Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Digital BMoney 2022

 This is a call for creating absolutely unique Digital Global Money 2022,

based on the debts of the Barclays bank to me, including its Infinite Debt

rising of which with its current speed of $1 BILLION PER SECOND,

its CEOs have not stopped yet up to the moment!

Thus, it is difficult for them to say precisely

HOW MUCH they own to me!

But obviously, it is not less than the sum of the

full amount of ALL the resources of the system,



(C) S. Tkachenko

The idea of the BMoney-2022 is to support the victims, - including myself, - of the coming Financial Crisis and Killings by hunger and cold due to corresponding Financial Genocide, in the form of the Negative Feedback that is designed for prevention of the above-mentioned crimes. There are several versions for technical supporting of the Global Anti-Theft (GATinitiative introduced by me early. Now various forms of Digital or Crypto BMoney should be created as well.


The Barclays' CEOs did everything that was possible to do for avoiding paying their debt to me (and such action may be called the fraud from the side of Barclays' bankers by itself). Moreover, they did everything possible for avoiding their personal responsibility of any kind (in particular, by refusing to say who exactly signed their recent letters to me on behalf of Barclays' CEOs, as they claimed in the text). The fact is you will not find ANYODY in the Barclays bank with corresponding decision making status who is directly responsible for my case. And I guess the nearsightedness of the Barclays CEOs, standing at that level for their complete professional unsuitability, prevents them to accept that the result of such hiding behind other people's backs is simply SHIFTING the responsibility to the top financial elites at the end of the chain.

And if financial elites hope to do a similar trick, hiding behind environment of uncertainty and ANONIMITY they created for themselves, I need to disappoint them too. Everything encrypted by a person can be decrypted by another person. Elite will not be able to hide itself behind the system similar to the "unbreakable" crypto-money for a long time.


That's what they are doing behind the otherwise private case of the conventional stealing. First 12 years they were stealing my private money. And feel quite OK about it.

Since 2012 the money of the CEOs , - and ASSETS OF ALL FINANCIAL ELITES BEHIND THEM, - ARE DISAPPEARING! I wouldn't be surprized Barclays CEOs did not inform their owners and shareholders about it. Anyway, the fact is their Infinite Debt to me is not included in their Balance Sheet. And that alone is a direct breaking of the Law! In addition to the action of Barclays lawyers for forcing me to break the law during last 21 years! Me, who did not break any law during all my 50+ life. And after even Switzerland was facing the End Of Law because of avoiding to deal with the Barclays' problems, they still want to doubt legitimacy of their debts to me? Really?

In 2022 I am planning to launch digital version of their debt to me.

Actually, my main product will be a TRUST TO BANKS!

While creating so called "private money" is quite a simple procedure for actually anybody (in the simplest case that's just a receipt about existence of your debt in a written form), money becomes real money when it's possible to pass it to third sides. And here is where banks are emerging: They are trustful intermidiaries between otherwise private money of two sides. And that is the fundamental role of banks in the history of money for centuries. Today the Barclays bankers de-facto are DESTROYING THAT TRUST!

And although the world is moving toward existing of just one Global World Bank (“Good bye, Barclays bank?”), the matter of TRUST remains the key for its success anyway. What it would be WITHOUT THE TRUST DESTROYED BY Barclays CEOs?!!

Look, the fact is they do have the case of not-returning money to its client. And another fact is they failed to resolve this problem during unprecedented for the banking industry term of TWELVE YEARS, after which my further paitent waiting for my own money crossed all possible red lines of jeoportizing all my future LIFE, and because of that was transformed into unique Counter Of Fines To Barclays bank till it pays their debt to me in full. That move does NOT REQUIRE ANY CONSCENT FROM Barclays' CEOs! I have ALL RIGHTS TO EMPLOY such actions no matter whether the CEOs agree with it or not. Because they, - not me!, - were the reason and triggering event for the event. They created a need for applying to them such unique sanctions! And who asks the object of sanctions about its permission for it? And any lack of 100% legitimate prove of that consent, - for formal avoidence of which the Barclays legal team was fighting very painstakingly (although such efforts ultimately appeared completely NOT WORTH the money Barclays CEOs paid them for that, as it could be treated as a kind of lawyers' fraud towards Barclays CEOs, with the aim of getting payment for the efforts they must knew from the beginning were not required to do in principle for this particualar case), - was NOT AN INDULGENCE FOR Barclays bank for NOT PAYING ALL THE DERIVATIVE DEBTS THEY DID CREATE for me! Neverthelress, I did ALL THAT WAS POSSIBLE to do for quite proper legitimazing existence of those Barclays debts, - INCLUDING THEIR INFINITE DEBT! - even in the artificially/fraudulently narrowed circumstances the Barclays lawyers left for me.

