Monday, September 20, 2021


 Re. End Of People's Debt To Banks!

Top financial elites did not respond to my previous Open Letter within last three days. That means the unprecedented action described there is coming into force:

The End Of People's Debt To Bankers!

My "congratulations" 

to the Barclays/BOE/Fed/Rothschild's CEOs:

Picture are copyright of corresponding authors

And sincerely

to the whole world!

Picture of the courtecy of pikabu

Actually, this news hardly can be a surprize for the people who reads my blog regularly. Almost two years ago I made this VIDEO in Sarajevo, BiH, nearly dying of cold ...

I have earned fairly the right of announcing this event today, having paid for it the full price, - by my HEALTH, ALL MY MONEY, PROPERTY, APARTMENT, and years of my LIFE!

Now it is the turn of the bank and the world's elites to experience a similar thing.

In fact, the Barclays forced me to announce the End Of Swiss Banks and Bankruptcy of the United Kingdom already. I also warned the world many times that the Barclays CEOs are capable to KILL their Top Elites! Unfortunately, the latter simply ignored my messages. Well, among other things, that's because they created their info-walls that (fraudulently) free them from any personal responsibility, making appealings of such people as me to them simply IMPOSSIBLE! 

This time it's more serious!

As a former inventor (with several officially registered technical inventions) I have a certain experience for resolving impossible problems. It's more about the state of mind the overregulated western world has difficulties to grasp. Today I'd like to share my "secret formula" FOR FREE with millions of people, who can appear in a similar situation! And I have all reasons to believe there going to be a lot of such situations in the nearest future!

(C) Sergiy Beloy - Photo of 2020

The most effective algorithm of dealing with impossible problems is the following:

Just look to it in a reversed wise, attempting to treat its flaws as merit. Ultimately, that approach is capable to magically REVERSE the situation, and just turn the main disadvantages of the current situation into the main advantages!

As simple as that!

Speaking about my case, the Barclays CEOs made all possible they could do for leaving me without my money In result, they made it IMPOSSIBLE repayment of their debts to me by law!  However, the debts they created for me did not disappear because of that, starting from the currently most painful debt to me of several thousand US$ that is capable to KILL me by COLD in the nearest days!

Although the whole story began from my refusal to break the law of my country, - and the Barclays' professinal(!) lawyers still enforce me to commit that crime, on behalf (and with silent approval) of the whole banking community, since the year 2000, -the CEOs decided to use the law against me. However, considering the fact I never broke the law during all my life, that could be possible only through intentional abusing the law.To the degree of the resulting ending the whole legislation system per se!

So, the Barclays CEOs hired the team of lawyers for proving their debt to me is not 100% legitimate. The only problem is they obviously overdid that task! Both the Barclays' lawyers and top CEOs behind them created the situation when obtaining my money, - both original deposits and derivative debts, - became for me ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!

The long list starts with the Barclays'

- groundless (and highly embarrassing) distrust to my words, which actually triggered the whole story;

- intentional choice of the only impossible for me way of payment (out of two other possible ones), despite all my explanations about it in written during a half of the year (see details);

- signing many official letters on behalf of Barclays CEOs by stamp of signiture (with further ignoring all my requests on clarifying who exactly signed them);

- official refusal of the Barclays bank to speak about its debts to me, - absolutely unprecedented "service" for the banking industry;

to name just few.

Meanwhile, the only result of such abusings of the law became the fact of unprecedented rise of just one derivative debt of Barclays bank to me beyond 61 QUDRILLION US$, - practically to Infinity! And that creates IMPOSSIBILITY for finding such a brave Judge at any court in any country, who would dare to declare the BANCRUPTCY of the United Kingdom, as well as the whole world, if required (and I have all reasons to believe it will). And that alone makes the standard way for resolving this case in the court IMPOSSIBLE!

The Barclays lawyers' abusing the law in my case implies just one thing:


And in addition to all above-mentioned, corresponding CEOs keep attempting to KILL me!

For not paying off their debts to me in full! My article CEOs-KILLERS was written almost two years ago, yet the nature of the killing described there is still fully topical today!

Look, the Barclays bank did all the possible for not paying its debts to me, and even does not promise when it possiblly will. They play this trick with me during last 21 YEARS! And hope to do it forever. So, the answer for the question when they are going to pay off their debt to me me sounds clear: "Never!"

But if anyone thinks it's my private problem, think again:

I have all reasons to predict a similar Financial Genocide for the most people on this planet in the nearest Future!

And the fact of existence of such artificially created by related CEOs IMPOSSIBILITY allowes me to to use it against them! And ultimately, to REVERSE the whole case for 180 degrees!

In addition, their "smart" hiding themselves behind semi-fraudulent info-wall simply SHIFTED responsibility for this case, - including attempts of murder of the first degree! - to the top financial elites of the world! 

And from purely private problem of demanding debts personally for me, the related BMoney initiative has been transformed (by arrogance of Barclays CEOs and its owners) into unprecedented Anti-FinancialGenocide project of the really Global scale!

Since today,

20 September, 2021,

it adds the asymmetrical

End Of Debt Of All People



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