Re. Where is my money?
My definition of "Debtism" is focused on life on debt with no intention of ever repaying it. That's exactly what Barclays CEOs do in my case during last 21 years. And that really KILLS!
Why opinions about financial KILLING differ? Because distribution of wealth (inequality) is irregular (Linn Rothschilds mentions 0.6 vs 7.8 billion proportion). Depending on the place in which people appear, their opinion can be diametrically opposite. Klaus Schwab revealed that from the point of view wealthy people, society moves to a better version of capitalism. That means their better control over the rest (poor part) of the world, the easest way to achieve of which is through decrease in population and debt reset (nullification). And elites openly speak about their plans:
From the point of view poor people, that's all about their killing!
Due to lack of corresponding (financial) education, the process of realizing the simple truth that there are many ways of killing is still slow. The global Debt NULLIFICATION (aka "Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab, Davos) is just another kind of global killing:
The days when the rich lent to the poor are long gone. Nowadays the debt of the rich is greater than the debt of the poor. So, the proposed by Klaus Schwab (read top elites) Nullification will simply restore the global balance (badly damaged by the rich) at the expense of the poor.
I have proposed to the UN and international legislators to introduce the notion of Financial Genocide, absence of which undermines the whole legislative system per se. Yet, quite predictable, got no official response yet ...
The link between financial debt and killing is not easy to accept. Among other things, it may also require changing the notion of KILLING!
The killing starts gradually,
and has many forms!
For me personally, the Barclays CEOs triggered the following:

Some people wonder at my "obsession" with not paying my debts. Forget everything and start over, they say. Not realizing the latter is impossible.
First, they are not killed every day, like I am!
And that's what Barclays CEOs urge me to do:
to forget (nullify) their debts to me.
Even if that is able to KILL me!
In other words, Barclays CEOs expect from me paying their debts INSTEAD of themselves. That's what the "starting everything over" term actually means. That is a classical way for ending a classical crisis. The disbalance created by few thieves is paid off by somebody else. And that's what they wait patiently for in my case during last 21 years, - quite sufficient term for a slow killing of everage person, which formally is "not-killing". The problem for them, however, is (1) I am not "average person", and (2) I "see the whole picture" (in terms of British economists used in reply to HM Queen about reasons for financial crises).
While a key feature of all financial crises had been their difficulty to track back the whole chain of related debts, including derivative ones, in my case it's cristally clear!
In general, I guess the first ever link in the huge global chain of unpaid debts (read killings) was created by bankers. In particular, by their triggering the very first banking loan due to not creating money for paying its percentage.
Actually, Barclays bank
In elites' parlance it could be called by different terms,
e.g., "Financial Crisis in miniature"
that KILLS, however, for real!
Like every Global Crisis does!
Debtism = Crisis = Killing
It's not a secret that debts nowadays are accumulated at all levels (individual , group's, state's, GLOBAL ones):
In short, debtism is based on the economy of debtors, a growing spiral of continual borrowing, that is, further run in this debt way. In other words, this type of economy functions only through further indebting" (source).
The resulting crises are inevitable. And they tend to be resolved through KILLINGS!
What is a homelessness?
This is a state of permanent TIRENDESS!
was my prevailing feeling
during all recent years.
"Thanks" to Barclays CEOs once again.
Homeless people are always tired. Because they are under constant pressure of absolutely incredible overloads and problems, completely unimaginable for most people until they find themselves in a similar situations. Have no illusions: NO ATHLETE IS CAPABLE TO WITHDRAW SUCH OVERLOADS for a long! Sooner or later, they will simply break! Because these overloads are really outrageous!
Always bear this in mind when you see the poor barely moving his legs on the street. It is a big question whether YOU can handle such overloads, if you find yourself in a similar situation. Such people have to do much more work than people under normal conditions. And that KILLS!
It's a PERMANENT, CHRONIC FATIGUE! Especially under the burden of the extremely hard job of being jobless. Getting much less profit than any other kind of job, if anything at all.
Yes, the latter is a MONSTROUSLY UNEFFICIENT job. Formally, why would someone pay for it more? The problem is the homeless just have to do it. Because they simply have no choice - there is simply no other job for them. And ultimately that KILLS THEM. Yet nobody calls that killing. Let alone financial killing that begins with non-payment of debts at the other end of the chain.
