Re. BMoney-2021
Full name for my BMoney-2021 should be the "Anti-FinancialGenocide Money", as that is exactly what it's focused on now. However, the shorten version of pronounciating it as "Anti-Money" not just sounds better, - it also describes the nature of BMoney more precicely!
First of all, that "Anti-Money" 2021 does NOT forbid money! Rather, it is based on certain anti-principles comparing to those found in conventional types of money.
Beginning with, I could not afford creating officially registered or licensed types of money. Just because it required some money as a fee. And that was simply impossible for me (because of my Barclays bank that actually ROBBED me, leaving ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY at the time I needed it most)!
So my first problem for creating my personal BMoney was:
How to have money WITHOUT money?
And I needed to dip deeply into history of money.
Nowadays it's not necessaraly to print money (even considering its creation from the air). Neither BMoney. By creating todays' money, banks practically do not create it physically anymore. Rather, they create it in many different forms (written receipts and digital money are just a tip of the iceberg), and actually together with creation their own space for that. BMoney can create its own space also, - space of TRUST!
Alfred Knopf in his "Unauthorized Biography of Money" book mentioned interesting story of the Pacific island of Yap that was considered by first missionaries of thre 17th century a very primitive as for its monetary system. However, "the very opposite turned out to be true. Yap had a highly developed system of money". MORE ADVANCED THEN TODAY's ONE! So, what was it?
A MENTAL (IMAGINARY) system of money!
Although aborigines of Yap had some money in a physical form, but never used them for exchange! Instead, they implemented all their transactions in their MIND ONLY, while real (stone) money remained intact, just as a "monument" for the monetary system.
"'Their coinage was extremely unusual. It consisted of large, solid, thick stone wheels ranging in diameter from a foot to twelve feet ... At first, Furness believed that this bizarre form of currency might have been chosen because, rather than in spite, of its extraordinary unwieldiness. But as time went on, he observed that physical transportation of fei from one house to another was in fact rare. Numerous transactions took place -- but the debts incurred were typically just offset against each other, with any outstanding balance carried forward in expectation of some future exchange. Even when open balances were felt to require settlement, it was not usual for fei to be physically exchanged. The noteworthy feature of this stone currency, wrote Furness, is that it is not necessary for its owner to reduce it to possession. After concluding a bargain which involves the price of a fei too large to be conveniently moved, its new owner is quite content to accept the bare acknowledgement of ownership and without so much as a mark to indicate the exchange, the coin remains undisturbed on the former owner's premises."
The whole BMoney system is
not just a virtual one,
but totally
It exists only in
people's minds,
and does not require
any written receipts
about its transactions!
It's based solely on the
of its participants.
BMoney does not require
any official registration
in the sense other monetary systems do.
(There is no need for registering what
officially does not exist physically).
All BMoney transactions are just
Any Money is a Debt. So is BMoney (Barclays/BOE' Debt to Beloy).
Historically, the BMoney began as a reaction for my private problem of dealing with a refusal of Barclays bank to return me my money I previously deposited on its savings accounts. The formal excuse for that refusal was a sudden Barclays' distrust to my words (and ultimately to me personally), despite I never gave to anybody in the world any reason for considering me a liar, - NEVER! And that is why BMoney became based specifically on a TRUST to ORAL WORD!
The Barclays' distrust for my words was more than just an embarassment of its client. It appeared INTENTIONAL EMBARRASSMENT as a way to HIDE RESPONSIBILITY of its CEOs for the FAILURE TO EXECUTE THEIR JOB (significantly OVERPAID by any reasonable calculation along the way).
Starting with, despite my numerous requests, during last TWENTY YEARS the Barclays' lawyers(!) have failed to provide me with a full text of the Barclay's internal rules its staff referred in their correspondence to me. This fact alone, namely, my unawareness of Barclays conditions that are missed in the original Agreement, - let alone signed for them in written!, - dismiss any requirements for my complying with those rules. The Barclays CEOs could break or adjust their own (evidently badly written) rules, but they didn't. They had an option, while I did not! After last 21 years, all Barclays CEOs must know that, and do someting about it. But with the help of their special Info-Wall, FRAUDULENT by definition, they pretend they are not aware/resposible about anything. In particualr, they are not afraid that actually any court easily find in their rules ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for me demands:
For example, asking for special guarantee from my local bank about my identity, - in addition to standard submitting a notary confirmed copies of my valid passport and utility bills, which I presented to Barclays bank several times! - issuing of which is forbidden for banks by local law as illegal type of business activity. Thus, FOR YEARS, Barclays' lawyers(!) WERE FORCING ME TO BREAK THE LAW and obtain what is required by their internal rules through commiting a CRIME (at least illegal bribary).
Thus, the main reason for the refusal of Barclays bank to return me my money appeared MY REFUSAL TO BREAK THE LAW! FOR WHICH Barclays CEOs utlimately triggered their KILLING ME, through FRAUDULENTLY leaving me ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY at the moments it was a matter of my LIFE or DEATH! Under SILENT APPROVAL of all regulators!
That is how BMoney appeared in quite legitimate
Suggestions for resolving this conflict through the court
became totally unapplicable!