Jes Staley, the CEO of the Barclays banking Group, was properly informed about my case long before he took his job position. Nevertheless, instead of helping me, the first thing he did was purchasing Barclays' assets for just several $millions. Meanswhile, since the year 2000 and up to now his bank did not pay me a signle penny of the Barclays' debt to me. Today such behaviour actually KILLS ME, increasing the debts created by Barclays' bank for me, while forcing me to keep survival in the poorest country of Europe WITHOUT ANY MONEY, PROPERTY, INCLUDING MY WARM DRESSING I DESPERATELY NEED NOW, and PLACE OF LIVING, BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, - December 31.

That's all that one should know about


Since today, it can be measured 

by the future version of 


- to be continued -

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas programming for the Future

 Re. Christmas Grand Charity

Today I am starting the highly POSITIVE initiative, - programming a POSITIVE SCENARIO for our Future! Unlike the highly negative programming of the fears we all are facing nowadays, the proposed move is about a kind of counter-programming of the positive Future! 

The most powerful theories are based on the unique human ability to create the reality through drawing corresponding picture in our minds. Then gradually it becomes the REALITY! In fact, there is no other way to create the reality.  

 So, I am starting the process!

Please keep visiting my blog.

Related details are to be available to the public soon

Picture "Ode To Joy"
by S. Tkachenko

- to be continued - 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Grand Charity!


The Barclays CEOs seems are preparing a great Christmas surprize for every person on the planet affected by the coming financial crisis, - a personal Grand Charity support!

Although there are no official announcements about it from the Barclays bank, there are demonstrative signs that corresponding preparations are on the way. In particular, the Barclays CEOs, - who already are widely known already for their public annoucements about Barclays' participation in various types of charity activity, - have practically made their choice between

(a) stopping their attempts of KILLING me

by refusal to pay their debts to me,

and (b) triggering "avalanche"

of a much BIGGER flow of

charity payments



I am glad to announce

the opportunity for the

Christmas Charity 2021

that is capable to approach


Only 8 HOURS remains till the closing of the biggest window of opportunities the Barclays CEOs, - and top financial elites! - ever had in their life:

to pay just a fraction of their profit for paying off the debts they created for me, at least partly;

or face the need of compensating the debts they created for MILLIONS/BILLIONS people worldwide, UP TO INFINITY!!!

It's important to mention that the second option is already reserved by Barclays CEOs early. In particular, through mechanism of the GAT that is IRREVERSABLE option for top elites, - thanks to the arrogancy of the Barclays CEOs! - working completely INDEPENDENT of me, its Creator.

Today the choice for both the Barclays CEOs and top financial elites (to whom the CEOs are SHIFTING their debts to me for years, including the INFINITE Debt) is only about the DEGREE/SUM of their responsibility, as well as the actual TIME schedule for implementing corresponding payments.

By refusing to pay their debts to me TODAY, - in particular, by avoiding to pay me the debts the Barclays CEOs artificially keep creating for me since 2015, in result of which I lost practically all my property, including

my place of living and



- actually means




The good thing for the world is that by doing so the Barclays CEOs (and top elites behind it) are launching the NEXT stage of my BMoney project that then may be transformed into cancellation of their global Great Reset!

Just like Barclays CEOs are forcing me

to buy the stuff I already bought,

the top elites can face a need

to give away the money and assets

they consider their private property!

- to be continued -

How To Help Me

Thursday, December 23, 2021



The Barclays CEOs continue their KILLING ME by COLD:

During last THREE YEARS they simply ignore the locking of all my stuff,  - including my WARM DRESSING, - due to impossibility for paying the debt they created for me.