What about living
The first time I mentioned this topic
was only six month ago:
This is not just a matter of somebody's emotional overreaction! I have experienced it PERSONALLY, as impossibility to sleep appeared a forced by Barclays CEOs way of my life! And I am fully responsible for every word I say about it now.
Actually, such existence was inappropriate to call a LIFE!
Sleeping on the street is dangerous because of the constant risk of being robbed. And I personally experienced many attempts of stealing at the night time. Some were successful for robbers, simply because I was sleepy. Here is just one example of my robbery, after which I appeared with even more impossible debt then Barclays created for me early. I contacted Barclays bank about it, but its CEOs did not change their intention of not paying their debts to me. Although that case alone could kill me, they did not call it killing. What it was then?
Add to it numerous cases of derivative NIGHT FIGHTINGS, and you will start realizing the dangers of not sleeping.
Especially hard at a winter season, when it was absolutely impossible to sleep at the streets at the night, - because of the risk of simply not waking up due to FREEZING TO DEATH!, - and absolutely impossible to sleep during the day, - as the only heated spaces available for free access were shopping malls, policy of which strictly forbids sleeping.
In result, although I could sit down there (for some time only), I was absolutely not allowed to close my eyes even for a second, - while my eyes were unwittingly closing on their own from the extreme fatigue and stress of sleepless night(s)!
Then a security was coming up and kicked my legs to force me to open my eyes!
"Get out to the street! NOW!"
the security tells me angrily.
"This place is not for sleeping!"
Well, it's interesting where then
a place for a homeless person is?
The Barclays' CEOs, who triggered
this situation, prefer not to answer.
And that non-answer (non-action)
becomes a part of their debt as well,
forcing me to answer and apply efforts
INSTEAD of them, - and that's the most
EMBARRASSING part of Barclays' debt!
Initially I was trying to argue with securities (see above) that what they see was not my sleeping! Rather, I just closed my eyes (which I often do during pondering any serious problem). And initially that was true! I fairly tried not to break their rules indeed, - just like fairly trying not to break the law during all my previous life, - but realized the further its obeying is simply able to kill me!
And even if sometimes I dozed off a little bit, what was the name of my crime? I was always sitting quietly, without bothering anyone. But that didn't matter. Especially when both the rules of shopping malls and the laws used by Barclays lawyers appeared to be used for killing. The killing that formally did not exist, yet was triggered by quite real Barclays' avoidance to pay its debts.
Apparently, according to its CEOs that
Despite professional doctors disagree:
"Lack of Sleep Is (Literally) Killing You"
So, what was it then?
"Can You Die From Lack of Sleep?" asks Brian Palmer. And his answer is YES, either directly or undirectly:
"It’s possible that given enough time,
sleep deprivation can kill you!
...In the 1980s, a University of Chicago researcher named Allan Rechtschaffen conducted a series of groundbreaking experiments on rats. After 32 days of total sleep deprivation, all the rats were dead.
... A third explanation points to some evidence of brain damage among the sleep-deprived rats. It’s also possible that extreme levels of stress contributed to the rats’ demise.
There’s every reason to believe that humans would experience the same end result ..."
If still in doubt, search Youtube for the proof:
ABC Life puts it in more mild way:
"Can you die from lack of sleep?
Lack of sleep can make you more likely to put yourself in life-threatening situations. There's no denying life can get pretty ugly when you go without sleep. Your brain goes woolly, your limbs feel like lead, and the smallest mishaps make you intensely cranky. Can lack of sleep be enough to kill you? Potentially yes, says University of Sydney sleep researcher Nathaniel Marshall, but in the short term, only indirectly. ..."
The question is what's the difference between killing you directly or indirectly, if the result is the same!
Anyway, "it can impair your judgment and increase your risk of death from a fatal accident."
Great! Obviously, definitions of what killing is should be updated!
Which is impossible without paying off Barclays' debts to me.
need to write this post in a public space with CONSTANTLY PLAYING
The first thing I dream about recent years is the availability and QUIETNESS of my (personal) working space (most people take for granted), in which I can
(a) just sit down comfortably
(b) at any table
(c) with a normal desktop
In contrast, today my writings consume too much my efforts
and incredibly costly (as for a person without money)
the Barclays bank formaly does not kill!