Although they sound nice for most civilized people,
in my particular case Barclays CEOs made this way
Any litigation,extremely expensive on its own,
after Barclays triggered my bankruptcy
by leaving me for years, up to now,
Up to now Barclays CEOs
ignore that reality, in particular,
#4 (Reimbursing the actual "JOB" of communicating with Barclays bank I already did),
that can rise astronomically after adding bills for the future legal support,
let alone
#6 (Daily Allowence for the SHOCKING HOMELESS and JOBLESS existence).
It seems the Barclays' CEOs, leaving for years on their $millions salaries,
believe that the person they left ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY
must keep doing the job of dealing with their bank and court
While in the court I will need to fight with
Nigel Higgins, Chairman of Barclays Group AND Deputy Chairman of Rothschilds & Co.,
Barclays CEOs,who are Co-Chairs of the British Economic Crime Strategic Board
just not long after their ex-CEO Bo Diamond was fired
due to involing into the Banking Affair of the Century,
just at the time of my BMoney beginning,
Andrew Bailey, current Governor of the Bank of England (BOE),
who was the Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (main financial regulator of the UK, "financed by charging fees to members of the financial services industry", with which I can hardly compete) from 2016 to 2020,
- during which HUNDREDS of messages about my case was sent to his office,
NONE of which was responded! -
But it's an evident FRAUD of Barclays CEOs
to demand from me doing this job
any fair Judge
who is capable to declare
the whole UK country
destroys any court
procedure for my case!
BMoney is practically INFINITE(!) Debt of Barclays bank to me, Sergiy Beloy. And as such, it allows me to use today actually ANY percentage I want!!! In turn, creation of the Barclays' Infinite debt appeared possible precisely for the same reason!
According to William Poundstone, author of the book "Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value",
All prices are subjective!
For buyer it's a degree of his WISH to possess a product.
For seller it's a degree of his WISH to keep the product he already owns.
price is a value within the range
And decision of any court is not an exception:
There is no formula for arriving a a legal award!
As for increasing the price of the Barclays debt to me
up to the current
well, let me remind you:
"In 1980, U.S. federal usury laws, which had previously limited interest to between 7 and 10 percent, were ELIMINATED by act of Congress."
and as a creditor, I had all rights
to demand from the Barclays CEOs
If they wanted to argue that ratio,
they had a one month term for that,
or could simply pay off my debts
without entering any debt cicle.
But they didn't do neither thing!
I am just using the rules that super rich people used to earn their fortunes.
If they are valid, so are my demands to pay the current price of BMoney
Another exciting feature of BMoney is it allows demanding the debt started by Barclays CEOs in ANY currency (e.g., SF, US$, Gold, etc.), - simply because it incorporates Infinity (and ultimately, IS INFINITY by itself). That is, as Infinity, the BMoney can afford (a) ANY conversion rate to ANY existing currency, and (b) ANY CONVERSION into ANY VALUABLE STUFF ON THIS PLANET, no matter what the price of the latter can be.
In contrast, the current legislation envisages paying debts exclusively in the currency they were created. For example, as American national debt is nominated in the US dollars, the repaying of that debt is to be implemented in the dollars as well. And that creates a rather interesting situation with the constantly increasing bulk of over-inflated dollars currently appearing in existence. It seems the current (and future) US debts will not be paid in full until the price of the dollars in circulation approach practically ZERO! And when that happen, with the resulting "money" the USA will be capable to pay ANY its debt! Isn't it a really ingenious plan for resolving the mega important problem of American debts, already counted in trillions? The unprecedented advantage of the BMoney based on Infinity is that that trick will simply not work!
First of all, even a formal value of total BMoney assets has exceeded 56.5 QUADRILLIONS(!) already. Compare it with just $28 Trillions of the US Debt), which practically means just that, - a REAL INFINITY (3)!
The infinite nature of BMoney's debt allows demanding from its debtors paying infinite amounts of money as well! And don't think that's impossible in principle: Practically unlimited printing money out of thin air is a conventional practice of all central banks for centuries, which easily can become Infinity, if required. But Infinity can be applicable even before it reaches it maximal values.
In particular, it allows paying off any debt till ALL AVAILABLE(!) RESOURCES OF THE DEBTORS EXIST! That is the essence of Infinity, isn't it? And all rights for such unlimited payment is at the side of corresponding creditor. In real life that means a right for demanding to pay at least as much as a real value of the debt was at the time of its creation. While under current legislation a debt is considered successfully paid off even if a new amount consists of tons of banknotes, - although its real value of is inflated almost to ZERO, - with Infinite debt it is possible to demand ANY sum to make the final sum fair enough. And at the current times of fraudulent turbulence that feature alone is extremely valuable feature: The Infinite BMoney is capable to KEEP YOUR SAVINGS SAFE!
That is, using Infinite BMoney allows eliminating risks of inflated debt!!! And in the case a real value of the payment is completely ZERO, the debt is officially considered NOT PAID, with corresponding legal consequences (unlike conventional inflated debts that actually write off creditors' money).
In general, when is a debt considered unpaid? When the lender receives NOTHING! But if he gets anything, - even inflated for 99.99%, - then formally the debt is considered successfully paid off. And I have all reasons to suspect that exactly that is going to happen soon. Globally!
In contrast,
BMoney is
investment for practically ANY(!) percentage rate,
and at the fair rate into ANY currency/valuables!
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