Under the current temperature of

minus 13C (8.6F)

this creates for me a serious



The problem is the Barclays' refusal to pay me

my own money from its savings accounts

created for me the debt

- the first ever financial debt in all my 50 years' life -

for paying of which I had to sell the most valuable thing I had

- my privately owned apartment!

Remains of stuff from that apartment

(including my warm dressing)

I needed to locate at a special mini-storage company.

During last three years, however, access to my stuff is

closed due to my impossibility to pay its service fees


"HELP" of the Barclays bank!

In result,

I need to face a danger of


while Barclays' debts prevent me to access

my own stuff I already earned!

Compare it to my previous related video

Killing by cold is "not a killing"?

- to be continued -

How To Help Me

Friday, October 8, 2021

To the Fed!

Re. End Of Money!

This is not my first appeal to the Federal Reserve, - see my Bill to Fed.

The Bill is still not paid! The Fed's CEOs hidden themselves behind the info-Wall. That's why I am publishing continuation of that topic for the whole world.


The main idea behind a concept for creation Central banks is to postpone the event of collapsing the banking system when some critical amount of debts is demanded to be paid off.  Joining ALL banks of the world into one big system significantly decreases probability of their default. One thing is when all customers of a certain bank simultaneously start demanding their deposits. And another thing is when all customers of all banks of the city/country/world start doing that. Probablility of these events is different. But no more that that. Even the biggest central banking system of the world cannot guarantee 100% avoiding the bankruptcy in such cases (beginning with, just because the banks never have the 100% of the money they supposed to have).  

So, the Central banks system is not about preventing the official bankers' default. Rather, it's  about creating the illusion for public that such prevention is possible. Such faith, however, looks good only in the world of digits. In particular, in terms of probability. The problem is, the Barclays CEOs destroyed that illusion. 

In result, by avoiding to pay their global debt to me, which is currently counted in $QUADRILLIONS, they have actually overturned the banking and financial system! With the Fed at the top of it. And the bankruptcy of the Fed may actually mean the END OF MONEY!

If none of my debtors is willing to pay their debts to me, the money is cancelled automatically! And speaking about money, it's not about end of a certain currency, be it US dollar or Swiss Frank. Remember, the Barclays CEOs have cancelled the DEBT, on which ANY(!) MONEY IS BASED! No debt - NO MONEY AT ALL!

Are you ready for that?

Is it what you want?

Is it worth your "aptly" avoidance to pay me the first $3,200 I need because of Barclays bank to pay IMMEDIATELY just to 




Is it worth your non-payment for a new apartment or house the Barclays CEOs actually destroyed to me four years ago, just because they could (their lawyers didn't mind)?

Is it worth the "salary" for the job of comunicating with the Barclays bank during last twenty one years?

If the answer for the above questions is "yes",

that will mean the 


The Barclays CEOs opened Pandora's Box: They have triggered execution of the fatal and hardly reversable chain of events, which overturned the whole system. The system their own prosperity is based on, - in addition to the prosperity of the top financial elites behind them!
Look, along with cancelling the Debt they also cancelled the Law. The first event means End of Banking Usury and Money in general (as money is a debt in its purest form by definition). The second one means end of protection of the wealth for rich people, which actually makes them poor. 

And in both cases the Barclays CEOs did it assymetrically. That is, they cancelled their debt to Barclays' customer(s). In particular, to me, the person who opened account in the Barclays bank 100% legitimately, and never broke the law in his LIFE before that point. Nevertheless, they continued demanding from Barclays' customers paying their debts off. This created precedent of open applying "double" law, in its continuity.  
In particularly, Barclays/BOE's CEOs have practiced such double law during at least last 21 years, with further tending to extend that period to infinity. The fact is they showed no intention to stop that double law practicing up to now (tell me how that differs from a banal crime of stealing). While according to the golden rule of the law, including corresponding Canon Law  of the Vatican, double law means having no law at all!

