Friday, September 17, 2021

End of People's Debt To Banks

To: Barclays CEOs and top financial elites

Your choice is simple:

Either pay for my Settlement within next 3 days,

OR BANKRUPT the richest people of the world!


End of People's Debt To Banks

Press release of

September 17, 2021, Ukraine.

The "system" British bank Barclays Plc that has branches in 50 countries, - under silent approval by all top regulators and financial elites of the world (the FCA, Bank Of England, British Parliament, top British Criminal Board, HM the Queen and royal family, the World Bank, IMF, The Bank Of International Settlements, , Rothschilds' family, and the Fed, to name a few), - openly practices double laws for fraudulent avoiding paying its debts to S. Beloy, who 100% legitimately opened several Barclays' savings accounts in London, UK. By doing so, the Barclays CEOs and top financial elites have set the precedent of either asymmetrical approach for paying the debts, or the End Of The Law in the global scale!

The latter almost automatically comes into force due to breaking the Golden Rule of any legislative system, - equality of the law for everybody, - derived from the Rome Law and canon laws of the Vatican, - the toppest laws on this planet! - placing both Barclays' CEOs and people behind them BEYOND THE LAW! The former authorizes the asymmetrical attitude for banking customers: Namely, the Barclays' non-payment to its customer Mr Beloy during last TWENTY ONE YEARS with simultaneous demanding a proper payments to itself by other customers creates for those customers, - and considering the whole banking system is just one common bank, FOR EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD, - the right to FORGET ABOUT PAYING DEBTS TO BANKS!

In particular, to





This right comes into force

SINCE September 20, 2021


Beloy's CASE IS


within 3 days!

Actually, this theme is not new. Here, for example, what is known to Swiss authorities already:

Swiss banks in game

Bill To Switzerland - due IMMEDIATELY!

Meanwhile, instead the Barclays CEOs continue their attempts of KILLING Mr Beloy by forcing him to do the IMPOSSIBLE to him things under direct THREAT TO HIS LIFE if he fails to do that. In particular, the Barclays CEOs force S. Beloy to PAY THE DEBTS THEY CREATED for him artificially, - in fact, TO PAY DEBTS OF Barclays bank and the top elites to whom they SHIFTED it early, - FORCING S. Beloy TO DIE OF HUNGER AND COLD AT THE STREETS!

And the Barclays CEOs keep sharing their responsibility for non-payment with all banks, financial institutions, and top elites. Just one example:

Since 2019, Swiss Government officially joined the Barclays' attempts of the KILLING!

Thus becoming at least an accomplice of the Barclays' crime of the Century, - BGate!

The aim of this press release is to announce the

CHARITY campaign for Barclays bank

and top financial elites

- to pay the debts 

they created

for S. Beloy,

and to save his life, -

subject of starting right NOW!

UNLESS the move towards a fair

settlement becomes clear!

The initiative, however, is far from a conventional begging on the street the Barclays lawyers push him to start doing simply due to reluctance of their bosses to pay debts:

S. Beloy never begged in his life!

He is not a beggar!

Now Mr Beloy is forced to pay Barclays' debts

- NOT HIS own ones!, -


That is the scenario prepared for him by Barclays CEOs

who pretend it is not a killing at all.

In particular, he needs to pay SEVERAL THOUSANDS US$ IMMEDIATELY to the Mini-Store company, where remains of the property from his apartment are stored, including his WARM DRESSING HE NEEDS BADLY RIGHT NOW simply not to freeze! During last years Beloy's access to his stuff has been forbidden because of his failure to pay the fees for the service. It's about 30,000 Grn (US$1,200) as of today. However, at least the same amount needs to be paid additionally, as a compensation for all the efforts of the Mini-Store did for continuing the saving, and not throwing my stuff away during all that period. Its future, however, remains shockingly uncertain at every single moment.

Then additional money will be demanded from S. Beloy for paying that fee for the future storing, - once again, that is Barclays' debt he is forced to pay, -  until Barclays CEOs compensates to him purchasing a new place of living, where his property would be stored for free, as it was before 2017.

The list of derivative debts created for Beloy by Barclays CEOs keeps growing.

But that is not reflected in official Barclays' balance sheet!

While Barclays' lawyers do not consider the latter a crime.

While Mr Beloy is currently HOMELESS (in result of successful paying debts by expense of selling his apartment, which was caused by refusal of the Barclays bank to provide to him access to his own savings, - that were more than sufficient for paying off all his debts - at the moment he needed it most), JOBLESS (due to absence of the stamp in his passport about permanent place of living, required by national law for for applying for most jobs), INCAPABLE TO WORK DUE TO TRAUMА he obtained in result of the deadly dangerous accident of FALLING DOWN FROM THE THIRD FLOOR at the "shadow" job that he took for saving for the URGENT DENTAL HELP required exclusively due to malnutrition during last years caused by Barclays non-payment!

And obviously, S. Beloy simply wants

not to die of hunger and cold!

For himself and ...

for the rest of the world!

That's why Mr Beloy DEMANDS from all bankers 

disappearence people's debts to banks!

Just as a symmetrical reflection of what 
Barclays CEOs did in his case,
their lawyers seems believe is
quite legitimate!

See details of the fatal for bankers 

Barclays' asymmetry here:

Two-faced Debt

Although the HELP to S. Beloy

can be easily implemented

by actually ANYONE

at any moment,

that is obviously not a favorite option for Barclays CEOs

- and now for the TOP FINANCIAL ELITES!

The amount of the Western Union transfers

to him for recent YEARS still remains


Thus programming the future for all

related bankers and top elites

as ZERO as well!


All questions on the matter should be directed

to the Barclays CEOs and

top financial elites!

* -iPicture courtecy of


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