Monday, June 7, 2021


This is continuation of the End Of NWO / "Inclusive Capitalism"

Barclays CEOs "exchange/sell" NWO

for their annual bonuses!

The kind of religiously symbolic

"Price of Barclays' 30 silver coins"

Success or betrayal?

Nigel Higgins, Chairman of Barclays bank Plc and Rothschilds & Co. 

Exactly one week ago I wondered 

whether Barclays CEOs are illiterate in mathematics:

Are the bankers able to do a simple math?

My previous offer to 

swap the pretty small sum for 

URGENT dental help and 

purchasing a place of living 

required for my physical surviving 

(including an ability of supporting that living 

at the cost of returning a rather modest 

outstanding debt of Barclays bank 

for my "job" of contacting it 

during last 21 years I already did) 

for the INFINITE(!) Debt 

of the world's financial elite to me,

which makes NWO IMPOSSIBLE 

sounds too expensive for Barclays CEOs?!!

It's time to rethink the Barclays/Rothschilds' approaches for my case.

Yes, this blog is devoted to my problems with which I faced during the long way to my money (and I have all reasons to believe MILLIONS/BILLIONS people can face similar problems in the nearest future too). 
Simetimes I also highlight my medical problems,
although I am embarrassed even to speak about them in public:

But that is 


That is a form of debt I am paying

INSTEAD of Barclays CEOs!

So, Barclays/Rothschilds CEOs,

do you hear this?



Because of YOU!

I don't count for support of my readers

(I obtained from them only $0,00 

since starting this blog, 

as it wasn't its aim).

Although, well, I believe that 

sometimes Miracles do occur!

I want what belongs to me!

And I want to live in my own HOME

(as I did before Barclays CEOs destroyed it)

I want


Treating my messages as annoying soliciting for money due to exclusively private problem of a "small person", - the homeless and jobless man without money and future in a poor country, - Barclays CEOs prefer to keep pretending they have nothing to do with it. Forgetting that that it was them who did all this:

1. Fraudulently forbidding me from access to my money I earned ABSOLUTELY (100%) FAIR, unlike the Barclays' badly famous actions starting from its LIBOR Mega Fraud Of The Century, it prevented me to re-educate myself for a new job niche or start an IT startup I asked that bank to allow me since 2015, thus

2. triggering creation of the FIRST EVER FINANCIAL DEBT IN ALL MY 50+ LIFE, ultimately resulted in selling urgently my privately owned 4-room apartment in the center of the capital of Ukraine for a fraction of its real price (otherwise it could simply be confiscated for the debts created due to (1)), - the only place of living I had during previous 38 years, - thus making me homeless, thus

3. forbidding me applying for the most decently paid jobs in Ukrainian market due to absence of official stamp in my passport about my permanent home address, - formally I am forbidden even for living in hostels(!), let alone hotels, -

4. thus taking away all my possible sources of legitimate income, including opportunities for a job abroad, from where I was ultimately deported HANDCUFFED despite never breaking any law, to

5. the officially poorest country of Europe (Ukraine), where I was DYING OF COLD AT THE STREET during rough local winters, as despite suggestions of Swiss authorities for my case, I've never got in Ukraine ANY SOCIAL HELP during all my life, including unemployment welfare and medical assistance in today's paid hospitals (there aren't free ones anymore after the country accepted rules of capitalism, - the one that proclaims absence of slavery the Barclays bank pushes me into by refusing to pay for the really HARD "JOB" it FORCED, - and still FORCES!, -me to do, starting from the need to communicate with its staff during unprecedented in banking industry failure of service term of 21 years).

I've made the system CLOSED to itself, and the whole case - GLOBAL! 

Where is my money, Jes?

Where is my money, Nigel,

Barclays' & Rothschilds' Chairman?

You (and other your CEOs) included it into your/their salaries

with SHIFTING responsibility for your STEALING

to the top financial elites?

Do you really expect to get away with that?

And don't pretend you are not aware

of what I am revealing to the world

during last four years:



The choice is simple:

either to pay debts,

or cancel the world's

legislative system!

The latter choice makes 


Together with 

"vaporized" safety 

for the top elites' wealth!

Guess what they can do

to compensate their losses

that in current times means


Including the Future of their


You DESTROYED all chances

for my family life!

Now you are destroying

chances of top elites'


(see more in "Expanding Infinity" )

And if something serious happens with me,


of many GENERATIONS of the current

world's elites!

(As your Infinite Debt will exist then FOREVER)!

Actually, you have seriously set up the world's elites, significantly limiting their freedom of choice to only two options (excepting KILLING you immediately, of course): 

They will need either to

(a) take the required amount from YOU

Barclays/BOE's and other Rothschilds' CEOs 

(up to YOUR FAMILIES' previous savings), - 



to the rest people of the world.

The problem for them, however, is the option (b) has became IMPOSSIBLE due to my recent version of the BMoney-2021 (aka Anti-Money): The worse economic consequences of their moves for the world become, the more people may demand from the elites a much bigger indemnification for that (namely, in TEN TIMES MORE)!!!

Among other things, this solution protects me from a possible desire of the elites to eliminate me for avoiding paying to me their debts. The recent version of BMoney-2021 is a fully autonomous system working INDEPENDETNLY OF ME! Among other things, it SHARES the right for demanding Barclays/BOE/Rothschilds' Infinite debt among practically unlimited amount of people around the world (according to the sum of their charity donations for the victims of the possible financial crisis in the 1:10 proportion since the Great Easter News of May 2, 2021).

The only possible exception may be a really fair Settlement with paying to me at least the following three debts:


And that list is a time limited opportunity only!


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