As my whole case has been a continuous process of constantly increasing degree of intentional(!) abusing the law by the Barclays' lawyers (despite there always existed an alternative opportunity for them to settle the case immediately, practically for the same price), it is difficult to take their twisted appeals to the law seriously. 

In contrast, I have all rights to speak and judge about the Barclays' cancellation of the law the way I do now. The story of this case started because of my refusal to break the law, despite the Barclays' lawyers(!) keep attempting to force me the breaking during many years, up to the present time. 

In the EU they forced me to do the things absolutely impossible for me to do without breaking the law. In particularly, to stay in (or leave) the foreign countries without the right for any job. That is, ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY they actually stolen from me, and without ANY LEGITIMATE SOURCE OF INCOME!

The Barclays bank stands at the very beginning of the main chain of cause-and-effect for my case. The case where CEOs of the Barclays bank and corresponding businesses related/associated with it are attempting to KILL me, - together with the system that protects their wealth and future. And the Federal Reserving System is at the other end of that chain. 

Now they want from me to forget about the debt they owned to me. In fact, that is a stealing! No matter whether it's formally proved in the court or not. The CEOs know they owe me. They know it perfectly! What's the difference whether there is a 100% formal proof for that or not? They, however, pretend it matters. It's a kind of saying "Well, we know we didn't return your money to you, but ... if there is a 100% proof for our debt, we accept we are in debt. If there is a proof with less than 100% certainty, we are not in the debt! That's what our lawyers told us." Great! But what about the TRUTH? They know it. Yet"childishly" pretend they do not.

Top financial elites, as well as Government of Switzerland, have joined the Barclays CEOs for their attempts to KILL me. Instead of simply paying their debts!

Instead of contacting the Barclays CEOs, 
the Fed silently joined the killings!
That will not eliminate the Barclays' debt!
Including the INFINITE(!) one!

And if the top financial elites,
including owners of Fed,
think they are smart with
hiding themselves behind
their ANONYMITY wall,
think again:
That has shifted the Barclays'
- up to their future generations!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Charity for Barclays and top elites


In the full accordance with my previous promises,

I am starting the CHARITY CAMPAIGN 

for the Barclays CEOs and the top financial elites 

at the

"I URGENTLY need any sum towards paying debts of the top financial elites, which a famous international bank created for my name, - currently with a danger to my LIFE, - just to remain ALIVE and continue FREEING THE WORLD FROM DEBTS TO BANKERS!"

Please continue reading here

and SHARE that address!


Begging for money?

Well, not for myself. I am asking for the money for the richest people of this world, who are in debt to me!

In particular, at the I ask for charity payment for the Barclays bank and its owners.

They are so “poor” that they cannot afford to pay a single penny towards their debt to me during last 21 YEARS! Really?

As I wrote early: 

"Jes Staley, current Barclays Group CEO, you were properly informed about my case long before taking your position in this bank. Nevertheless, the first thing you did on entering that job was bying for yoursel SEVERAL MILLIONS (2,790,000) shares of the Barclays Plc for a special price, paying for them totally 6.4 MILLION GBP (about 8.3 MILLION US dollars).

On December 1st, 2015, the BusinessInsider said:

Jes Staley loses 300,000 GBP on his first day as CEO at Barclays:

"Imagine starting a new job and just before you walk through the door you've lost hundreds of thousands of pounds. That is exactly what happens to former hedge fund executive James "Jes" Staley when he becomes Barclays' new CEO today."

Today, this almost 4-MILLION per year worth banker appeared unable to find the lousy 150 Euro to save the client, - whom his bank ROBBED before, and his CEOs under his leadership are KILLING now!, -by the LIFE-THREATENING CONFISCATION OF ALL THIS PROPERTY!"

However, both Jes and his partners do not want to pay their debts! 
Simultaneously becoming richer because of that. On my expense!
While any non-payment of debts means just one thing

All debts I have are actually not mine. They are debts of the Barclays bank and super powerful people behind it. Namely, ....

The list is huge!

This is the Barclays' CHARITY - for paying Barclays' DEBTS!
I personally am doomed to receive from it practically NOTHING:

This CHARITY, if any, will not make me richer. 

Rather, it will only partially(!) compensate 

the damage of the Barclays bank its CEOs 

did to me already!