There are also parts #3, #4, etc. ...
See more at
Add to it concerns about environment that elite seems treats higher than lives of human creatures, and the picture will become more completed:
Current version of capitalism has exhausted all real niches for payable demand, preventing itself from its fundamental condition for existence, - eternal growth! Artificial niches (like various schemes of fraudulent bubbles and viral types of property) are not helpful anymore.
This is End Of Capitalism, predicted by Adam Smith more than two hundreds years ago. But today's economists cannot accept it openly. Modern textbooks simply do not mention such concept. And here comes Lynn Rothschilds and Klaus Schwab with their (elites') "Inclusive Capitalism".
Please note that despite all evident facts (constant decreasing of global profit due to ending of global demand, reflected by numerous trends, including introduction of negative banking rates), elite does not use the words "end of capitalism", although that is precisely what it implements, from the top, as early as since the end of 70th. Instead, it calls this process yet another version of capitalism. And that requires rethinking of what really capitalism is for the elites. Obviously, considering the above, its meaning is fundamentally different from what economists say to the public. But what is it?
First of all, it's connected somehow with concepts of debt. And the latter is at least 5,000 years.
Nowadays the terms "Debtism" and "Capitalism" are often interchangable:
"The system has created so much debt that it should no longer be called capitalism but rather by a more appropriate name, “debtism”.
"Should a loan that one neither intends nor is required to repay be considered debt or equity?" asks Enterprising Investor in the article "Capitalism Is Dead,Long Live Debtism". Hmm ...
The article starts from the brave statement:
"Notwithstanding its many failings, capitalism has been a formidable engine of wealth creation and economic development over the last three centuries."
Well, it could be true ... if we agree on a common definition for the terms "wealth creation" and "economic development". It seems the most precise meaning for them nowadays is "successful bubble creation" and "Chrematistics ("money makes money" principle).
Debtism - reason for all financial crises!
But what is a reason for debtism?
Sinful Disbelief In God!
What that purely religious aspect has to do with Capitalism, when many people who achieved financial success simply didn't bother to believe in anything? Everything!
Fall of man does not mean just stopping his/her visits to the church.
The possible falling begins deeply inside us, - in our minds. The sinful thoughts that we able to make the Miracles the God is able to do by definition. The God's magic of creating something from nothing looks very attractive, - but we are not Gods!
So, people attempt to create God's Miracles WITHOUT God, or even "BETTER" than God, which in all cases means INSTEAD of God, - and that subversion of the God is the root of all our problems!
It appears the only thing people are able to do is a primitive trick of imitating the God's magic by creating pseudo-miracles (quite attractive outwardly, yet greatly deceiptive and fraudelent internally).
For example, bankers do create money "out of thin air". However, implementation of this requires providing some REAL things at the other side of the equation for restoring the disbalance. In particular, in the form of creating DEBT for other people, - and ultimately for the whole world!
Financiers, - and most businessmen in general!,- create the miracle of creating their fourtunes mostly out of building all sorts of fraudulent in its nature "bubbles", sucking money for their wealth from the rest of the world.
Otherwise their "miracle" is simply impossible (as they are not Gods).
However, they want to act like God, live like God, and ultimately become a real God, - no matter whether they think about religion or not.
All they want is the God's ABSOLUTE POWER!
Apparently, WITHOUT God!
And that is what the "Inclusive Capitalism" (aka NWO) is all about.
"Wall street presents a view of capitalism as being controlled by the few at the expense of the many—democracy versus the free market in gekko's words." (source)
Read more in my "Anti-Reset" book at websites of my supporters. Idea of that mini-research (that is still in progress) was born due to yet another generic extension of the Barclays' super greed, - the avoidance of Klaus Schwab and Co. to pay debts, - in full correspondence with the Barclays Law and its extentions, - derivative of Rothschild's Law.
So, I am certifying officially that that
And by not paying their debts to me
Barclays CEOs have forced me
to live that way for YEARS
waiting coldly for my
Because my today's life is difficult
to call a life!
that was, - and still is, - just
existence at the edge of survival
because Barclays bank practices
Now I forward that killing
back to Barclays CEOs,
who forward it to
top elites!
That's the question
Continue reading at
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