to me on behalf of Barclays' CEOs, as they claimed in the text). The fact is you will not find ANYODY in the Barclays bank with corresponding decision making status who is directly responsible for my case. And I guess the nearsightedness of the Barclays CEOs, standing at that level for their complete professional unsuitability, prevents them to accept that the result of such hiding behind other people's backs is simply SHIFTING the responsibility to the top financial elites at the end of the chain.
And if financial elites hope to do a similar trick, hiding behind environment of uncertainty and ANONIMITY they created for themselves, I need to disappoint them too. Everything encrypted by a person can be decrypted by another person. Elite will not be able to hide itself behind the system similar to the "unbreakable" crypto-money for a long time.
That's what they are doing behind the otherwise private case of the conventional stealing. First 12 years they were stealing my private money. And feel quite OK about it.
Since 2012 the money of the CEOs , - and ASSETS OF ALL FINANCIAL ELITES BEHIND THEM, - ARE DISAPPEARING! I wouldn't be surprized Barclays CEOs did not inform their owners and shareholders about it. Anyway, the fact is their Infinite Debt to me is not included in their Balance Sheet. And that alone is a direct breaking of the Law! In addition to the action of Barclays lawyers for forcing me to break the law during last 21 years! Me, who did not break any law during all my 50+ life. And after even Switzerland was facing the End Of Law because of avoiding to deal with the Barclays' problems, they still want to doubt legitimacy of their debts to me? Really?
In 2022 I am planning to launch digital version of their debt to me.
Actually, my main product will be a TRUST TO BANKS!
While creating so called "private money" is quite a simple procedure for actually anybody (in the simplest case that's just a receipt about existence of your debt in a written form), money becomes real money when it's possible to pass it to third sides. And here is where banks are emerging: They are trustful intermidiaries between otherwise private money of two sides. And that is the fundamental role of banks in the history of money for centuries. Today the Barclays bankers de-facto are DESTROYING THAT TRUST!
And although the world is moving toward existing of just one Global World Bank (“Good bye, Barclays bank?”), the matter of TRUST remains the key for its success anyway. What it would be WITHOUT THE TRUST DESTROYED BY Barclays CEOs?!!
Look, the fact is they do have the case of not-returning money to its client. And another fact is they failed to resolve this problem during unprecedented for the banking industry term of TWELVE YEARS, after which my further paitent waiting for my own money crossed all possible red lines of jeoportizing all my future LIFE, and because of that was transformed into unique Counter Of Fines To Barclays bank till it pays their debt to me in full. That move does NOT REQUIRE ANY CONSCENT FROM Barclays' CEOs! I have ALL RIGHTS TO EMPLOY such actions no matter whether the CEOs agree with it or not. Because they, - not me!, - were the reason and triggering event for the event. They created a need for applying to them such unique sanctions! And who asks the object of sanctions about its permission for it? And any lack of 100% legitimate prove of that consent, - for formal avoidence of which the Barclays legal team was fighting very painstakingly (although such efforts ultimately appeared completely NOT WORTH the money Barclays CEOs paid them for that, as it could be treated as a kind of lawyers' fraud towards Barclays CEOs, with the aim of getting payment for the efforts they must knew from the beginning were not required to do in principle for this particualar case), - was NOT AN INDULGENCE FOR Barclays bank for NOT PAYING ALL THE DERIVATIVE DEBTS THEY DID CREATE for me! Neverthelress, I did ALL THAT WAS POSSIBLE to do for quite proper legitimazing existence of those Barclays debts, - INCLUDING THEIR INFINITE DEBT! - even in the artificially/fraudulently narrowed circumstances the Barclays lawyers left for me.
Jes Staley, the CEO of the Barclays banking Group, was properly informed about my case long before he took his job position. Nevertheless, instead of helping me, the first thing he did was purchasing Barclays' assets for just several $millions. Meanswhile, since the year 2000 and up to now his bank did not pay me a signle penny of the Barclays' debt to me. Today such behaviour actually KILLS ME, increasing the debts created by Barclays' bank for me, while forcing me to keep survival in the poorest country of Europe WITHOUT ANY MONEY, PROPERTY, INCLUDING MY WARM DRESSING I DESPERATELY NEED NOW, and PLACE OF LIVING, BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, - December 31.
That's all that one should know about
Since today, it can be measured
by the future version of
- to be continued -
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