At best, I will only restore my disbalance, if any. The disbalance that simply wouldn't exist without efforts of Barclays CEOs and their lawyers. For example, the current bills for saving last remains of my property at the Mini-store during last 4 years. There was no need for that service for me at all until the place of my living was de-facto destroyed by Barclays bank in 2017. 

Most of the funds are going to go for paying debts of the Barclays bank, The Bank Of England, HM the Queen, the Fed, and ultimately, the top financial elites. That's the key consequence of the Barclays' game its lawyers believe is quite legitimate. I, however, have serious doubts about it: 

What kind of the law is it, 

if it requires from a bank's customer 

to pay derivative debts he never created?!! 

By the way, if you think this my private problem, think again: This problem has a truly global scale, which concerns EVERYBODY on this planet, rather than only me personally. See for example my mini-research on the reasons of the global financial crises.

What kind of the law is it, if it requires desperate attempts of applying to hundreds related CEOs, - who surrounded themselves with hardly legitimate info-walls through which it is simply impossible to reach them, - around the world during many YEARS, FOR JUST OBTAINING YOUR OWN MONEY from the banking deposits that according to the law are payable on the first demand by definition?!!

That is, they created for me a kind of  disbalance that is IMPOSSIBLE for me to restore. At the same time, they can, but clearly have no intention to restore it on their own, thus making restoration they created IMPOSSIBLE to be restored at all. The key difference between us is that disbalance is capable to KILL ME!

Along the way, the Barclays CEOs and their key partners and owners abused the law and key banking rules to the degree of cancelling the law and rules completely!

But let me remind them once again:
No matter what happens with me, 
their derivative debts to me 
Including the Infinite Debt!

The top financial elites will need to pay it
by their LIFE!

Usually, only poor people ask for charity. Here, however, we see the case when the richest do that. I can only advise them to start learning from the masters!

See also

Everybody is welcome to
my AirFunding CHARITY!

Please note, however, that the AirFunding charity takes 
more than a month for actual obtainig its money, if any.
And that can simply appear too late ... 

So, to


From AirFunding rules: "Only if you have 3 supporters, you will be ranked up to the Worldwide Stage, and you will be able to gather support from the rest of the world!". 
The problem is: I DON'T HAVE ANY OPPORTUNITY (NEITHER TECHNICALLY NOR FINANCIALLY/PHYSICALLY) TO MAKE A PROMOTION OF THIS PROJECT FOR GAINING ANY SUPPORTERS! Actually, that is exactly what I expected from the AirFunding - opportunity to apply to other people with my idea - to END BANKERS' DEBTS TO THE WORLD! 
Under its rules, however, NOBODY WILL EVER SEE MY PROJECT! 
Sorry ...

Use Instant WesternUnion's money transfers instead!


Five days since starting my charity project.

Collected amount so far is $0

Just because number of people who viewed that page is 0 (ZERO) as well (see UPDATE #1 above for reasons for that:  I'm currently unable to make any promotion, neither technically not physically)! So, it's difficult to expect another result - without YOUR HELP!!! And that will be so until obtaining some support from YOU, the public, for at least a PROMOTION of this project! 


Or just RETWEET!!!


 Re. End Of People's Debt To Banks!

Top financial elites did not respond to my previous Open Letter within last three days. That means the unprecedented action described there is coming into force:

The End Of People's Debt To Bankers!

My "congratulations" 

to the Barclays/BOE/Fed/Rothschild's CEOs:

Picture are copyright of corresponding authors

And sincerely

to the whole world!

Picture of the courtecy of pikabu

Actually, this news hardly can be a surprize for the people who reads my blog regularly. Almost two years ago I made this VIDEO in Sarajevo, BiH, nearly dying of cold ...

I have earned fairly the right of announcing this event today, having paid for it the full price, - by my HEALTH, ALL MY MONEY, PROPERTY, APARTMENT, and years of my LIFE!

Now it is the turn of the bank and the world's elites to experience a similar thing.

