Monday, September 20, 2021

Charity for Barclays and top elites


In the full accordance with my previous promises,

I am starting the CHARITY CAMPAIGN 

for the Barclays CEOs and the top financial elites 

at the

"I URGENTLY need any sum towards paying debts of the top financial elites, which a famous international bank created for my name, - currently with a danger to my LIFE, - just to remain ALIVE and continue FREEING THE WORLD FROM DEBTS TO BANKERS!"

Please continue reading here

and SHARE that address!


Begging for money?

Well, not for myself. I am asking for the money for the richest people of this world, who are in debt to me!

In particular, at the I ask for charity payment for the Barclays bank and its owners.

They are so “poor” that they cannot afford to pay a single penny towards their debt to me during last 21 YEARS! Really?

As I wrote early: 

"Jes Staley, current Barclays Group CEO, you were properly informed about my case long before taking your position in this bank. Nevertheless, the first thing you did on entering that job was bying for yoursel SEVERAL MILLIONS (2,790,000) shares of the Barclays Plc for a special price, paying for them totally 6.4 MILLION GBP (about 8.3 MILLION US dollars).

On December 1st, 2015, the BusinessInsider said:

Jes Staley loses 300,000 GBP on his first day as CEO at Barclays:

"Imagine starting a new job and just before you walk through the door you've lost hundreds of thousands of pounds. That is exactly what happens to former hedge fund executive James "Jes" Staley when he becomes Barclays' new CEO today."

Today, this almost 4-MILLION per year worth banker appeared unable to find the lousy 150 Euro to save the client, - whom his bank ROBBED before, and his CEOs under his leadership are KILLING now!, -by the LIFE-THREATENING CONFISCATION OF ALL THIS PROPERTY!"

However, both Jes and his partners do not want to pay their debts! 
Simultaneously becoming richer because of that. On my expense!
While any non-payment of debts means just one thing

All debts I have are actually not mine. They are debts of the Barclays bank and super powerful people behind it. Namely, ....

The list is huge!

This is the Barclays' CHARITY - for paying Barclays' DEBTS!
I personally am doomed to receive from it practically NOTHING:

This CHARITY, if any, will not make me richer. 

Rather, it will only partially(!) compensate 

the damage of the Barclays bank its CEOs 

did to me already!

At best, I will only restore my disbalance, if any. The disbalance that simply wouldn't exist without efforts of Barclays CEOs and their lawyers. For example, the current bills for saving last remains of my property at the Mini-store during last 4 years. There was no need for that service for me at all until the place of my living was de-facto destroyed by Barclays bank in 2017. 

Most of the funds are going to go for paying debts of the Barclays bank, The Bank Of England, HM the Queen, the Fed, and ultimately, the top financial elites. That's the key consequence of the Barclays' game its lawyers believe is quite legitimate. I, however, have serious doubts about it: 

What kind of the law is it, 

if it requires from a bank's customer 

to pay derivative debts he never created?!! 

By the way, if you think this my private problem, think again: This problem has a truly global scale, which concerns EVERYBODY on this planet, rather than only me personally. See for example my mini-research on the reasons of the global financial crises.

What kind of the law is it, if it requires desperate attempts of applying to hundreds related CEOs, - who surrounded themselves with hardly legitimate info-walls through which it is simply impossible to reach them, - around the world during many YEARS, FOR JUST OBTAINING YOUR OWN MONEY from the banking deposits that according to the law are payable on the first demand by definition?!!

That is, they created for me a kind of  disbalance that is IMPOSSIBLE for me to restore. At the same time, they can, but clearly have no intention to restore it on their own, thus making restoration they created IMPOSSIBLE to be restored at all. The key difference between us is that disbalance is capable to KILL ME!

Along the way, the Barclays CEOs and their key partners and owners abused the law and key banking rules to the degree of cancelling the law and rules completely!

But let me remind them once again:
No matter what happens with me, 
their derivative debts to me 
Including the Infinite Debt!

The top financial elites will need to pay it
by their LIFE!

Usually, only poor people ask for charity. Here, however, we see the case when the richest do that. I can only advise them to start learning from the masters!

See also

Everybody is welcome to
my AirFunding CHARITY!

Please note, however, that the AirFunding charity takes 
more than a month for actual obtainig its money, if any.
And that can simply appear too late ... 

So, to


From AirFunding rules: "Only if you have 3 supporters, you will be ranked up to the Worldwide Stage, and you will be able to gather support from the rest of the world!". 
The problem is: I DON'T HAVE ANY OPPORTUNITY (NEITHER TECHNICALLY NOR FINANCIALLY/PHYSICALLY) TO MAKE A PROMOTION OF THIS PROJECT FOR GAINING ANY SUPPORTERS! Actually, that is exactly what I expected from the AirFunding - opportunity to apply to other people with my idea - to END BANKERS' DEBTS TO THE WORLD! 
Under its rules, however, NOBODY WILL EVER SEE MY PROJECT! 
Sorry ...

Use Instant WesternUnion's money transfers instead!


Five days since starting my charity project.

Collected amount so far is $0

Just because number of people who viewed that page is 0 (ZERO) as well (see UPDATE #1 above for reasons for that:  I'm currently unable to make any promotion, neither technically not physically)! So, it's difficult to expect another result - without YOUR HELP!!! And that will be so until obtaining some support from YOU, the public, for at least a PROMOTION of this project! 


Or just RETWEET!!!

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