In fact, the Barclays forced me to announce the End Of Swiss Banks and Bankruptcy of the United Kingdom already. I also warned the world many times that the Barclays CEOs are capable to KILL their Top Elites! Unfortunately, the latter simply ignored my messages. Well, among other things, that's because they created their info-walls that (fraudulently) free them from any personal responsibility, making appealings of such people as me to them simply IMPOSSIBLE! 

This time it's more serious!

As a former inventor (with several officially registered technical inventions) I have a certain experience for resolving impossible problems. It's more about the state of mind the overregulated western world has difficulties to grasp. Today I'd like to share my "secret formula" FOR FREE with millions of people, who can appear in a similar situation! And I have all reasons to believe there going to be a lot of such situations in the nearest future!

(C) Sergiy Beloy - Photo of 2020

The most effective algorithm of dealing with impossible problems is the following:

Just look to it in a reversed wise, attempting to treat its flaws as merit. Ultimately, that approach is capable to magically REVERSE the situation, and just turn the main disadvantages of the current situation into the main advantages!

As simple as that!

Speaking about my case, the Barclays CEOs made all possible they could do for leaving me without my money In result, they made it IMPOSSIBLE repayment of their debts to me by law!  However, the debts they created for me did not disappear because of that, starting from the currently most painful debt to me of several thousand US$ that is capable to KILL me by COLD in the nearest days!

Although the whole story began from my refusal to break the law of my country, - and the Barclays' professinal(!) lawyers still enforce me to commit that crime, on behalf (and with silent approval) of the whole banking community, since the year 2000, -the CEOs decided to use the law against me. However, considering the fact I never broke the law during all my life, that could be possible only through intentional abusing the law.To the degree of the resulting ending the whole legislation system per se!

So, the Barclays CEOs hired the team of lawyers for proving their debt to me is not 100% legitimate. The only problem is they obviously overdid that task! Both the Barclays' lawyers and top CEOs behind them created the situation when obtaining my money, - both original deposits and derivative debts, - became for me ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!

The long list starts with the Barclays'

- groundless (and highly embarrassing) distrust to my words, which actually triggered the whole story;

- intentional choice of the only impossible for me way of payment (out of two other possible ones), despite all my explanations about it in written during a half of the year (see details);

- signing many official letters on behalf of Barclays CEOs by stamp of signiture (with further ignoring all my requests on clarifying who exactly signed them);

- official refusal of the Barclays bank to speak about its debts to me, - absolutely unprecedented "service" for the banking industry;

to name just few.

Meanwhile, the only result of such abusings of the law became the fact of unprecedented rise of just one derivative debt of Barclays bank to me beyond 61 QUDRILLION US$, - practically to Infinity! And that creates IMPOSSIBILITY for finding such a brave Judge at any court in any country, who would dare to declare the BANCRUPTCY of the United Kingdom, as well as the whole world, if required (and I have all reasons to believe it will). And that alone makes the standard way for resolving this case in the court IMPOSSIBLE!

The Barclays lawyers' abusing the law in my case implies just one thing:


And in addition to all above-mentioned, corresponding CEOs keep attempting to KILL me!

For not paying off their debts to me in full! My article CEOs-KILLERS was written almost two years ago, yet the nature of the killing described there is still fully topical today!

Look, the Barclays bank did all the possible for not paying its debts to me, and even does not promise when it possiblly will. They play this trick with me during last 21 YEARS! And hope to do it forever. So, the answer for the question when they are going to pay off their debt to me me sounds clear: "Never!"

But if anyone thinks it's my private problem, think again:

I have all reasons to predict a similar Financial Genocide for the most people on this planet in the nearest Future!

And the fact of existence of such artificially created by related CEOs IMPOSSIBILITY allowes me to to use it against them! And ultimately, to REVERSE the whole case for 180 degrees!

In addition, their "smart" hiding themselves behind semi-fraudulent info-wall simply SHIFTED responsibility for this case, - including attempts of murder of the first degree! - to the top financial elites of the world! 

And from purely private problem of demanding debts personally for me, the related BMoney initiative has been transformed (by arrogance of Barclays CEOs and its owners) into unprecedented Anti-FinancialGenocide project of the really Global scale!

Since today,

20 September, 2021,

it adds the asymmetrical

End Of Debt Of All People

